Dragoon fighter

Chapter 83 - Use your fists to make you sing

Chapter 83 - Use your fists to make you sing Conquer

J-10? Can the Chinese stuff work? After hearing what you said, I have some doubts about the performance of the 'Vanguard-4'. Such an ordinary aircraft can't be shot down. Will this 'Vanguard-4' be better than It's even worse than we imagined. Lawrence Kotler picked up the unburned cigar on the ashtray and blew smoke rings at each other as if competing with the black-haired East Asian young man.

How is it possible? Chinese military fans highly recommend it. Even the range and speed are 20 higher than the Stinger. Such parameters cannot be faked. Should our two F14s be replaced? They are really too old. It’s old, I recommend the J-10. It would be even better if you can get the J-14. Made in China, the price-performance ratio is absolutely top-notch.”

The black-haired East Asian young man was grinning like a door-to-door salesman carrying a variety of boxes. He was extremely professional in counting various indicators of his products and conducting aggressive marketing.

Stop recommending Chinese products to me. That country is full of imitations. I still believe that the quality is the best in Europe and the United States. But what you said makes sense. Those two old F-14s are already outdated. Listen. He said that he almost fell down last time and parts replacement is a big problem. I heard that old Latika nearby is planning to save money to buy a Su-27. We can’t lose air control. Alas, it’s such a small place. As for the equipment Fighter planes? This has become an equipment competition. Lawrence Kotler shook his head. The local tycoon-style struggle in this kind of place really did not arouse his interest. If it were not for considering the military buffer and natural barrier between the surrounding government forces and the , he had already pulled his subordinates to wipe out all the competitors.

In addition, make arrangements to sponsor a batch of weapons to the East Turkestan elements in China and let them do something. It is also a courtesy and lets the Chinese know that we 'Red Scorpions' are not easy to mess with. Lawrence Kotler said lightly He also decided to make a plan that would kill people. As for how many people died, it had nothing to do with him.

Okay, okay, stop complaining, come and see what good things I brought you. The black-haired East Asian young man took a big backpack from the attendant and took out the things from the inside. Look, the best West Lake Longjing tea, as well as Fuzhuan tea, Pu'er tea, Tieguanyin. In addition to mutton and camel meat, I almost couldn't wash away the smell after eating it. Tea is better, it can relieve the fishy smell and relieve the greasiness. Regulate the stomach, um, um, and there is also the best Hotan mutton-fat jade for you to pick up girls. As long as you like a girl, take a piece of jade and stuff it into her big breasts. I guarantee that tonight she will only belong to you. Young man. The man happily took it out and waved the jade in his hand to the Persian beauties swimming in the lake. It was obvious that he had taken a fancy to one of those mermaids.

Lawrence Kotler frowned, and his face began to look cheerful: That's enough, House, you should think more about your work, don't do these useless things all day long, or the boss will cut out your tongue.

As soon as he heard the word boss, the black-haired East Asian young man seemed to have heard some taboo words. His whole body froze, and his face gradually began to turn pale. He stopped rummaging around in his big backpack, rolled his eyes, and clapped his eyes. Head, said: I remembered, China may have been targeting us recently, which is not a good thing. It is already very troublesome to fight against the Kazakh government. Adding another Chinese government is really terrible. When I come back, I have sent people in advance to pull out several other people's 'nails'. I must strengthen my defenses recently and strictly examine strangers. No, I have to inform Frank right away. Maybe those Chinese special forces have lurked into Ayi. Sulu, the sniper rifle is aimed at your and my heads.

The black-haired East Asian young man didn't care about his backpack and ran away in a panic.

This guy, don't be like a crow! When House mentioned the sniper, Lawrence Kotler felt a chill rush into his heart. He unnaturally cleared his throat, pulled his collar, and shook it off. A snap of fingers.

Another entourage wearing a black suit appeared next to Lawrence Kotler.

Ask Mustafa to lead a team to search the entire Aisulu to see if there are any unfamiliar faces. If there are any suspicious ones, arrest them first. Anyone who dares to resist will be shot to death on the spot! Lawrence Kotler also said I was frightened by the last words of the black-haired East Asian young man.

Mustafa is the Red Scorpion Sheriff in charge of Aisulu, a Turk, an absolutely cunning and cruel guy. He was chased by the World Criminal Police Organization and had no way to go to heaven and earth. Finally, he threw himself into the Red Scorpion. In the arms of Red Scorpion, it was precisely because of his notorious cunning that he took the position of the Sheriff and acted as a loyal watchdog for Red Scorpion.

Although it is an anti-government warlord organization, it still needs to manage internal civil affairs. Indulging in chaos is not conducive to the stability and development of the Red Scorpion organization. After all, its subordinates still have so many family members who need to live.

