Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 151 Flesh and Flesh Platform

Use the Liberty City subway to leave the strange world, the premise is to give it a platform and let it move.

If you want to build a platform in Xinmo Town, it can't be a concrete platform. The mayor laughed very maliciously at that time: "Flesh and flesh, you need a lot of flesh and blood as building materials. The good news is that as long as you are strong enough here, there is no shortage of flesh and blood. The bad news is that those I am afraid that monsters will not be so willing to donate their own flesh and blood..."

Zhao Hao added in his heart: The more bad news is that the more you kill, the faster you will become demonized!

This is really a bit of a dilemma. Neither fast nor slow.

But at least know the method, the following is the implementation.

As the saying goes: As long as the mind does not slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

Zhao Hao finally thought of a tricky way. He is also forced, after all, time is not waiting for me, the situation is getting more and more critical.

On the day of dinner when they came back from the mayor, when the three of them were enjoying the monster meal shared by Tachibana’s family, Oliver’s left hand suddenly raised uncontrollably, and he gave Oliver three heavy ear scrapes , and then put one hand into the monster hot and sour heart and liver soup and stir it.

At that time, the three people and one cat were stunned!

Zhao Hao+Marilena: What is this guy doing?

Tachibana: Do you fucking know that I used the hearts and livers of several monsters to make this soup? You pay!

Oliver: Hey, what is this? This is my hand! What is it doing? It's out of order!

Before, Oliver only talked to his own Concubine Zuo, but now the symptoms are obviously worsening, Concubine Zuo has become independent and began to demand freedom. It's out of control at all!

If it's the middle of the night, if I take out a knife, I can't kill myself!

Oliver pressed Concubine Zuo with his right hand, and shouted, "Stop!"

It's a pity that Concubine Zuo was unreasonable when she had an attack, so she fought with herself.

What's more, he didn't expect to be an opponent. If it wasn't for Xiaoruan's help in the end, he would have been strangled to death by his own Concubine Zuo!

Demonized, at least this left hand is demonized.

At that time, Zhao Hao and Marilena were very preoccupied, and they both felt that this was not good.

But Oliver didn't think there was anything wrong, he just hated himself that a big man couldn't hit his left hand, and was very frustrated, but he didn't think it was strange that his left hand suddenly came alive.

And that night, Zhao Hao, who was sleeping, and Juzuo, who was spread out like cat cakes on the ground, suddenly opened their eyes at the same time, and then saw Marilena, who was vertical to the ground, crawling in from the wall, hanging upside down from the ceiling. come and go.

He even lay on Zhao Hao's body and smelled it for a long time, even licked it twice, and finally turned around for a long time before returning to his room.

That posture is like sleepwalking and ghost cat upper body!

The next day Zhao Hao asked Marilena in a side-by-side manner, but she didn't have the slightest impression.

Tachibana is quite open-minded: "Are you having an affair with this bitch? Why does she turn a blind eye to such a handsome cat like Mr. Tachibana, and ran to lick you?"

Zhao Hao knew he couldn't wait any longer, let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!

Ideas are like water in a sponge, squeeze it and there will always be some.

Zhao Hao held back for a long time, and when he saw Tachibana slowly processing the ingredients in his hand, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration!

"Open a restaurant?!"

Tachibana: "Huh? Are you still thinking about making money at this time?"

It should be said that opening a food stall, even monsters have to eat.

They didn't have to choose before, but now Zhao Hao wants to let them know what is the real monster food!

That's right, use Tachibana's monster food in exchange for those monsters to help collect materials, especially monster flesh!

As long as you don't kill yourself, the speed of demonization is acceptable. In this way, the construction speed of the platform will not slow down, which is the best of both worlds.

Of course, the plan cannot be smooth and bumpy.

For example, many monsters directly want to eat a meal of the king, and some simply want to take the fat orange seat as the main course. There are also those with bad brains who want to make trouble and go crazy when they see too many people.

In short, the momentum of the monster food stall is not small.

Fortunately, Zhao Hao's three people and one cat are quite strong. Those monsters who want to take advantage of Zhao Hao and eat the overlord's meal have become ingredients.

The troublesome monsters were directly hammered to death, and distributed to those obedient queues.

In half a day, Zhao Hao collected a lot of horror materials, especially various bones, flesh and organs.

If you want to build a platform, you need a lot of materials, but it is impossible to pile up the entire platform with flesh and blood, and then you have to kill a small half of the monsters in the heart demon town.

In fact, there are twenty or thirty high-quality "materials" that are about the same.

The prototype of a platform has been roughly presented.

Zhao Hao was a little satisfied with his creation, somewhat proud of it.

Suddenly, he was startled, and looked at the platform again. The bones were used as supports, the platform was covered with flesh and blood, the light bulbs were eyeballs, and the rails were made up of spider legs, two bloody roads poured with blood!

Such a terrible thing, why do I feel so proud and feel very beautiful?

He finally confirmed that he was also affected by the strange town of Xinmo.

He let out a long breath, somewhat depressed and fearful in his heart. This almost imperceptible subtlety makes me like a frog in a pot, the water temperature is getting longer and I don’t know it.

The platform was almost completed, of course Zhao Hao didn't dare to take half a step away.

Haven't you seen so many monsters with malicious intentions wandering around?

For them, this thing is probably equivalent to a free buffet.

If it is really destroyed, I guess it will explode on the spot and be directly demonized.

They slept on one side for three nights, guarding the platform. Whoever gets close will make it into a material.

As a result, monsters really came at night!

However, Zhao Hao has already made preparations, several magical monster soldiers enlightened by monster flesh and blood, and a large number of enlightened paper figurines!

"Let me see who is so unafraid of death."

Zhao Hao stared at the man in front of him who was almost no different from ordinary people.

Human figures are not safe in Heart Demon Town, and many monsters will try to attack.

However, if it can really maintain the appearance of a human being, it is probably not an ordinary monster, such as the old mayor.

In front of him was a middle-aged Caucasian man in his forties who looked very haggard, wearing a wrinkled and damaged tuxedo, holding a civilized stick in his hand, and a stained top hat on his head. It is inconsistent with the painting style of Xinmo Town.

But at this time, Marilena asked with some hesitation: "Are you the magician McGee?"

Zhao Hao was shocked: He is the magician, the initiator of everything. He is not dead yet!

The man opposite raised his head slightly, and there was some brilliance in his eyes.

Only then did Zhao Hao see clearly that half of the middle-aged man's face turned into a blurry picture, changing all the time, and he couldn't see clearly at all.

He has also begun to demonize!

In Heart Demon Town, people are demonized with their minds and turned into monsters.

After all, Zhao Hao is alienated from the world, so he has become inhuman from cognition.

Marilena is feline because of pendants and beliefs, and Oliver may have developed an uncontrolled personality part because of fighting performances all year round.

I don't know what psychological incentive this magician is...

The magician McJick straightened his top hat and carefully looked at the two people in front of him.

He asked: "At that time, many extraordinary people from the market came to trouble me, so you were among them. Being involved here, you are really favored by bad luck."

Involved in a strange situation, the magician Mejik did not sit still. He also completed the task of the mayor of Xinmo Town through other means, and thus got the clue to leave Xinmo Town.

At that time, the mayor said this: "There are two people who are planning to leave the town right now, and they have almost completed it. So if you want to leave here, the easiest way is to snatch their chance to leave. For example, kill them... ..."

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