It has to be said that the Mystery Bureau is unreliable, although transferring large-scale extraordinary events that cannot be handled by the outside world to the inner world is a good way to divert disasters, and it is also a necessary measure to protect big cities and ordinary people.

However, in the other world, the concentration of psionic energy is higher and the psionic energy is more active. Wouldn't the strength of those extraordinary beings be stronger!

The current "emergency zone" embodies the huge flaw of this plan.

That is, once a special situation is encountered and the Bureau of Mystery cannot solve the extraordinary event immediately, then this "emergency area" may not become a "catastrophic area".

Originally, when they were in the watch world, these activated toys were not so powerful. Even after the activation, the threats to ordinary people were more of harassment. If they were alert and clever, they would be injured at most and would not die. Because those activated toys are not very lethal at all.

If in the surface world, the firepower of the soldier gunship is only the size of a slingshot, then after being strengthened by the inner world during this period, it has already reached the power of a small-caliber pistol.

If this power is placed in the watch world, it is easy for an ordinary person to shoot it, and the lethality is no less than that of a real armed helicopter.

The same is true for other animated toys. In less than two days, these toys have shown signs of becoming bigger and stronger. From the fact that most of them could not reach the strength of black iron 1 star, they "evolved" to the general black iron 2 and 3, and some elites even have black iron 4 stars!

For example, the five-headed monster and petrified monitor lizard that chased Marilena's team around before.

There are also activated toys such as Count Vampire, Destroyer Tyrannosaurus Rex, and Thunder Fighter that Ruth and the others encountered.

Although after transferring to the inner world, the number of activated toys has not increased further, but their strength is generally very strong.

There must be hundreds of black iron 2 and 3! Some of them are extremely difficult!

There are also twenty or thirty black iron 4 and 5, each of which has unique abilities.

And the strongest is undoubtedly the weird thing that caused all this.

That's a tin man!

It is a toy soldier made of metal tin!

According to the records of the Bureau of Mystery, this thing was brought to Amei by a Danish businessman in 1972. It is said that this thing has been made for two or three hundred years.

It turned out that the Danish businessman was robbed, and a gang of niggers shot him dead in an alley.

The tin man was on the merchant's body at the time, but the police did not find it later.

Within a few days, those black people died tragically. Some witnesses said that a strange man covered in silver killed these black people.

Originally, the police thought that criminals imitated street performers covered in metal powder to commit murders. At that time, the Bureau of Mysteries was also at a low point, not as active and manned as it is now.

It wasn't until a dozen people were randomly killed by the "silver man" that the police and the Bureau of Mysteries realized something was wrong.

At that time, all means were exhausted, and the tin man was sealed up. As a result, the main body was a small thing the size of a palm.

When the Liberty City branch was raided not long ago, some secrets were stolen.

It is said that there were "psychic eliminators" involved, who directly penetrated the various extraordinary protections of the Bureau of Mystery.

The Psychic Eliminator is a special kind of transcendent who can disintegrate psionic energy and restore it to the most primitive psionic energy. All spells and magic circles can't work.

The Bureau of Mystery is now rich and powerful, and in less than a week it has already arrested several superhumans who participated in the theft of the Bureau of Mystery.

But these stunned youths are all newly awakened wild transcendents. They were used and coaxed by others to steal the sealing department of the Bureau of Mystery.

After the mission was over, they were all culled by the black hand behind them, several people died, and the monsters were also scattered.

The tin man was exiled at some point.

However, Eve Ruth seems to know this thing very well, and the Sombra Organization also cares about this thing very much.

In this regard, Ruth does not shy away from Endermen at all.

"This tin man is related to a key to the dark fairyland. And it is a very important one..."

The Shadow Organization is not only collecting keys to the dark fairyland, but also looking for some specific keys. It's like really looking for treasure in a treacherous world!

Now Ruth's target was the Tin Man, but Marilena's target wasn't exactly. In the beginning, it was because of her duty and rivalry, but now her goal is probably to avenge her subordinates.

If Ruth and the others hadn't been in the way, Marilena's team wouldn't have suffered such heavy losses, even several of them died.

