Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 237 Pay attention to the septic tank

Zhao Hao was distracted to check Nem's side, and finally saw the shadow clone with paper wings on his back arriving, he was relieved.

In his capacity as a puppet master, it was really difficult for him to resist the monster that was four or five meters high and seven or eight meters long including the tail.

This stuff is unreasonable!

The iron poles were all bitten off in one bite, and they ate them with their heads up.

Chanem must first ensure that the more than 20 gluttony-infected people under his control behind him will not be swallowed in one bite, or a few will be trampled to death with one foot, and he must not use some excessive abilities in this situation, worrying about attracting attention He was even seen through his vest identity.

It's really not easy to support!

If it weren't for being a humanoid master now, with some puppet parts on his body, and the transformation of heavy psionic firepower, it would be really difficult.

Now the bound "hostages" have been picked up by the people in black, and a team of heavily armed men in black with psychic equipment has been left to help, and the shadow clone has also arrived, so it is considered stable.

The ability of this gluttonous dragon is not complicated, but it is rough and thick, quite brutal and savage.

Take a bite of whatever you see! With that bite force, one bite can chew half of the car down!

The armor-piercing ability of the teeth is quite terrifying, and the saliva in the mouth is also extremely corrosive.

The psionic gun of the black-clothed agent's individual soldier barely broke the skin with one shot.

It takes a large piece of equipment to cause trouble, such as the Psionic Freeze Spray!

The liquid nitrogen under the blessing of psionic energy can spray out a pale cold current seven or eight meters long, and it can leave a piece of frost when it is swept away. It was a little trouble for the gluttonous dragon, but it was quickly rushed over by the grumpy guy and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Hold on! The freezing spray gun explodes in its stomach, and we win!" a team leader of the man in black exclaimed ecstatically.

However, he was a little too optimistic. After all, this is a black iron 4-star hell mutation monster, and it is a monster that has all meat talents.

Just this internal ice explosion is not enough.

Although the thing did stagger a bit afterwards, and hoarfrost even began to appear on the abdomen. But in the blink of an eye, the red crack on the Gluttonous Dragon's body began to boil with blood-red spiritual energy, which quickly suppressed the damage, and even became violent!

After all, this is not a creature of the surface world, so it cannot be deduced with common sense. Even if the internal organs are frozen into lumps of ice, they can continue to fight!


Zhao Hao ignored the battle over there. Although the strength of his Chanem vest was not too strong, and the strength of the shadow clone was average, the combination of the two was enough to kill the brainless dragon.

The reason why he didn't appear on the main battlefield was because he felt that he had more important tasks.

He found some clues in the gas clouds in the sky, this ceremony is almost something, so it hasn't officially started yet.

I can't be led by the nose, I have to go in front of them and find this key!

And at this moment, Zhao Hao received a group message on the mobile phone inside the Mystery Bureau, which was sent by Colt.

"I got reliable news that someone is planning to attack the septic tank center in the suburbs. There will be the last step of the Advent Ceremony! We must stop them!"

At this time, Colt was in the huge room of the storage department. The room was not small, but it was crowded with wires and monitors.

And in the center of the room is the real master—the monster number: AB219390707.

It is called the supercomputer IBM700 - Mr. Feynman by the Conservation Department of the Free Branch of the Bureau of Mysteries.

This is a large computer group covering an area of ​​more than ten square meters. However, it was not invented by humans, at least most of its components were not. On the contrary, many human technologies are derived from it.

For example, the mobile phone inside the Bureau of Mystery, the computer "invented" during World War II, the psionic robot of the Bureau of Mystery...

And it's called Mr. Feynman because it's supposed to be a self-aware individual.

A in the number stands for extraordinary level, B stands for dangerous level, and 2 stands for individual.

The reason why it is considered an individual rather than an object, and is named Mr. Feynman, is because people in the Conservation Department believe that it has its own consciousness.

And the reason why it is considered dangerous level "B" is also because it has its own consciousness and thinking.

Moreover, it can "predict" the future in a limited way through huge, unobservable calculations!

The reason why the Bureau of Mystery was able to analyze many cases and arrived as soon as the extraordinary incident broke out was because of its power.

But many times, some people in the storage department are deeply wary of it, and feel that such an unknown life that can't see its mind, don't know what it's thinking, and can even predict the future is very scary.

However, Mr. Feynman is too useful. The technology obtained by reverse derivation alone makes Ami’s senior management unable to stop, not to mention the accurate prediction and calculation, which makes it impossible for people to completely seal it up and ignore it.

Even in the late World War II, Ami took the lead in developing nuclear weapons, and had a lot to do with Mr. Feynman. Without the support of its powerful computing power, I am afraid that the war will not end quickly.

And the news that Colt sent to the agents of the Secret Bureau was calculated by Mr. Feynman.

The manpower that can be vacated now is already gathering at the septic tank treatment center outside the city. This also includes Colt with a cold face.

He actually did not ask Mr. Feynman a question, that is: Did you foresee this event in advance?

However, facing the waterfall-like codes and various incomprehensible words on the computer screen, he didn't say anything.


With a bang, the gluttonous dragon fell down, and its corpse was riddled with holes. It was grinded to death by all kinds of firepower.

After it was blocked and restricted by "Zhao Hao"'s enchantment technique, all light and heavy firepower was used to fight hard!

Just a dozen rocket launchers were used, four heavy machine guns were sent, and two three-meter-tall psychic robots... they were finally killed.

Then I received a request for support. Three streets away, a glutton could not control it and asked nearby people for support.

It wasn't until Chanem and "Zhao Hao" arrived that they realized that three superhumans and two teams of men in black who were dissatisfied with the establishment had already gathered here.

It's just that the opponent is too strong, and this configuration is not an opponent.

That is a glutton who has already reached the peak of black iron 5-star, and even a bit of pseudo-bronze!

It is five meters tall, but it looks wide and round. It was purple-red all over, and it was overgrown with fat, like a pile of rotten fat turned into essence.

What's even more frightening is that not only does it have a mouth on its face, it also has fangs and sharp teeth in many places on its body, and even sticks out a long purple tongue that trembles in the air.

The most conspicuous thing is the big mouth on the big belly, which looks nearly two meters long! Each of the fangs on it is 20 centimeters long, and the purple tongue is coiled in the stomach like an intestine, and it will pop out from time to time, entangle something and pull it into the mouth to eat!

It evolved to this level after eating another glutton!

This thing is extremely mysterious, and it already has a certain immunity to ordinary thermal weapons. And with such a high resistance to psychic energy, even the performance of psychic firearms is not very good.

Its recovery ability is still very abnormal, the fat on its body is like a pool of mud, it has flowed and healed just after a little injury.

It also grabs a corrupted street lamp as a weapon. That thing is more than three meters long, and there are countless iron spikes, iron shards, glass, etc. stuck to the end, like a perverted morning star hammer!

At this time, it happened to be walking fast, seemingly clumsy, chasing and killing those people. The morning star hammer wheel wrapped with purple-red spiritual energy in his hand went down, and the ground suddenly became a big pit with a diameter of nearly two meters. That's an asphalt road, and it can be smashed to a depth of more than one meter!

It was difficult for the man in black to be used in this kind of battle, and even just seeing the figure of the glutton, he had already started to vomit uncontrollably. The mental shock is very serious!


And Zhao Hao's body came to the suburbs.

"I have to change to another vest!" Zhao Hao looked at his card library.

"How about the Enderman?"

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