Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 282: There Are Giants Who Don't Listen to Me!

Originally, Zhao Hao wanted to set off that day to see the strange news about that "neighboring country", but he couldn't help himself!

I didn't make it that day, and I left the next morning.

Of course, Queen Isabella could not have discussed with the ministers the next morning.

The ministers all commented that our queen is very diligent and gets up early every day to deal with political affairs. What happened today? Are you sick?

Then a maid in the palace said that the prince had come.

Several ministers looked at each other (eyes) "Ah~~~ Then we will come back tomorrow!"

Zhao Hao: I'm sick! Sending sao~ I am very overwhelmed! It has been taught severely.


Speaking of Zhao Hao, he had already set off after breakfast, bringing his summons with him.

After Isabella came to power, she began to actively dispatch emissary caravans and so on, and searched for strange rumors in the neighboring countries.

This time I finally got a reliable message.

It is said that there is a giant in the neighboring country on the other side of the mountain. The giant was so powerful that it occupied a fertile valley in the middle of the country.

Since the arrival of the giant, the country has entered a cold winter. Even if the land in other places recovers and the spring blossoms, it is still snowing there.

This has harmed the neighboring countries, and the people have suffered unspeakably!

giant? As soon as Zhao Hao heard this word, he became excited!

What kind of giant doesn't surrender at the feet of my giant king?

Come, come, take my ring of giant master!

The Dark Fairy Tale is very important. Zhao Hao spent three years as an undercover agent in the Sombra organization to inquire about information, and he has learned a lot of useful information.

For example, this black fairy tale paradox was once composed of countless small planes, and it was a paradoxical land transformed from the real world.

There are many treasures hidden here, which were explored by many powerful extraordinary people before the spiritual energy fell silent.

But at some point, this combined strange land was actually connected with various fairy tales that have been circulated in the watch world for hundreds of years, and began to change.

In the past two years, the Black Shadow Organization has collected a lot of ghostly things about fairy tales, the main target of which is some keys to the haunted world of dark fairy tales.

The great treasure they were looking for was in this world!

The Sombra organization obviously wants to do big things. Even if the official members are not bronze, they are all black iron 5-star superhumans. What they want is definitely not simple!

Zhao Hao has been paying attention to this strange situation, just wanting to be the first to act first, at least make some arrangements, so as not to be regarded as a pawn by then.

"It's no wonder Isabella and the others are secluded and closed. This road is a bit difficult to walk. This mountain is difficult for ordinary people to climb!" Zhao Hao sat on the back of a crane and flew over the snow-capped mountain in the bitter cold wind.

That mountain must be three or four thousand meters high. The top of the mountain is covered with snow all the year round, rugged and steep, and windy. The mountain roads are only passable for three or four months of the year, and it is not very possible to walk large groups.

Of course, being able to fly is arrogance. This has no effect on Zhao Hao.

From the early spring on the other side of the mountain to this side of the mountain, it seems to have entered the severe winter again, with ice and snow everywhere, and everything sleeping.

"It's so cold! It's not fun at all!" Ao Wu shrunk down to the length of a thread, and slipped into Zhao Hao's sleeve to hide from the cold.

It is said that this situation has been going on here for more than half a year. If the cold winter does not pass, the plants will not grow. If this continues, people will starve to death.

The ruler of this country also wanted to recruit brave men, but it was useless to go to none.

Zhao Hao flew in the sky, asking the crane with good eyesight to find someone.

Soon, several families were found.

A village is half deserted, the roofs are covered with snow, and the eaves are crystallized with ice.

Only a few scattered chimneys are still smoking, and the others have long been deserted.

Zhao Hao landed and knocked on the door.

"Who? Who?" asked an old voice.

"A passer-by wants to beg for a drink." Zhao Hao replied.

"This... alright." The broken wooden door opened, and the person who opened the door was a lady who looked to be in her sixties or seventies, dressed in tatters and bloated, she had to do this to keep warm.