In other words, there is room for manipulation.

After all, the ultimate goal is not in conflict, but an exchange of interests.

For example, if you take the Canyon Herald, it is acceptable for me to take the Dragon.

Zhao Hao vaguely had some ideas.


The Tin Man is at the heart of all animated toys, and the king of most animated toys.

Except for those elite toys that have evolved to black iron 4 or 5 stars and are not obedient, everyone else follows its lead.

It doesn't have much wisdom, it only has two ideas of spreading activated toys and becoming stronger.

At this time, it is trapped in the "emergency area" and cannot leave, but it can continue to grow stronger here, so it has no action.

At this time, it was in a villa on a hill surrounded by toy soldiers.

The shape of the villa is like a medieval fortress with towers. Obviously it was made from a toy castle, but it is far from the size of the castle, which is the size of a three-story villa.

But on the outskirts, there is the modern army of green plastic soldiers, and there are many strange plastic toy people.

From ancient tin can cavalry in armor, to Indian archers, from rubber beasts to plastic aliens, there may be a hundred or so.

The Enderman said to Ruth: "I'm only responsible for helping you get rid of that creepy tin man. As for the other group of superhumans, I don't care. You can handle them yourself."

Zhao Hao said to Marilena: "We don't need to deal with that Eve Ruth specially, since her target is the tin man, we just wait for a sneak attack and revenge when she fights with the animated toy!"

Instigated by Zhao Hao/Enderman, both parties started to act.

The first is to clean up those stray animated toys in the field.

One important thing to note here is that you must be careful not to attract the attention of those toy soldiers.

Although the activated toys are difficult to deal with, the real threat is the toy corps, which is generally not very strong, but is well equipped and has various spiritual weapons.

Those plastic soldiers are well-trained and know how to cooperate. There are not only rifles and grenades, but also tanks and planes.

Zhao Hao and Fatty were caught off guard when they were spotted and attacked by three armed helicopters because they were on the phone. Up to now, the clothes on the fat man are still the same as those of beggars.

And it is said that they also have stronger activated psychic thunder fighters!

That thing can actually launch lightning attacks! The psychic barrage is a large area, dozens of hundreds, densely covering a large area.

Zhao Hao used "Spiritualism · Xiaoruan" to summon a bunch of Xiaorouan, nicknamed "cleaning the battlefield, so as not to leave flaws to be discovered", let Xiaoruan eat those who were quietly killed activated toys. Looking forward to eating something!

"Hey, fat brother, this way!" Zhao Hao called out in a low voice.

The fat man who cleared the way in front asked, "Isn't this near?"

"Hey, we have to take a detour, and go forward safely!"

The fat man curled his mouth: "I believe you, you bastard, you are full of bad water!"

Zhao Hao quickly apologized with a smile: "Fat brother, don't you still believe me? Just wait, there will definitely be good things, you listen to me!"

Although Fatty was in a hurry to seek revenge on his old enemy, he had no choice but to calm down and let Zhao Hao do whatever he wanted.

Under Zhao Hao's two-line operation on both sides, Eve and Ruth's group obviously made faster progress, and they had already touched the vicinity of the castle hill.

But seeing that there are all kinds of bunkers densely covered here, there is an endless stream of patrolling soldiers and toys!

Along the way, the Enderman observed the abilities of the three of them.

The ability of Eve Ruth seems to be able to interfere with the judgment of the activated toy, the old man Yang Kunyan of the Song Dynasty has an extremely powerful telekinetic force, and the ability of the middle-aged Caucasian Harkness seems to be some kind of supernatural power, after coming into contact with the activated toy It can integrate and assimilate the toy, and even use some abilities of the activated toy for a short time.

It's just that these three people must be hiding traitors, so they definitely have reservations. Moreover, Zhao Hao always felt that the abilities of these three people were somewhat evil and weird.

Of course, the three of them are also observing the ability of the Enderman, but the Enderman rarely makes a move, and every time he makes a move, a black shadow appears from under the toy, and then the toy disappears.

