Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 255 The Enderman Karma Leek

The elevator has completely failed, it seems to be broken in the way of physical destruction.

In the end, the Gamma team blew up the elevator, and then climbed down with their own skills. Nearly twenty meters high, but not easy.

Moreover, there are gray men and lizard men ambushing below, and these ambushes came with the determination to delay their death.

Zhao Hao and the others were blocked for seven or eight minutes before they could be considered eliminated.

At this time, the gray people and lizardmen on the fourth floor are retreating to the deeper fifth floor, and more than half of them have already withdrawn.

The external defense of this west base is very tight, and various tunnels and large-scale spiritual facilities will even interfere with the terrain, so that the military's offensive troops can only choose incompetent and furious indiscriminate bombing, basically unable to attack.

But the internal defense is not very strong, and it may not have been expected to be infiltrated on a large scale.

First, the active forces were attracted to the tunnel and exchanged fire with the military, and then they were attracted to sniper infiltrators on the first floor, and the second floor was also thunderstormed.

Because the speed of the Gamma team was too fast, the grays and lizardmen had no time to set up their positions. They were broken through too quickly, and they were no longer able to defend themselves.

In fact, this was originally an experimental base, not a military base, so it was doomed to fall if it was attacked by the government on a large scale.

The gray people are cunning, so they are naturally prepared. They have a retreat plan, and if it really fails, they will choose to retreat with all members.

The problem is that the Grays don't seem to have anticipated the internal fall, and it happened so fast that they were caught off guard.

Now they are fleeing to the lower floors in a hurry.

When the Gamma team judged the opponent's movement, a disagreement arose.

Because the gray man chose to retreat to the bottom, there must be a way to retreat. It is even possible to retreat to the other world. There is nothing the official can do to escape from the inner world.

When so many extraordinary creatures were captured, it must be because there is a secret realm leading to the other world nearby, and it is very likely that it is underground. Otherwise, why dig so deep?

At this time, everyone in the Gamma team was discussing whether to go further.

If we don’t chase now, even if the bomb completely destroys the base in the end, most of the gray people and lizard people will escape. They will surely make trouble elsewhere, and it is not yet known how many people will be killed.

But if you continue to chase down, the danger will definitely increase exponentially. We need to discuss it.

Old Saipan, the demon hunter, wanted to chase after him. Just what he saw, hundreds of human beings were experimented on, and there were many more that he didn't see! He felt unhappy if he didn't kill all these offal.

Apache also agreed to pursue it, because even the local Indians disappeared a lot, and they were all harmed by these gray skins. He wants revenge.

The Indian police chief, Bresta, naturally wants to support the same race. In fact, Apache respects him very much. He is a beast spirit shaman, and his status in any Indian tribe is very lofty. But where there is a right, there is an obligation, and it is naturally obligatory to avenge the tribe.

J said he wanted to chase them, but K felt that there was no need to make extra troubles. Ten members of the Gamma team could do too little. There were at least two or three thousand gray men who escaped. How many can they kill?

Farina said casually, and the taciturn young necromancer Sandro wanted to chase after him.

He wished he could kill as many as he could. Necromancers can draw psionic energy from death, especially death of their own making. This is a rare opportunity to brush experience.

DJ said that his psychic power could no longer hold up, and there was no drop left.

Zhao Hao didn't care, but he said that he should hold on to the waves, and that the mission is the top priority. What I think in my heart is that I send out shadow clones to do things on my own, and eat the big heads!

In the end, Marilena decided to pursue another floor to see the situation. If it didn't work, she gave up the pursuit and planted the bomb, which would also ensure the effect of the bomb.

Everyone agreed and continued to pursue.

After breaking through the ambushes several times, the Gamma team came to the fifth floor.

The area on the fifth floor is much smaller, which is the size of a standard football field.

After arriving here, everyone really knew the purpose of this base—it was actually doing experiments, trying to transform humans into grays or lizards!

In the project of transforming lizardmen, they seem to have achieved certain achievements. A lot of people have transformed into half, or some parts of human beings are already a lot.

But the experiment of transforming into grays seems to be not going well, there are many gray-skinned human corpses that haven't had time to be processed!

This situation was completely unexpected at the beginning, and Marilena directly took out the communicator to contact the camp headquarters hundreds of years away.

This communicator can break through many barriers and contact other places through the spiritual energy sea, but it consumes a lot of time and has limited talk time.

Marilena immediately contacted the headquarters and explained the current situation, emphasizing that the human-transforming lizardman project may have succeeded to a certain extent. Ask what to do now...

The gray people are extraterrestrial creatures, and they are not from this planet in the first place. How they came here is no longer known, at least it has been on the earth for ten years.

