Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 202: Everyone Goes to Heaven

Early the next morning, the unconscious Jack woke up and found a group of people looking down on him.

They are all gentlemen in helmets!

Shocked, he quickly turned over, knelt down with his body covered in mud, and lowered his head, not daring to make a sound.

Soon the crowd parted, and the king in golden stroked armor came over.

"Civilian, get up and speak." His voice was deep and deep, full of majesty but not oppressive.

Jack stood up tremblingly, lowering his head, not daring to look directly at the king.

He had never stood so close to a person of this status.

The king said: "Civilian, my princess is gone, we chased your house. Now look, she disappeared with your house, but there is such a... thing, so, can you explain it to me?" ?”

Jack followed the king's eyes, and saw the pea sprout soaring into the clouds. He immediately remembered yesterday's experience, first the excitement of seeing the princess, and then the horror of almost falling to his death when the house rose to the sky.

In the end, he stammered about his experience last night, not daring to hide a single word.

The king's heart is half cold, so are the legends about the ancestors true? !

That day he remembered the fear of being dominated by giants again.

What should we do now? Cut down this huge bean sprout to avoid future troubles?

As a result, the knife and ax hand tried the feel, and there was a shallow mark when the ax went down.

Looking at the thick saplings hugged by more than a dozen people, the king's heart almost went cold to the bottom.

Back then, Eric's ancestor had 60 people work in three shifts, hacking with a magic ax around the clock for a week before cutting off the bean sprouts!

Magic axes alone are hard to find now!

Besides, his precious daughter is still in the sky.

The king immediately organized a manpower rescue, and the whole country recruited warriors.

In this way, Hospital Knight Abaddon, Monster Hunter Damian, Jack who volunteered to atone for his sins, and Earl Lauder who escaped from the palace guard and the princess all climbed up the bean sprouts with their people.


Zhao Hao was not idle in the sky.

This day has already circled the giant castle, and walked all the surrounding area of ​​more than ten miles.

More than a dozen places similar to large animals such as cattle, sheep and pigs were found. Some places were guarded by one giant, and some places were guarded by two giants.

Zhao Hao was rude and killed them all.

The eight giants gave more than 600 fate points.

Zhao Hao was very happy at the beginning, but then it was wrong. One giant has more than one hundred, and eight giants have more than six hundred. Do you think I don't know how to count?

He thought that the destiny points given by the giants are also different, some are high and some are low, and they belong to the world. However, he checked his adventure diary and found something was wrong.

Although there are differences between individuals, the general trend is that the later you kill the giant, the less destiny points you will be given.

Why do the giants killed at the beginning have a greater impact on fate? The more you die in the future, the more you die, but it doesn't matter?

Do giants also have inflation?

Zhao Hao couldn't figure it out.

He wanted to go into the gigantic castle.

The current situation is that if you want to earn points, you are restricted, and you can only seek treasures.

That's right, Zhao Hao can be sure that the giant must have a treasure in his hand.

There are about 200 giants in the castle, and it is impossible to survive just by raising livestock.

Considering that the giants in each version of the story are very rich and have many good things, Zhao Hao guessed that there must be a problem with the food source of the giants.

It was night when he sneaked into the castle here. This is the same in heaven and earth.

He was wearing a black night suit and even a black veil, very professional.

The castle was built on a low hill, so tall that it was indeed suitable for a giant to live in.

Only when Zhao Hao got closer did he realize that the castle was a bit old and dilapidated, but upon closer inspection, there were still many remnants of gorgeous and delicate decorative reliefs.

It's that kind of luxurious and grand castle style, full of details.

And think of the dirty, stupid, oversized savage-like giants of today. It can only be said that the ancestors were once rich!

The gate of the castle is closed, but it doesn't matter, Zhao Hao can get in through the cracks on the broken gate.

After entering, the place that catches the eye is big.

The floor tiles under his feet were also large, a large piece of ten meters square!

