Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 180 The Birth of the Clown

The suppressed things in the small town are like ancient evil spirits.

But don't worry too much, the strength should not be too strong.

Zhao Hao thinks that Black Iron is at most 4 stars, overestimating it as 1 star, and counting it as 5 stars is not a big problem.

It's not that the older things are, the more powerful they are, otherwise dinosaur fossils will become magical weapons.

The inherent limitations of this thing are placed here, and it is basically impossible to become bronze.

Zhao Hao even suspected that if it hadn't been sealed in the first place, this ancient evil spirit wouldn't even be able to survive the period of psionic silence.

This can be regarded as a blessing in disguise!

Here Zhao Hao is preparing consumables such as talismans, and at the same time summoning Tachibana and the others.

Bill rushed over on his bicycle at a high speed, "I've made it clear...Hoohoo!"

"Drink some water first, take a breath before talking." Elena handed him a bottle of water, and he blushed in embarrassment.

"The church seems to have been built more than 90 years ago, but halfway through the construction, the young priest at that time disappeared. It took several years for a new pastor to complete the church."

Zhao Hao nodded, "How old was the young priest who first built the church?"

"I saw an old photo in the frame, it seemed to be a young man under thirty years old."

"That's right."

The priest back then was probably a rookie with little knowledge of the inner world and the transcendent.

Unfortunately, he encountered an evil spirit, and finally sealed it by faith and the rituals of the Holy See, and sacrificed his life for it.

But this kind of seal has many loopholes, so that after a short while, the evil spirit can intermittently affect the outside world once more than twenty years.

Now that its spirit energy has been revived, it almost got out of trouble, and stretched out its tentacles directly.

So, why these seven children?

Zhao Hao felt that maybe the ancestors of these seven children were the people who participated in the sealing ceremony back then.

Now, the evil spirit wants to plunder their souls and get out of trouble completely.

Zhao Hao felt that there was also a reason for the transformation from an ancient evil spirit to a clown image. Now the clown has suddenly become one of the manifestations of people's fear in the sea of ​​psionic energy, if it can completely occupy it. Advanced Bronze is not a problem at all, it is even possible to go further!

"This guy is quite self-motivated. Are you going to take advantage of the recovery of spiritual energy to hit the bronze?!"


While Zhao Hao and the others were investigating the origin of the evil spirit clown, the evil spirit clown was not idle.

The butchers in the town silently divided the pork in their slaughterhouses.

This slaughterhouse has been used for decades, and it is unknown how many livestock have been slaughtered. So much so that the smell of blood and fat can be smelled from a distance, and the people in the town basically take a detour.

The one-inch-thick solid wood chopping board was almost soaked in every line of blood. The slender and sharp butcher knife pierced through an unknown number of arteries.

The tall, fat, big-faced butcher is called Rupert, and he has been a butcher for more than 30 years following his father's job.

But this family handicraft is afraid that it will be lost, because he is in his forties and has not been married yet.

He seldom goes out, doesn't like socializing and is taciturn. Even the neighbors are not very familiar with him.

But the older people in the neighborhood know that Rupert was not like this when he was a child. Although he was a little fat at that time, he was very outgoing, and even a bit naughty.

Later, perhaps when the rebellious period came, people became silent.

But only he himself knows why.

Around fifteen, Rupert was already big and naughty. Relying on force, he swept away the teenagers in the small town.

As a result, once, he and a few companions teased a couple of men and women visiting outside by the wild river, making them very embarrassed.

That man is not polite, both sides can be said to be a loser.

But those companions who left didn't know it, and then Rupert was so angry that he returned with a dagger.

The man was killed by him, and the woman was stabbed by him... He didn't intend to kill anyone!

He fled in a hurry and returned home, but his father saw the clue.

After knowing what happened, the father of the butcher at that time took him to find the injured woman who ran into the woods.

On that rainy night, the butcher father killed her, just like killing those cattle, sheep, pigs and dogs.

Until now, Rupert can still remember the woman's dying cry, like those lambs being slaughtered.

