Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 133 Blood Drinking Ceremony

The fat man was attacked by a salty pig's hand, obviously the big snow-white butt is more attractive.

Where did Fat Lord suffer such humiliation, he would take out the bastard box on the spot and shoot all the perverts around him.

Zhao Hao quickly hugged Fatty: "Fatty Master, Fatty Master, calm down! It's important to get down to business, we have to find that vampire first! Big chrysanthemum is the most important thing!"

"Give him back the big chrysanthemum, I will lose my chrysanthemum!" The fat man struggled desperately.

Zhao Hao hurriedly said to Lawrence beside him: "It's all because of your affairs that Fatty made such a big sacrifice, so hurry up and say something."

But the werewolf was in a daze at this moment, after all, he came from a closed town in the other world. He had never seen this kind of world before, and he was stunned for a while.

The actions of Zhao Hao and Fatty attracted the attention of some masked people around them, and even two men and women applauded. More men actually looked at the two with bright eyes.

Zhao Hao was shocked immediately: What the hell is going on? Did I come to a large-scale same-sex dating scene? Are you waiting in line?

Let alone the fat man at this time, even Zhao Hao wanted to take out the Dragon Slaying Saber and kill him to death.

At this moment, a door on the side of the hall suddenly opened, and a woman wearing glasses who was obviously a sophisticated and strong woman walked in wearing high heels, followed by more than a dozen gorgeous girls in costumes.

Most of the masked people in the hall who were not busy were attracted by the chattering girls in costumes and the crisp sound of high-heeled shoes. Then I saw the strong woman at the head walking with a frosty face while taking off her clothes, revealing the simple black leather jacket inside, and even took out a small black leather whip from behind...

The fat man forgot to struggle for a while, and exclaimed: "Fuck! Are all the vampires in the city so good at playing?"

At this time, Doris among the girls also felt that something was wrong, but after thinking about it, it seemed that there was nothing wrong, and even this was the normal process.

How could it be possible for you to be on stage for no reason, and you will be promoted as a role?

This kind of thing is in this circle, even if she has only been in contact with it for three months, she is really used to it.

On the contrary, if you have the opportunity to sell yourself, you have to work harder.

Under the command of the strong woman with the whip, the girls set up their formations, and then the music sounded, and they began to dance separately.

Those masked people, both men and women, surrounded them, with picky and casual smiles under the masks, as if they were watching a pet contest.

As the rhythm of the music quickened, the dancing also became more lively. Some girls had long since gone all out and went directly to the hot ones, which really attracted a lot of attention. Others also learn from others, so as not to make them more beautiful than before.

"Something's wrong!"

"It smells weird!"

Zhao Hao and Lawrence said at the same time.

Both of them could smell a faint fishy smell in the air, but when they smelled it carefully, they could feel a hint of sweetness.

The three of them gathered in a corner to discuss in a low voice.

Zhao Hao: "Something must have been thrown into the air!"

Fatty: "Could it be poisonous gas?"

Lawrence shook his head: "It's not poisonous, otherwise my nose should have a reaction."

It doesn’t matter how the three of them guessed, Zhao Hao and the others have already seen the effect, it should be some kind of stimulant, but it is not an ordinary chemical stimulant, but a stimulant with some properties of potions and alchemy potions . The effect is quite extraordinary.

In less than a minute, the scene was already a little bit full of excitement.

Whether it's the dancing girls or the masked people, they are as excited as the fanatical groupies at the concert. Started shouting, rocking, undressing...

The three of Zhao Hao could also feel the increase in blood pressure and heartbeat, and their spiritual energy changed, becoming more lively and restless.

None of the three had any experience in facing vampires, so they didn't know. If you are a veteran vampire hunter, you will know what this is right away.

This is the "sweet blood" used by the vampires of the Devil Party in many ceremonies and banquets.

This thing is a potion made of virgin blood. After the spiritual energy is volatilized, it will excite people and increase the activity of spiritual energy within the range.

For vampires, this is equivalent to sprinkling black pepper before eating steak, which plays an important role in seasoning.

Before the three of them could think of what to do, a tall, handsome, blond young man with a wanton air walked into the hall surrounded by more than twenty people.

The fanatical crowd made way for him like a divided tide, and he walked very naturally to the stage in the center of the hall.

Those girls in costumes were already a little dazzled at this moment, and the sweet blood had the strongest effect on them, with their hearts beating violently and their pulses throbbing.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. Once here, youth and vigor will soon return to you..."

Everyone was excitedly waiting for this person to distribute the "blood wine" that can keep people youthful, when they suddenly heard a furious wolf howl!

"Aww~~~" Lawrence roared and turned on the transformation. His robes were torn and he turned into a tall werewolf over two meters and two meters.

Lawrence's move, let alone others, even Zhao Hao and Fatty were caught off guard and shocked.

And although those masked people were already a little bit involuntary due to various methods, the howling of wolves and the sudden appearance of the terrifying werewolf made them more awake, and they ran away screaming.

But although the hall is not small, the doors have been locked. Before the ceremony is completed, there is no way to leave. Where can I escape?

He could only do his best to avoid Lawrence like a herd of sheep being driven away.

The vampire Lesta held a "blood drinking ceremony" almost every week during this period, and every time his spiritual power surged.

The requirements of this ceremony are not low, requiring a lot of preparation. In particular, many young girls are needed as blood food. Even for the Devil Party, it is equivalent to a large-scale program only during the Chinese New Year.

Lesta can be said to be quite crazy, and the bet is to raise his psionic energy to the level of black iron 5 stars, and even find a way to advance to bronze before being approached by other human superhuman forces.

It was never expected that a werewolf would come to make trouble first, without the supernatural power of human beings coming.

When he entered Liberty City through the inner world, he killed Lawrence's fiancée casually, but he didn't take it to heart at all, let alone know that Lawrence was here for revenge. However, simply interfering with his blood-drinking ceremony was enough to make him fly into a rage!

"Damn beast!" Lesta bared his fangs from his lips, with a ferocious expression, and was about to pounce on the werewolf who rushed over.

Then a gunshot!

"Bang" he turned into a flame, or was hit and ignited by a high-intensity psionic bullet.

However, the person who was wrapped in flames and was struggling on the ground for several seconds was not Lesta.

He sensed a fatal threat at that moment, and subconsciously used a trick of substitute magic.

The people behind him are not ordinary people, or they are no longer ordinary people.

They are Lesta's blood slaves, they are special transformations after being sucked blood, they are between humans and vampires, although they are stronger than humans, they are much weaker than vampires, but they are not afraid of sunlight.

This is a technique developed by vampires in the past hundred years in response to the existence of the Hagui clan. It is the greatest compliment to the Hagui clan. As for becoming a vampire, that is a dream.

What good could come of licking a dog? Still want to lick to become the master?

Transforming blood slaves also requires a lot of supernatural materials. There are more than 20 people behind Lesta, so the cost is naturally huge. It is precisely because of the secret support of the Demon Party family that he was able to get more than 20 blood slaves to serve him.

After all, tricking ignorant dream-chasing girls into serving as blood food, luring those rich and boring successful people who are getting older to come to participate in the ceremony, including various operations in the world, requires manpower.

At this time, the greatest role of the blood slave is manifested.

With one move, the king's chariot was switched, and Lesta and a blood slave were swapped.

The little cricket shot that made Zhao Hao's surprise attack didn't work, and only killed a blood slave.

The little cricket in Zhao Hao's hand is the psionic gun of the Mystery Bureau. After the battle of Sally Church, it can be regarded as Zhao Hao's mobile equipment, which is much better than Fatty's bastard box...

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