Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 247 Seven Brothers of Team A3

"Tell me, what's your situation?"

Seeing that the two were still in a daze, Zhao Hao asked again.

Chris is still in shock at the fact that his illusion was broken when it didn't work.

Cang Mo, who fell on the ground, was thrown to the ground, and even the cosplay effect was lost. At this time, he felt that his internal organs were screaming, and his head was buzzing, so he didn't react immediately.

However, Zhao Hao is not very patient. He hates waiting for people and being waited for. Seeing that the two are not on the right track, he will continue to reason with them as soon as he squeezes his fist.

The truth of the fist was big and hard, and the two immediately entered the state, honestly stood up like elementary school students reciting texts, and began to tell their own stories.

But Zhao Hao showed a smile, and the next moment: The old lady swatted flies!


One person received a slap on the head!

"How dare you lie to me? It seems that it still doesn't make sense!"

Zhao Hao immediately gave a "good reason for you", and ten seconds later, the two of them fell to the ground with bruised noses and swollen faces, leaning against each other, completely losing the intention to play tricks.

After all, the truth is too painful! Can't stand it! He was punched seven or eight times and kicked four or five times in a second, and he was paralyzed!

"Stop hitting, stop hitting! You ask, you ask!"

Cang Mo couldn't hold on at first, who made him cosplay a fighting character just now, Zhao Hao took it as the main target of reasoning, and he explained it more thoroughly. I almost shouted "Brother Hao, don't want it"!

Only then did Zhao Hao remember, and after playing for a long time, he forgot all the questions.

"Why did the military arrest you? What did you do? Oh, by the way, when did you become extraordinary?"

"Extraordinary?!" Facing Zhao Hao's question, the two were stunned, looking at each other with confusion in their eyes.

Cang Mo: "What extraordinary people, aren't we superheroes?"

"Nonsense! We are clearly superhumans!" Chris retorted.

"It's a superhero!"

"It's a supernatural person!"

The two almost pinched on the spot!

Zhao Hao asked a few more questions before he found out that the two had only known each other for less than 3 days, and they both met because they were avoiding the military.

No, at first Chris thought that he would escape from those people by fleeing from the south to Liberty City and defecting to his newly-acquainted "similar people".

Unexpectedly, not only did he not evade the hunt, but this Cang Mo was not a "similar person"!

You are a superhero and I am a superhuman, how can I be friends? !

It turns out that the military has quietly investigated and hunted down those wild and unsupported Transcendents across the country.

Especially those supernatural beings who naturally awakened their psychic powers due to the recovery of their psychic powers. They are persuasive, intimidating, and righteous... If you still don't agree to join the "scientific research projects" of the military, then don't blame the country for helping you" Decent".

On this point, Cang Mo knows a little more than Chris. He had met several "superheroes" through various channels around Liberty City before, but they all disappeared after a while.

After investigation, he found out that a mysterious organization was arresting people like them, and then the military came to the door...

In view of the fact that the "hero friends" who had been in contact with him before had completely lost their news, he didn't trust those people at all, and directly violently resisted and ran away.

Then, across several states, I met Chris through an unpopular publication.

When the two were communicating, Cang Mo told him about the military. As a result, Chris was quickly targeted, and hurried to Liberty City...

Zhao Hao suspected that those contact methods were deliberately released by the military to lure wild superhumans into the bait. How else could it be such a coincidence?

Zhao Hao asked: "Did the military arrest those wild Transcendents for experiments?"

"It must be! Those executioners can do anything!" Cang Mo is an anti-war youth who has no good feelings for the military at all.

Chris's words are more fair: "I don't know, but I don't want to use my life to test whether they are good or bad."

Zhao Hao thought for a while and dialed Colt's phone number.

"Hey, Colt, do you want a wife or not? No, I mean do you want a superhuman? As long as you open the golden mouth, I will send it to you immediately..."


"gogogo~~~" A small group of people rushed into an unfinished building one by one.

There are seven of them in total, and they are members of the A3 team of the Jedi Project.

The military started the relevant "Extraordinary Project" three years ago, such as the "Jedi Project" in charge of Colonel Django.

Because it has sufficient manpower and resources, as well as a lot of high-level support, so although it is not as good as the Mystery Bureau, which has decades of experience, it still has some progress, and it cannot be regarded as a new force that starts from nothing.

Like selection and training, the military has advantages.

Although I can't produce superhumans myself, there is still a way to train those superhumans that are recruited.

And they seem to have mastered some weird things and extraordinary items, at least in terms of finding and tracking extraordinary people, they are still remarkable.

No, more than forty minutes after Zhao Hao arrived, they also found the location of Chris and Cang Mo, a transcendent who escaped before.