The beams and pillars in the distance are like tall buildings, you have to look up to see the top.

Zhao Hao had to climb five or six meters along the legs of the old table, chairs and benches.

I saw that the debris and garbage piled up in the corner were ridiculously large.

Tachibana stared at the side with rounded eyes: "What a big mouse!"

Zhao Hao turned his head, and sure enough, there was a fat pig-sized mouse squatting on a beam above his head, staring at them covetously, he was drooling!

Tachibana has never suffered such a big grievance in his life!

You know how much damage a mouse can do to a kitten by staring at you drooling? .JPG!

Ju Zuo didn't say a word, flew up more than ten meters in place, rushed up the pillar, and climbed up quickly. In the blink of an eye it was on the overhead beam.

The big mouse was not afraid at all, and actually bared its teeth to meet it.

After all, in terms of body shape, Tachibana has little advantage~

Seeing that a big battle was about to start, Zhao Hao quickly hid with Xiaoruan, Wangcai, Aowu, and Mud Puppets.

Sure enough, the cat-and-mouse battle was quite noisy, even shaking the ashes from the beams of the house.

Ju Zuo quickly gained the upper hand, holding a salted fish spear and a fortune hook, and chasing the big mouse like a warrior with two weapons.

Zhao Hao followed under the beams of the house, and soon ran to a place full of meat hooks, fire pits, and pots and stoves.

That big black pot can cook twenty people together!

At this moment a vague growl sounded: "Damn it, damn rat!"

A piece of firewood that was as thick as Zhao Hao's thigh was thrown into the sky and hit the beam.

Immediately after, a bald-haired old giant with a stooped figure, an old and scruffy face, and a large, stained apron walked in.

He still looked sleepy.

At this time, Juzuo also dealt with the big mouse and threw it from the beam.

"Pa-ta" the dead mouse fell at the old giant's feet, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed.

Looking around to see if there was no one there, he quickly picked it up, and then took it to the fire that hadn't been completely extinguished and started burning it.

Contact the surrounding environment, this old giant is actually a chef!

Giants are divided into levels, and those grazing giants outside the castle are the lowest level, and they can't even speak clearly.

They guard the cattle and sheep but dare not steal them.

Evidently the old giant was wiser and more cunning. I also know how to eat alone.

At this time, a footstep sounded, the footsteps of a giant.

In came another young giant with a round face, high cheekbones, and a more muscular figure.

He sniffed suspiciously, then grabbed the guilty old giant: "Old man, are you hiding something?"

The giant chef laughed when he saw this, and spread his hands to reveal a big half-baked mouse.

"Ferm, forgive me," he begged.

The young giant Ferm grabbed the big mouse, bring it to you~ open your mouth to eat it.

After thinking about it, he tore off half of it and threw it back into the hands of the chef giant.

The old giant breathed a sigh of relief, then bowed his waist with a smile on his face, and sent Naferm out of the kitchen.

Zhao Hao looked in the corner in surprise, he didn't expect the giant society to be so difficult to deal with.

He sent out a large number of insect scouts and began to look for possible treasures...

But at this time, the princess, who was still in shock, was brought to the sky by the bean sprouts and the wooden house, and walked down tremblingly.

She saw the land in the clouds, remembered the family story, and knew the seriousness of the problem.

He didn't dare to wait where he was, fearing that the legendary man-eating giant would find him, so he ran away in a panic.

It was also her luck that Zhao Hao killed and ate all the extraordinary creatures and beasts nearby. Otherwise, she would have to rush to the street in a short distance.

Just running around like this, she bumped into Zhao Hao's barrier and found Zhao Hao's cave shelter!

The main function of Zhao Hao's enchantment is to cover up illusions, but it has no protective ability.

The princess saw traces of human habitation, and more importantly, dry clothes and food!

She didn't care about other things, she changed her wet clothes, ate again, and finally fell asleep on a bed...

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