The incident was unnoticed, but within a few years, my father, who had begun to drink heavily, became seriously ill and died.

And he became Rupert the silent butcher.

He finished today's work - slaughtering a black goat.

This was picked up by a bastard in the town on the road. Although the origin is unknown, Rupert just slaughtered and divided it, regardless of the origin.

After drinking several cans of wine, Rupert fell on the sofa, half drunk and half awake, as if he heard someone calling him.

"Rupert, Rupert..."

Rupert stood up unsteadily, half awake as if he saw his father right in front of him.

"Father..." Rupert murmured, he wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

"Come, my son. Come with me..."

"Father" waved to him, turned around and walked in front.

Rupert followed his father out the door, stumbling along under an overcast sky.

Rupert tried several times on the way, and finally said, "Father, I killed you. I'm sorry."

"Father" turned his head and smiled, "That's not true, my child. I didn't drink because of killing people. In fact, for people like us, what is the difference between humans and livestock? You have killed so many people for so many years. Do you feel guilty about having too many animals?"

Rupert was silent, and "Father" continued to lead the way.

He walked out of the town, walked through the river valley, and came to an abandoned two-story wooden house in front of the woods by the river.

"Come in, come in my sweet son. You'll be my pride, always have been. Don't resist yourself, don't resist yourself..."

The figure of "father" disappeared into the house. Rupert quickly chased him in, but there was no father in the room, but there were many photos hanging on the wall.

"Hey, Rupert is such a dirty pig. I can smell that disgusting smell when he gets close to me." It was a young man in the photo who was talking to Rupert, a baker in the town. Te always had a smile on his face.

"Ha, last time I went to buy meat from him, I gave him a counterfeit bill! He must not be able to find it!" Another young man said, that is, the bastard young man who brought the black goat.

"Damn it, his father is shit, and he's a piece of shit. I fucked the fuck back then! That's a good bitch, hahaha!" said a gray-haired lame old man from the town on the barber.

"Even God will not take in such a person with bloody hands. The only thing waiting for him is hell!" said the priest of the church.

"Haha, I would never go near Rupert even if I married a bum. He makes me sick!" said a fat woman.

"Once he was hanging out with a foreign prostitute, and the prostitute told me afterwards that she almost threw up." The waitress at the bar.

"I deliberately withheld a batch of his meat for several days, and the meat stinks afterwards! Hahaha..." the sheriff of the town.

Rupert was in the house, the door behind him had disappeared, and there were large and small photos hanging on the walls around him. From children to old people, countless people surrounded him, cursing and humiliating him.

"No! It's not true! I didn't hang out with prostitutes, I didn't receive counterfeit money, I, I..."

"You smell bad, don't you? No woman wants to get close to you, don't you? Your hands are covered with blood, don't you? You've killed people, haven't you?"

A shrill voice with a slightly funny tone sounded.

Rupert was speechless, his pupils began to dilate, his mouth opened wide, and saliva flowed down involuntarily.

"Yes... I am a sinner."

"So, come to atone? Come here, come here."

The voice guided Rupert, who opened a door and walked and walked down the downward stairs. In the end, I came to a huge empty place full of sundries and garbage.

The space here is very large, and the top of the head seems to be tens of meters high. A huge withered old tree covers the branches above the head, and corpses hang from the branches.

Rupert stumbled, climbed up the hillside of debris like a puppet, and stood still in front of a wooden cabinet.

Kneeling in front of the wooden cabinet was a dead bone wearing a decayed and tattered priest's robe, the bones were already brittle.

"Open it and take me!" said the voice.

Rupert reached out and opened the cabinet, and a picture of a biblical angel pasted on the cabinet was reduced to ashes. The dry bone shattered to the ground with a crash.

Inside the cupboard was a cloud of black smoke, which coalesced and turned into a clown mask.

Rupert's pupils dilated to occupy the entire eyeball, and his eyes had become completely black.

He picked up the clown mask and put it on his face.

In an instant, the flesh and blood under the mask melted, and blood rolled down from under the mask.

But the fat clown smiled...

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