The three of them didn't see anything, they just felt that the enderman's ability might have something to do with the shadow. The three of Ruth also felt that this enderman was very weird, and he didn't seem like a good person.

In fact, Zhao Hao asked Wangcai to eat these toys into the shadows and "capture them alive". He still wants to study this stuff.

At this time, various activated toys surrounded the castle, and it was almost impossible to touch it, but encountered a problem.

Ruth smiled, and asked me with a look of pity: "Your Excellency, Enderman, I'm not very good at these animated toys. I want to know what you can do?"

The voice is soft and gentle, and I feel comfortable and refreshing after listening to it.

However, the Enderman smiled hoarsely: "I have a solution, but I need someone to be a bait to attract attention!"

Zhao Hao kicked the ball back again.

Since you want me to make a move, then use one of you as bait!

"This..." Ruth bit her lips slightly and showed embarrassment, which made people feel distressed when they saw it, and wanted to get rid of all difficulties for her.

"Is there no other way?"

The Enderman was silent, shut his mouth and said nothing, only two eyes were bright on his face, and he couldn't see the slightest expression at all.

Ruth cursed in her heart, she didn't know how long it was since she had encountered such a difficult opponent, her heart was as hard as a stone!

In the end, I had no choice but to discuss with my two companions to see who would be the bait.

On the other side, Zhao Hao took Fatty and Marilena, and walked on the road that Ruth and others walked.

Many animated toys here have been disposed of, saving a lot of effort.

So, so, so and so, Ruth and the others negotiated, let the licking dog Harkness be used as a bait to attract the attention of the animated toy, and then fled to the distance, and the three endermen took the opportunity to sneak into the castle.

Ruth's eyes were full of reluctance, and she was really sincere. When Harkness saw it, his superiors agreed at that time.

Zhao Hao was watching clearly. Although this woman is already seventy or eighty years old, she definitely has some kind of charm secret technique, which is even much higher than the level of charm. It's terrible.

In fact, Ruth felt that it was difficult for her at this time, because the animated toy really restrained her.

She was called Eve, which was no compliment.

In the Bible, the serpent first tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, and then Eve picked another one for Adam to eat.

In a certain school of thought, Eve was the serpent's accomplice in seducing Adam.

And this is why Ruth is called Eve. Her spiritual power has a very powerful effect on the mind to lure and degenerate.

Especially when the Church of Instinct made a deal with the devil, Eve almost advanced to Bronze during the period of psionic silence.

And the way she can stay young forever is also very simple, harvesting yang and nourishing yin!

Of course, this is from the East, and according to the West, it should be the force of lust @欲而之力. She can even absorb psionic energy!

That is to say, there were few extraordinary people in the past few years. If there were so many wild extraordinary people like these years, she would have already won the promotion bronze!

And the old man from the Song Dynasty was the extraordinary seed that the Instinct Church developed in the Great Song Dynasty. His father was an ignorant farmer in Sichuan and Shu, who was hired as a guide by the Chamber of Commerce affiliated to the Instinct Church. place of bones.

And he even practiced the "Safflower Concentration Method" inherited by Wing King Shi Dakai, but as I said before, this thing has been edited and compiled by Shi Dakai, and there are procedural requirements for practice.

He didn't have the first two exercises, and the last one became a rootless duckweed, a loft in the air, and forced to practice endless troubles.

However, this old boy is quite courageous, he actually combined an evil law code from a foreign land, and transformed the "Safflower Concentration Method" to become "Blood Lotus Devouring God Art"!

This technique actually devours other mental bodies. He is over a hundred years old this year, and his body is already rotten.

The psychic energy produced by the mental body of others supports the survival of the decaying body.

This old man is more or less like Orochimaru. Although the consciousness in his body is mainly his own, there are still more than ten or twenty residual consciousnesses, which belong to the kind that may go berserk at any time.

Because of his astonishing amount of psychic energy, the telekinetic effect of his external performance is extremely strong. However, his thoughts were too complicated, so he stayed at the black iron 4 star for half his life and couldn't make any progress.

It was also because he was a "psychopath", so he was not much affected by Ruth.