This A3 team is an extraordinary team that has just been established for four months. When Colonel Django learned that two wild extraordinary people with serious rebellious tendencies were together, he came up with the idea of ​​training troops.

The previous Hearthfire Squad had achieved outstanding results, but in one operation they lost all their troops and lost their generals. The rest of them also suffered very serious mental injuries, and they are all retired now.

In fact, it was the "Lord of the Flies Descends on the Septic Tank War Incident", their superhumans were still too immature, and it was bad luck just to watch.

Although the A3 team's training results are among the best, the actual combat effect has yet to be tested.

These two Transcendents are just right for testing their combat effectiveness.

So, the A3 team rushed to the unfinished building with the military radio and some simple equipment.

The seven of them have undergone strict military training, so their every move is quite organized, they cover each other, sneak in silently, and they look decent. However, Zhao Hao's miniature paper shikigami has already seen everything.

All of a sudden, the leader, the captain, raised his fist and the whole team stopped immediately.

Captain boss: "Why do I feel that something is wrong? Why does the eyepiece show that there are extremely weak spiritual reactions everywhere in this building?"

The vice-captain's second child said: "Indeed, this feeling is very special. This is the first time I have encountered it in the watch world..."

As soon as he said this, the team fell silent for several seconds.

The last time I was in the survival exercise in the other world, I really suffered enough.

The goggles on their heads show that there are many fuzzy and small ripples and lines dancing chaotically like floaters, and they will disappear or appear from time to time.

Their psychic sensing devices and the Mystery Bureau are obviously not taking the same path, but the path of visualization. In the end, it is probably Zhao Hao's hunting sense, which can directly see the traces of spiritual energy, and can even distinguish different color attributes and so on.

But now, the technology is still too rough. It can only be said that it is effective, but not completely.

The captain of Team A3 is called Li Ang, a man with Nordic features and a beard. He is respected as the boss by the team members.

Li Ang said to the deputy captain: "Second brother, take a closer look, we don't want to be ambushed! I heard that Cang Mo had escaped once, so maybe he is already prepared."

The extraordinary ability of the vice-captain's second child is super vision, including hyperopia, super dynamic vision, and infrared vision.

Therefore, in addition to the military's psionic instruments, he is the scout in the team.

Hearing this, the deputy captain's second child tightly closed his eyes, opened them a few seconds later, and began to scan his surroundings.

The focus of his pupils has begun to spread.

Ten seconds later, he suddenly said: "I found the two of them! They are on the fifth floor! It seems that they are not alert!"

"Okay! Let's surround it! My own team, the second and third teams, the fourth and fifth teams, the sixth and seventh teams, mainly provide backup for us, and also prevent the other party from escaping by any means. Insurance……"

After the tactics were assigned, several people began to split up.

Zhao Hao, who was on the fifth floor, shook his head: "Haven't you seen the movie? Splitting up is giving someone's head away!"

Chris and Cang Mo are no longer around him. The two infrared images seen by the second child are the misleading illusions of a photo left by Chris before he left.

In fact, more than ten minutes ago, the two of them had been handed over to Colt and brought back to the Mystery Bureau.

The fat and water don't flow into outsiders' fields.

They were discovered by the military. If they fail this time, there will be another time. They will definitely not be able to escape. So why not join the Mystery Bureau, at least the Colts aren't bad, aren't they?

Besides, there are too many people, you still have the nerve to let me work overtime? Isn't the newcomer just for squeezing? !

As for Zhao Hao, he stayed to see the military's methods.

Now the seven-member team is all extraordinary, but the psionic fluctuations on their bodies are average, and they are all black iron 1 or 2 stars, and the leader is 3 stars. However, they have a lot of equipment hanging on them, and they seem to be exquisite.

Zhao Hao: I heard that the military has supernatural instruments, which are made by skilled hands and are extremely delicate. This coincides with the meeting, so I should borrow them for research. The military is rich and generous, and it is known for its generosity, so it will not make me go back and forth in vain.

Zhao Hao said to the members of the A3 team who had started to disperse: "Acquisition without warning is regarded as stealing. I told you this in advance. As for whether you listened or not, that is your business~"

Zhao Hao moved, took two steps, turned around and turned into a milky white translucent ghost form, with his own mask [Fearful Face] on his face.

After this thing is fused with the clown mask, it is already a black iron 5-star extraordinary item.

In terms of ability, it is very strong, but after wearing it, the temperament of a perverted murderer can scare ordinary people to death. Zhao Hao hasn't worn it for a long time.

Just right this time, I need a temporary vest to top it off.

The first is the last group, that is, the group of the sixth and the seventh.