But it seems that the changes in the environment have caused problems in their reproduction. With the population decreasing, they chose to try to transform the life on this planet into grays, or even let the grays "evolve"!

The lizardmen are their partners, or mercenaries.

The Gamma team reported all the current situation back to the headquarters, but the headquarters did not issue any instructions for a while.

Can you tell me whether to plant bombs directly to completely destroy them all, or to go deeper or have other arrangements? Seeing that the communication time is coming to an end!

In fact, there was a disagreement at the ground battalion command.

The two branch directors of the Bureau of Mysteries both demanded direct destruction, but the military representatives and the scientific research institutes of the Federal Intelligence Service advocated "don't act rashly, it's better to occupy it further."

They took a fancy to other people's technology.

Whether it's biotechnology or psionic technology, the military and intelligence agencies want it.

Seeing that the gray people who are blooming inside and outside can't bear it anymore and are about to flee, isn't this base their own?

If they can get the gray man's extraordinary biological transformation technology and psionic equipment, then the super soldiers of the military and the psionic technology of the intelligence agency can make breakthroughs.

It's just that they think about beautiful things every day, and regard themselves as the protagonist, right?

Colt and the director of the Southern Bureau clearly gave orders to his subordinates to evacuate after planting the bomb. As for the military, they don't care what they want to do.

Zhao Hao, Marilena, and DJ all made it clear that they wanted to leave.

The reactions of the Indian sheriff and Sandro were a bit weird. The remaining demon hunters, Apache and others all wanted to continue hunting down the gray men, and they couldn't wait for the support of the follow-up military forces.

At this point, the Gamma team parted ways.

Of course Zhao Hao won't just leave like this, but it is still necessary for the main body to leave. What if there is an accident? You can't take this risk yourself.

Zhao Hao quietly left behind a shadow clone, transformed into an enderman, and began to move around on the fifth floor.

The paper shikigami on the first floor have already collected some valuable things such as gray man's equipment and corpses.

Xiao Ruan also ate on the third floor for a long time, and Zhao Hao's enderman clone opened the dream channel on the fifth floor, taking whatever he saw. Time is running out and there is no time to tell.

When Zhao Hao and the others rushed all the way back to the first floor, the military personnel also attacked in.

Although some entrances have not been completely knocked down, the fall of the first floor is inevitable.

Zhao Hao took the opportunity to put away the paper shikigami and the things he picked up, and then left directly.

After Zhao Hao and the others left Daoxi Base, he put most of his thoughts on the enderman avatar.

Zhao Hao didn't dare to take risks on his own. In his impression, such a large base has a self-destruct device. Don't get yourself into it.

But I don't have the courage to take risks, but I do have the courage to use avatars and leeks, and they are very big.

After all, the gray people are extraterrestrial beings. To be able to come here from other planets or worlds, they must have some skills of their own. Regardless of whether it is technology or spiritual power, there is always something awesome.

Zhao Hao didn't believe that the gray men didn't touch the bottom of the box in the deeper base.

Sensing that Xiao Ruan was still eating, he swallowed the equipment and the extraordinary creature in the equipment together, and then digested it quickly.

The more it eats, the bigger it becomes, the more it eats, the faster it digests, and the faster it digests, the more it eats... Now more than half of the extraordinary experimental bodies on the third floor have been eaten. Zhao Hao thinks that Xiaoruan is the biggest winner in this wave! It's just that if you eat it again, you will bump your head with the military's troops.

The Enderman floated up on the fifth floor, and followed the unknowing old witcher and others to the sixth floor.

According to the military, the Daoxi base has six floors in total, and the current depth is more than 100 meters underground!

Sure enough, there were still a large number of gray men and lizard men gathered here before they could be pulled away.

What the old demon hunters didn't expect was that this sixth floor was not the end, there was a seventh floor below. And the entrance to the seventh floor has a very strong spiritual response. It is not only the entrance to the seventh floor, but also a secret realm leading to the inner world.

These alien bastards really want to escape through the other world!

"Stop them! They must pay the price!" The old witcher roared with a red neck, and at the same time threw out a glass jar fifty or sixty meters away.

During those times when psionic energy was silent, the means of hunting and exorcism relied entirely on some natural materials and some physical means.

At that time, the only thing old Saipan could rely on was his axe, as well as various alchemy potions and medicinal oils! Although the psionic energy has been silenced, some basic reactions are still there, and it is one of the few things that can be used.

More than forty years of magic hunting potion configuration made him a potion master, a master who specialized in making poisons, targeting agents, and alchemy bombs.

With regard to the gray man's tissue fluid, brains, etc. that he collected casually along the way, he has prepared a few tanks of large-scale alchemy gas for temporary targeting.

The glass jar was thrown more than 60 meters and shattered on the metal wall, then expanded instantly and burst out a puff of gray smoke.