The old lady looked at Zhao Hao, and looked at the crane next to Zhao Hao in surprise, "Ah? Please, please come in."

The old lady finally invited Zhao Hao in.

Xianhe also followed in, and bowed very politely "Thank you, old man", which frightened the old lady for a moment.

The old lady poured Zhao Hao a bowl of hot water, and her eyes never left the crane.

Zhao Hao didn't go around in circles, and asked directly: "Hello, old lady, you should have noticed that I am not from this country. I heard that there was an evil giant in this country, so I came here to punish him. I want to ask Ask the old lady if you know any news?"

"Conquer the giants?" The old lady's eyes lit up first, then dimmed, and she sat by the stove, dejected.

"Young man, don't die. The giant is invincible. Go away, there is no life left for this country."

The fire shone on her face, leaving only vicissitudes and dullness.

"Grandma, I'm different from other brave men!" Zhao Hao explained.

The old lady sighed softly, "All of you are saying that... just I have personally seen 6 brave men who conquered giants, and none of them came back alive. They all said that they are different, but they are not the same ..."

She looked at Zhao Hao, and sighed again: "You people will never give up. Even if I don't tell you, you won't give up the reputation of crusade against giants. Let me tell you, things still need to Speaking of last summer..."

It is said that the giant suddenly appeared in the deep mountains last summer. After he appeared, the severe winter began here.

Not only that, but the giant also stole children, and many children were missing, and someone found the giant's footprints.

The kingdom once invited a wizard to ask the reason for the abnormal climate. The wizard said that the giant brought the cold winter, and if the giant was not expelled or killed, the winter would not leave. And those children were all stolen and eaten by giants.

The king tried it before, but his army was defeated, and the brave men who came here became fast food takeaways one by one.

Now the people here have all moved to the south, as close to the capital as possible, leaving only old ladies and old people who are old and frail and don't plan to bother anymore.

However, with the existence of giants, the range of winter is also spreading southward, and if the giants cannot be driven away, the country must be hopeless.

Before leaving from the old lady, Zhao Hao left a lot of food behind. Then fly straight to the capital of the country.

It is said to be the capital, but it is actually the only big city. This country is much smaller than Sabella's country, and it is all mountainous.

Zhao Hao appeared riding a crane. That crane is not an ordinary species, it has a celestial spirit, and it stunned the guards on the spot.

Zhao Hao said: "I am Prince Sesgai from a neighboring country. I am here to fight against giants. Take me to meet your king."

It didn't take long for Zhao Hao to meet the king of this country, an old man in his seventies, with white hair and trembling.

"Good day, Your Majesty the King, I am Sesgai, the prince of the neighboring country, and I am here to fight against giants..."

Facing Zhao Hao's arrival, the king welcomed him very much, and even the guards cheered up a lot. After all, appearing on a flying crane, this force instantly killed the dozen or so brave men before!

And the name, Sun and Sky! What an atmosphere!

Maybe this time, we are saved? !

After leaving the capital, Zhao Hao was satisfied.

He got some promises from the king himself, saying that as long as the giants can be driven out, Prince Sethgay will choose from the treasury.

It also agreed to some national terms such as commerce and intercommunication. This is for Isabella.

The old king has no children, and at such an old age, managing the country must be very laborious.

Zhao Hao felt that if he passed away, Isabella, as the queen of the neighboring country, should be obliged to take over this burden!

Although this country only has 10,000 to 20,000 people, and the land is small and barren, it is still a big supplement!

At that time, I will let the earth stone demon Dashan and Xiaoruan all dispatch to dig a tunnel out of the mountain, won't the traffic problem be solved?

Xiao Ruan: ... Please be kind!

Zhao Hao set off on a crane, and with the map given by the old king, it was much easier to find.

Don't tell me, that giant really knows how to pick places. There is no flat land in the whole country, and the fertile valley is one of them, but it was directly occupied by the giant!

Damn him!

It's too late. As the snow fell, I found that I couldn't get up more and more, and I was less and less willing to type.

I might be hibernating, guys!

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