Zhao Hao has already observed with the eye of fate, and the abilities of this group of members are quite insignificant. It was also the reason why Captain Li Ang kept them as backup to prevent the target from breaking through.

The ability of the sixth child is invisibility, and as long as it is in physical contact, it can be invisible at the same time.

In theory, a building can be "disappeared" at will.

It's just that if the invisible thing is too big or the level of psionic power is too high, the consumption will be great.

Lao Qi's ability is also very interesting, it is to escape through walls. Even a 40-centimeter-thick concrete floor, he can penetrate it without too much effort, as if he had dug into muddy water. Ordinary brick walls are as simple as drilling through a layer of water.

These two people are in the dark, and they can indeed prevent the target from escaping.

only now~

Lao Qi hid half of his body in the wall and moved forward, only occasionally showing his head to look at the road, so as to avoid being discovered.

He has a rough mouth and likes to talk. I have been communicating with Lao Liu, but Lao Liu is a boring gourd, the kind who ask ten sentences and answer one sentence.

Lao Qi just said that he had a bad feeling.

"I feel that even this wall is different, it's sticky, and it's more difficult to get in! I feel very bad! It's like the last time we went to the survival exercise in the inner world..."

After talking for several minutes, Lao Liu didn't say a word, and he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"Hello? Sixth? Are you still there? Sixth?!"

Because the ability of the sixth child is invisibility, the cost of maintaining his invisibility is very low, so he is almost invisible throughout the mission, and the seventh child does not know where he is.

It's all right now, the sixth child seems to be gone? ! Lost by me?

At this time, the sixth child had been knocked out by Zhao Hao and thrown into the corner.

Invisibility is a great weapon against ordinary people, but it is not good against supernatural beings, whose perception is very keen.

And Zhao Hao is even more sensitive, he can't see the body of the sixth child, but he can see the outline of the psionic energy around him.

So he suddenly got out from the wall behind Lao Liu, and knocked him out with a hand knife.

It was only after knocking me out that I realized that it was a woman.

This is why the figure is so flat, if the figure is better, it can be seen from the outline, Zhao Hao can be more gentle, isn't it?

Zhao Hao stripped off a few pieces of equipment from Lao Liu, and didn't have time to look at them, so he went to Lao Qi again.

Over there, Lao Qi was still in a panic, crawling out of the wall and waving his hands like a blind man.

"Old Six, don't make fun of me! Now is not the time to make jokes, come out quickly! Will you promise me?"

Still haven't received the news from the sixth, at this time the seventh panicked, took out the radio and was about to contact other teammates.

Zhao Hao shot directly, but still with the knife behind his back. Unexpectedly, at this time, Lao Qi had already become vigilant, and suddenly sank into the concrete under his feet under his full concentration, and hid.

At this time, the old seventh was also in a cold sweat from fright. He had already sensed it badly, and he was prepared in his heart, but he didn't expect that unknown enemy to suddenly appear from behind!

Behind him is a wall!

And the speed of the other party's hand is so fast, he seems to feel the strong wind brought by the knife in his hand blowing across his neck and it's icy cold!

Why does the enemy come out of the wall, is the other party the same as yourself? !

However, he only had more than one second to feel and think, and in the next second he was grabbed by the shoulder by a cold hand and pulled out from the ground.

He subconsciously looked at the enemy, only seeing a face of extreme horror...

Lao Qi was frightened and fainted, mainly because the mental impact and damage of [Terrifying Face] was a bit strong, and this was just a simple sight, Zhao Hao didn't even use his spiritual energy to hurt him.

Also strip off the equipment and tie it up. pack the next...

The extraordinary ability of the fourth child of the A3 team is the ability to control fire.

It is to control the fire. You cannot produce fire by yourself, so you carry lighters, flints, matches and other ignition tools with you.

He belongs to the porters of nature's flames.

And the fifth one is spitting mucus! It sounds disgusting.

His psychic energy has reversed the physical body. Originally, psychic energy belongs to mental power, but if the mental tendency is too serious, it will in turn interfere with reality and the physical body.

For example, the mouth of the fifth child has been mutated, and can spray the viscous saliva secreted from the mouth more than ten meters away! Old troll!

A mouthful of old phlegm is very sticky, which is the guarantee for catching the target alive.

The two were more vigilant, although their spiritual energy detection devices were disabled because of the aura-covering attribute of [Fearful Face].

But the fourth child is a person with keen senses. He felt the coldness when the ghost appeared, so he escaped the first surprise attack in time.

Moreover, the two of them were not as jumpy as Lao Qi, and even took off their goggles. They didn't look directly at Zhao Hao's terrifying face, but observed through imaging, and they were not frightened.

The fifth child also spit out a mouthful of mucus, but passed through Zhao Hao's ghost body.