A group of heavily armed soldiers took the unarmed lone wolf Yakov and his less than a hundred men to a camp surrounded by concrete modular walls.

Following Yakov were all the most loyal and reliable elites, while the others followed the second leader and pretended to be another surrender team that would later enter the territory of the Red Scorpion. This is actually normal. Various armed organizations divided and merged, and mixed Those who cannot survive will seek refuge with the stronger ones. If the stronger ones lose control, they will be betrayed by their subordinates. This desert law of the jungle and the strong is almost an unwritten rule of survival here.

There are many people in the camp, wearing various costumes, including old Soviet military uniforms, Uyghurs, and Kazakhs. Like Yakov's team, they are all miscellaneous troops who have recently defected, and each has his own share. In a piece of land, people are sitting around, gambling, or simply fighting, each doing his own thing, which is extremely chaotic.

Lin Mo, who was mixed in Yakov's team, looked no different from a Central Asian at first glance. He had used special grass juice to blacken his skin. His original pair of sword eyebrows were specially darkened. It seemed that Yakov had nothing to do with him. After doing it for a while, he briefly played with Lin Mo's face, and he vaguely had Kazakh features.

By chance, Lin Mo found out that Yakov, who looked like an old gangster, was actually the KGB of the former Soviet Union. After the dissolution of the former Soviet Union, he had no choice but to return to his hometown and start a team. Fighting for territory and taking some mercenary jobs as the main job to maintain a living.

Although it is said to be a military camp, it is no better than a prison or a concentration camp. As soon as Lin Mo and the lone wolf Yakov and their people entered the camp, they attracted strange looks, like looking at a little sheep among a group of wolves. His eyes were ferocious, bloodthirsty, and extremely vicious.

These people who fight for their lives on the line of death as a profession are almost no different from beasts. In their eyes, there are only money, people and guns. There is no morality and law at all, and nothing else can restrain them.

It turns out to be the lone wolf Yakov! Haha, you can't survive anymore? Someone in the crowd recognized Yakov.

Hmph! Yakov snorted from his nose and ignored the guy.

The speaker's name is Saber. This guy is the leader of a tribe in the western desert. I heard that he was surrounded and suppressed by the Chinese and Kazakh armies last year. I didn't expect that he is still alive. Yakov whispered to Lin Mo to translate and explain. With this, it originated from the professionalism of the KGB of the former Soviet Union. After receiving the money, he treated Lin Mo as his best customer. No matter what Lin Mo wanted to do, Be careful, these guys are not easy to mess with, although They were dispersed by government troops, but they were all murderous guys.

Yeah! Lin Mo remained calm and touched the bracelet that turned into a gray bracelet. When he first entered the basin, these Red Scorpion soldiers were more bandits than bandits. Although they were in charge of food, except for a few In addition to personal belongings, ethnic daggers, guns and ammunition, not even long sharp weapons were kept, all were confiscated.

Lin Mo had an extra thought and turned the gold coin into an inconspicuous and poorly made iron bracelet.

The words of the guy whom Yakov recognized as Saber caused a burst of laughter. It seems that Yakov's lone wolf nickname is still quite famous in the Kyzylkum area.

Yakov, when I asked you to join us to eat meat and seize territory together, you were unwilling at first and dared to start a fight with me. Now where is your backbone? You are not joining the Red Scorpion obediently. 'Drink the leftover soup that others drank.' Saber obviously had some problems with the lone wolf Yakov, and had no intention of letting Yakov go just like that.

Hurrah, Saber pushed through the crowd and walked towards Yakov, followed by a large group of men.

Judging from the tone of the Saber, it is obvious that they want to use the newly arrived Yakov's team to establish their prestige, please the Red Scorpion while increasing their own worth, in order to obtain better treatment after the reorganization.

His upper body, which was bare and fluffy, was covered in scars. A large scar was cut from his left ear to the philtrum below his nose. The left ear was gone. It looked like someone had slashed him in the face with a knife. Even his ear was damaged. It was chopped off, leaving only a hole. The brown pupils glowed fiercely, and he looked at Yakov and the others with an unkind expression.

Lin Mo, whose face was half covered by a white scarf, remained silent. Although he couldn't understand what the other party was saying, he knew at a glance that the person coming was evil and was here to cause trouble.

Damn Saber, he wants to cause trouble. Mr. Morin, hide behind him later. Yakov's wrinkled face twisted together, but without any fear, he lowered his voice to the men behind him. Said: Ayimaq, Sardin, you two protect Mr. Morin, Azati, Sharhan, everyone, get ready, don't disperse, and teach me a lesson later to teach these guys who don't know the heights of heaven and earth. .

Hey! Yakov's man looked calm, obviously he had been used to this kind of challenge for a long time.

The two men protected Lin Mo and retreated to the middle of the team.

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