The gray men were wearing a full set of combat uniforms, and after all, only a small number of them wore hoods. Many gray men inhaled the gray smoke unintentionally, and instantly got stuck on their necks and struggled. Even those with skin infection began to cough violently.

Even if this powerful poison can't kill hundreds of gray people in a short time, it will make them fall to the ground, and if they are not treated in time, they will die slowly.

The necromancer Sandro was not a kind person either. Zhao Hao felt the abnormal surge of spiritual energy in him when he was on the fifth floor, as if he was holding back a big move.

At this time, he took out a withered palm exuding fluctuations and chanted a spell. The spiritual energy shattered the palm, and then turned into a wave of spiritual energy fluctuations that enveloped the gray men and lizardmen behind the fortifications.

Originally there were nearly a thousand gray warriors and lizardmen wearing hoods who were not affected by the poisonous gray smoke, but now they are facing even more cruel torture.

"Destroy the internal organs!"

The psionic energy that had been prepared for a long time turned into invisible hands, kneading and squeezing in the bodies of the recipients.

After all, those gray people still have psychic battle suits, and only about one tenth of the gray people in the battle suits with insufficient psychic power reserve are broken by the undead magic. But the lizardmen were miserable. Except for some high-level lizardman captains and commanders with psionic equipment on their bodies who blocked the hand of the internal organs, everyone else was ravaged.

Each belly began to twitch, as if a hand was stirring indiscriminately in the belly.

The recipients wailed in pain and rolled all over the floor, ranging from internal organ damage to internal bleeding, and severe death from spitting blood at the mouth!

The necromancer Sandro's spell killed at least fifty or sixty lizardmen, seriously injured one or two hundred, killed seventy or eighty gray men, and seriously injured thirty or forty.

This is not over yet. The undead spells are vicious and vicious, and they are often chained together. They are best at dealing with such large-scale enemies who lack strong ones.

Yellow-green cysts began to grow on the bodies of the dead and injured lizardmen and gray men. The cysts swelled rapidly like tumors, and became the size of a fist in just half a minute. Seven or eight cysts could grow on a corpse!

"Cyst of Corruption!" is especially useful against flesh-and-blood enemies, and has a massive contagious effect, capable of exploding and infecting others.

It's just that although the gray man and lizard man were caught off guard, they were not powerless to fight back.

The gray man's elders and generals immediately activated several layers of psychic shields, and then commanded and activated a huge device operated by seven or eight people. A thigh-thin psychic beam sprayed over, as fast as lightning!

If it weren't for the old demon hunters and their rich experience, they would have been unable to react if they had evaded in advance.

The psychic light beam sprayed over, passing through more than two hundred meters in an instant, melting and piercing through several layers of metal walls, directly hitting this side from the sixth floor.

Moreover, every time the psychic light beam hits an obstacle, a burst of psychic lightning will erupt, destroying almost all walls and barriers along the way, and directly hitting the outer layer of the base.

The psychic lightning that was excited had already tore apart all the nearby objects. Although old Saipan and Sandro escaped, they were disgraced and even slightly injured when they were rubbed by the aftermath.

The gray man's attack here is not over yet, and the lizard man's counterattack over there is also coming.

An old lizard man who was already old and old beyond appearance, raised his staff high, and a large area of ​​spiritual blessing fell on the lizard man, and then they gained various strengthening effects. One by one, they swelled and became thicker, their scales thickened, their spiritual resistance increased, and their agility greatly increased.

The five lizardman squads rushed towards Old Saipan and the others like five arrows...

As soon as the Enderman clone descended from the stairs to the sixth floor, it saw a thigh-thin bright white psionic laser hitting the wall not far away.

At that moment, there was lightning and thunder, and everything around, whether metal or otherwise, was torn apart by the bright silver lightning.

Looking at the large hole in the wall with a diameter of more than one meter, the light beam shot through the outer wall of the base, and also penetrated the soil and rocks outside to an unknown depth.

"Made, what a big commotion!" The Enderman couldn't help cursing.

If this is unlucky, it will be hit by this thing right away, and it won't be vaporized in an instant? Be the funniest fisherman of the year!

"But this thing is really powerful! It would be great if I could snatch it!"

In fact, this thing is the smallest defensive cannon that the Grays put on the spaceship, but this thing can't be used in the base at all. Now it is necessary to move to the last line of defense, to buy more time for the fellow clansmen to retreat.

And this sixth-floor base, which is half the size of a football field, is the wreckage of the original spaceship. It's just that after ten years of transformation and assembly, it has already changed beyond recognition.

After all, the gray people and lizard people are numerous and powerful, and there are many existences like black iron 4-star and 5-star among them.

Like a few lizardmen commanders, lizardman priests, gray man elders, gray man leaders and so on.