As for the last white dog licking Harkness, Zhao Hao basically saw through his ability, which is assimilation and absorption.

His psychic ability is aimed at matter, and he can assimilate and absorb matter, thereby enhancing psychic energy and even increasing his own abilities.

He can live to be seventy or eighty years old and still be so young. It is estimated that he has absorbed young people to fill himself and keep his body young.

As for why the spiritual level is not good, it is probably related to that Eve Ruth.

If Zhao Hao knew all the details about them, he would probably have to comment: the training route of cannibalism!


According to the plan, Bai Licking Dog launched an attack under the high hill on the other side, which immediately attracted a large group of soldiers, toy beasts, aircraft and artillery to rush over.

The Enderman turned into a black shadow, covering Ruth and Yang Kunyan, who were somewhat on guard. The three of them turned into a black shadow and crawled around in the shadows, sneaking towards the castle on the high hill.

But at this time, Zhao Hao, Fatty and Marilena had already arrived nearby, and just as they stood still, they found that Harkness was being chased and intercepted by the toy soldiers and fled everywhere.

Marilena immediately took out a psionic sniper rifle.

"The bastard belongs to Ruth's gang!"

She was going to kill the bastard with a cold gun, just like they were attacked by each other when they faced the activated toys.

But Zhao Hao pressed her hand, "Don't. Let him attract attention first, so we can take the opportunity to visit the castle. After passing this village, we won't have this chance! Don't worry, he can't run away. Let him play with these toys for a while!"

Taking himself as the center, Zhao Hao opened up a small-scale fantasy barrier. This time, the barrier only enveloped three people, and the effect was much stronger.

After all, the activated toy is not as intelligent and sensitive as a superhuman, so the three of them swaggered through the activated toy's defenses and walked towards the castle.

The fat man and Marilena were quite worried. The fat man took out three breath-holding talismans and stuck them on the three of them.

And Marilena also took out the camouflage stealth cloak from the Bureau of Mystery for the three of them to put on. This optical camouflage has a certain stealth effect.

However, the two found that Zhao Hao's unknown method was really powerful. When the activated toy entered the range, it would actually abduct it by itself, as if it hadn't been touched.

The fat man couldn't help praising: "Ritian, you can do it! You are a heifer flicking its tail - you are so awesome!"

"Fatty brother, you can boast, don't get involved with the cow. Also, don't keep leaning on me. The range of effect is quite large!"

The fat man suddenly became unhappy: "What's the matter? The big wave is almost touching your neck, why don't you say it?"

"Can it be the same? Men and women can kiss each other!"

"Okay! I'll talk to Elena when I get back~"

"No, Fat Brother! I'm just kidding! Are you tired? I'll carry you on my back!"


Here Ruth, Enderman and Yang Kunyan entered the castle. Unlike the outside, it is extremely quiet here, and there is not even a living toy.

There are torches on the wall for lighting, but the castle is obviously not well lit, and it is very dim.

At this time, a metal man covered in silver was sitting on a seat in the center of the castle, expressionless. He's the king of animated toys, the king of the tin man!

Originally, Zhao Hao planned to let Ruth and others clear the way for him, and weaken their strength as much as possible by the way, but he didn't expect that this was not a level-breaking game. In the castle, there were no activated toys that should be more fortified and powerful, and there were not even any enemies.

Ruth's team was unimpeded all the way, but Zhao Hao and the others had just arrived outside the castle at this time.

"This castle exudes a trace of spiritual energy everywhere, and I am afraid it is also an extraordinary building, everyone be careful."


The whole castle suddenly shook violently.

In the spacious hall, the tin man turned his left hand back into the cannon muzzle.

Just now it was shot out, and the silver light of spiritual energy pierced through more than a dozen walls like a sharp blade.

Ruth and Yang Kunyan had a fight, while the Endermen were watching the show in the distance.

Yang Kunyan's face turned bright red, and the blood-colored spiritual energy on the top of his head formed a red face that was about to bloom, and the boiling spiritual energy surged like a pot.

And Ruth didn't know when she put on a black veil, and there was an extra scythe in her hand...

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