Zhao Hao can only be physically hit when he turns into an entity when attacking.

However, this form is more afraid of psionic attacks, and it belongs to the buff of "material immunity, but -10 psionic resistance".

And the fourth child is an expert in fire control, he can increase the flame in an instant, and explode the small flame of the lighter into a large fireball several meters high, which is the nemesis of ghosts!

However, the moment he flicked the lighter, a strong stream of water rushed over and knocked him against the wall, leaving him unconscious.

This is the chaotic water system magic modified by the water escape. The water volume is huge, and the whole floor instantly turns into a water curtain hole.

And the fifth child wanted to spit, but Zhao Hao held his mouth tightly and wiped the big mouthful of mucus on his face.

Good guy, belong to yourself and stick to yourself.

"It's impolite to spit!" Knocked out.

Zhao Hao also kindly poked two holes in his nostrils for fear that he would suffocate to death.

Because of the flood in the instant, others understood what was going on in the instant: the target acted first!

But I never heard that the two of them have the ability of the water system!

Li Ang immediately deployed tactics on the radio, "Who else is here? Answer me!"

"My third child and I!"


"……Seems to be!"

"That's it, you come to the third floor to get close to me now! Let's use the brain-controlled shockwave to attack the enemy, whoever he is, let's do one first!"

A hoarse and gloomy voice reminiscent of a psycho killer came over the radio: "Good idea!"

Li Ang: "...Damn it! Switch the secret channel!"

However, at this time, Zhao Hao has already used the characteristics of ghosts to float and pass through walls, and came to the second and third children first.

The two saw a ghost with a mask appearing in front of them, even through the imaging eyepiece, they could feel the coldness and terror.

Especially the second child, his over-powerful eyesight became a burden at this time, and he was more seriously affected than the third child.

At this time, Zhao Hao shouted: "Look at me!"

The two looked at him subconsciously, and then a burst of intense white light erupted between Zhao Hao.

Chaos Spell: Flash Burst.

This was equivalent to a psionic flash bomb. Even the goggles of the two of them were flashed, and they couldn't image.

The third child was fine, but he felt bursts of white light in front of his eyes and wept continuously.

But the second child has already rolled on the ground and howled in embarrassment: "Ah~~ my eyes! My eyes can't see~~~ah~~~"

Zhao Hao kicked him on the head, and immediately he became much cleaner.

At this time, with a "bang", the boss Li Ang jumped directly from the upstairs, grabbed the window and climbed in.

At this time, Li Ang was already three meters tall, with fine black scales growing on the naked parts of his body, his muscles swelled, and his steps were heavy...

He is different from Troll Lao Wu, Lao Wu transforms the physical body with spiritual energy, he inspired some ancient blood.

He calls himself a dragon man, and his teammates call him a big lizard in private.

Although it's a little ugly, it's powerful, and it can also change in size. The maximum size can be more than four meters, and the minimum size can be 40 cm. It's amazing.

Zhao Hao stretched out his fingers and "biu" and shot two bone teeth, "Puff!" Even though Li Ang's scale armor can withstand small-caliber pistols, it can't resist the bone teeth with armor-piercing effect, and two streams of blood immediately splattered.

But he is not losing his physical strength now, being hit twice is not a big deal. He rolled and hid behind the pillar, and then pressed the instrument hanging on his chest.

That thing looks like a trumpet structure, and there is a vibrating membrane!

This is a psychic weapon developed by the military - the electromagnetic mind control field of the brain control weapon!

The military has been experimenting with ways to control the human brain decades earlier. Isn't this combined with psionic energy to have some effect?

However, Zhao Hao is now a ghost, with a [scary face] that shields perception and detection, and the magnetic field passing through his body has no effect at all.

Zhao Hao looked down at his translucent body, smiled and continued to yawn.

Who knew that Li Ang would roll over again...

Zhao Hao: Beat me like a boss?

I saw that he actually raised the third child and blocked it in front of his chest!

Could it be that the brother is being used as a shield?

"Ding ding ding..." Zhao Hao hit the third child with more than a dozen bone teeth, all of which were knocked flying.

The good guy turned out to be a brazen head and an iron arm!

You seven brothers look familiar to me!

Zhao Hao thought about it, and it seemed that it would not be easy to subdue the boss Li Ang and his shield, the third child, with the identity of this temporary vest.

The main reason is that necromancy is too lethal, and Zhao Hao is worried that they will be killed accidentally.

Forget it, anyway, I have already got several sets of equipment, which is enough. goodbye~~

Zhao Hao escaped into the concrete under his feet and disappeared in an instant.

Li Ang is the character of the book friend "The Sun Is My Avatar Friend"~


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