Zhao Hao even saw an extremely old gray leader whose body had shrunk into disrepair but whose head was abnormally swollen, surrounded by the elders like stars and moons.

This leader was already very old before the gray men landed on this planet, and now he has half a foot in the coffin.

However, the gray people's psychic powers are fully displayed on it. Relying on the support of the spiritual will of everyone in the group, it will not die for a long time. The base was discovered by the outside world, and even now it is still treating the gray people who were poisoned by alchemy poison on the ground, and at the same time suppressed Sandro's corruption cyst spell.

That old thing can be regarded as the strength of Bronze 1 star in the spiritual connection of all gray people.

And the lizardman priest is black iron 5-star, its blessing has greatly improved the combat effectiveness of the lizardmen, and it has made these cold-blooded creatures excited and desperate to die.

The old Saipan and the others here were suppressed by firepower and surrounded by the lizardman squad.

The gray people and lizard people are retreating in full swing, and a small part of them have already retreated into the "seventh-level secret realm".

The Enderman hid in the dark and touched his chin.

Even if you participate in the battle by yourself, it is useless. In this case, you will still be overwhelmed and even retreat to the fifth floor.

But the enemy is in the clear and I am in the dark. If it is a little dark, it will be a bit worth seeing.

The head of the gray man obviously couldn't move. With the spiritual support of thousands of gray men, this one should be counted as a bronze star, so don't feel uncomfortable.

But the lizardman priest can give it a try, if it can remove the morale blow to the lizardman, it will be huge.

Of course, I didn't come here to help old Saipan and the others, but to reap benefits. For example, the psychic beam cannon.

Then there is the harvest.

Both the ashes killer and the lizardman have their destiny points accounted for, and this is a lush green leek field in front of them!

However, there are a lot of high-end combat power here. If you are in a hurry and don’t have good juice to eat, you might as well try those gray people who have escaped into the inner world!

The shadow under the feet of the lizardman priest who was doing various blessings and maintaining the magic circle suddenly turned into a big hole. Although it reacted in time and wanted to use psychic energy to float, there were countless psychic threads in the hole that instantly dragged it into it .

Then the black hole closes, and the people are gone. The nearby lizardmen fell to the bright silver metal floor when they tried to rescue them.

All the blessings on the lizardman team disappeared, and the magic circle that maintained the effect also stopped functioning, which meant that the old lizardman priest was dead.

The reason why it is so fast is mainly because Zhao Hao gave it a "golden touch", which is convenient, fast, clean and hygienic~

At this time, the enderman avatar has transformed into a gray man, taking advantage of the chaos and queuing up to go to the secret realm.

The leeks over there are unowned, but they can be harvested vigorously.


Zhao Haotian's unrestrained sneak attack led to the instant tragic death of the lizardman priest, and then the morale of the lizardmen collapsed. The lizardmen who have no command instinctively stick together but don't have too much contact with the gray people.

The pressure on Old Saipan and others was instantly relieved.

The gray man was furious, but there was nothing he could do. Now they want to sacrifice these lizardmen to block the enemy and speed up their evacuation.

However, after Zhao Hao entered the secret realm, he revealed the true face of the Enderman, and then summoned Xiaorou to block the entrance of the secret realm.

The gray people who kept pouring into the secret realm in the sixth-floor base were completely unaware of it, so they sped up and plunged into Xiaoruan's body. Today's Xiaoruan, at first glance, thought it was a building!

It actually broke through to Bronze 1 star by virtue of eating!

It's just that because of eating too much, it is very unstable now, and there are always some changes on the body surface, such as scales, limbs, sharp teeth, tentacles, etc.

Zhao Hao: Take it easy on your evolution! Don't go astray!

And Zhao Hao is massacring those gray people who have gone to the inner world, there are more than a thousand!

Juzuo, Wangcai, Dashan...all came out to work!

At this moment, Zhao Hao's body suddenly felt a vehicle approaching tens of meters away.

"Who? This is a military restricted zone!"

Several people in that car were actually holding cameras and video cameras.

Are the paparazzi so efficient?

A middle-aged white man hurriedly got out of the car, took out a stack of beautiful knives and stuffed them into Zhao Hao's hands, "Sir, I'm a director, and I'm here to collect materials..."

Zhao Hao raised his hand and pressed the gun on the opponent's forehead, "I don't care what you are? Hurry up!"

The people in the car were really scared, and the driver hurriedly shouted: "Spielberg, you didn't say you were going to enter the military restricted area! I quit this job!"

"Wait!" Zhao Hao hurriedly stopped several people, "What did you say his name was?"

Marilena was still on the phone not far away, just glanced at Zhao Hao, wondering what the hell he was doing with some ordinary people...

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