Dragoon fighter

Chapter 74 - Prelude to the Killing

Chapter 74 - Prelude to the Killing

Lin Mo glanced at the carriage. Although he could eliminate the gang of robbers, he was not an assassin after all. Once the Dragon Knight, who valued simplicity and high lethality, took action and used his killing moves, there was no guarantee that the carriage would be safe. The other civilians inside are safe. At least the roof of the car cannot be saved.

There was too much movement, Lin Mo shook his head inwardly, obediently handed over his luggage bag, and took out his wallet to offer it.

Seeing the foreign kid in front of him being so obedient, the robber showed an ugly smile that would tell you what he was thinking. He quickly searched for Lin Mo's belongings, which included thousands of dollars and several hundred yuan. Most of them were tenge, the national currency of Kazakhstan, and the rest were all Bank card, iPod? It’s a good thing. I accepted it. The iPad looked good too. I took it. It still had a chance. I took it if I liked it. I took it to pieces. The robber professionally plundered all the valuable things.

I accidentally saw the passport, and sure enough, it had one big one, four small ones and five five-pointed stars. It was from China. No wonder it looked like a mute and deaf person. It was so bad in Kazakh language that it dared to come here to steal it. It was so crazy that it was hopeless.

Throwing the empty wallet with only bank cards, travel rations and the backpack with only clothes back to Lin Mo, Yeah! Uh-huh!~ The robber muttered to Lin Mo, waving his gun and making a fierce look in his eyes. Stare, the meaning is obvious. Is there anything hidden? Take it out quickly? Otherwise, be careful.

Lin Mo still didn't understand what he meant, so he shrugged and waved his hand, indicating that he was done with it.

The universal gesture for robbery is the same all over the world. It is as popular as mute language, but the person who uses it must have enough patience.

It was really troublesome to rob a foreigner who didn't understand the language. It was the first time that the robber felt that it was so difficult to rob.

Huh?~ The robber was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly narrowed his eyes as if he had discovered something. He pointed the gun at Lin Mo and started talking to him, which made Lin Mo confused.

The language barrier and all, it was really annoying, Lin Mo and the robber had a rare agreement. Due to the tragic language barrier, Lin Mo had a sudden foreign language teaching before departure. Lin Mo, who only inherited part of his predecessor's English foundation, only had a limited grasp of part of the daily Kazakh language, and he still stammered and could only communicate briefly. During the mission, Lin Mo didn't need to talk to anyone. The people he interacted with all knew Chinese or English, and would continue to take on teaching duties on the road. The intelligence team had already made arrangements for Lin Mo in advance, so there was no need to worry too much. He can speak 100% of the time like a duck in a foreign country, not to mention that due to the frequent economic exchanges between China and Kazakhstan, there are not many people in Kazakhstan who can speak Chinese.

The robber pointed his gun at Lin Mo's hand and opened his sleeve, revealing a luxurious Longines watch on Lin Mo's wrist. The new metal wristband glowed with a faint light.

Hahaha!~ As if he had found a treasure, the robber laughed strangely and picked the gun.

Lin Mo made an OK gesture, took off his watch obediently, and handed it to the robber. Deep down in his heart, he suppressed his laughter and grabbed it. After a while, you will know what it means to invite gods but not to send them away.

Hmph!~ The robber snatched Lin Mo's watch, glanced at Lin Mo with contempt, threw the loot into a special robbery bag, and followed the other accomplices out.

The sound of horse hooves outside the bus was heard, and the robbers took their injured companion Youyou howling and fled into the distance with their loot.

The only sounds left on the bus were the angry gasps of men, the frightened cries of women and children, and the uncontrollable crying of relief from relatives and friends of the dead and injured.

At this time, Lin Mo grabbed his back and stood up from his seat. Step by step, he moved away from the injured and dead bodies lying on the aisle, and walked towards the middle door of the bus. The bus driver just left his hand behind. Only the front door was opened, but the middle door was not opened.

The driver, whose face was covered with blood, suddenly rushed over from the front and rear driver's seats, grabbed Lin Mo tightly, and said something loudly, but judging from the eager expression and tone on his face, he probably understood that the other person thought he was going to walk alone. Or seek revenge from the robbers, either way is stupid behavior. Even if you don't meet the tough robbers with guns in their hands, the predators on the grassland at night are not so easy to deal with.

Lin Mo smiled and shook off the driver's hand as if he didn't care, and kept saying: ok! ok! Anyway, he couldn't express what he meant. The driver found that he was not as strong as the young man, and the other party just let go of his hand. He took it out and got out of the car in two or three steps.

The bus driver wanted to chase him out of the bus again, but Lin Mo gave him a gentle push and sat back in the bus door. He stared at Lin Mo step by step as he left.

Is this young man crazy or something? How can he walk alone on the grassland? With a bus full of passengers who still need to be taken care of and the injured who need to be treated and waiting for rescue, the bus driver can only watch Lin Mo disappear from sight.

There is no dragon god in this world, but there are dragon legends. Lin Mo's dragon knight contract only left him with the ability to communicate with his mind. Although the robbers fled on horseback, the watch they snatched from Lin Mo's hand was brutal. They all say that the ignorant are fearless. If they knew the truth, let alone robbery, they might not even have the courage to get close.

Feeling a good direction, Lin Mo chased the robber step by step in the direction in which he escaped.

He was not in a hurry. He had plenty of strength anyway, so the dragon knight would not be exhausted from walking. However, the robbers wanted to stop and rest, but Lin Mo was firmly convinced of this group of robbers.

He didn't directly let the gold coins explode and kill people, mainly because of the aftermath. The human reasoning ability in this world is simply too powerful. If he knew what kind of monster it was, and it was pulled on him in two or three times, he would be covered in words and couldn't explain it. . The main reason is that he is afraid of trouble. The dragon knight only cares about killing people. When does he have to worry about the reasonable aftermath? Without the cooperation of the previous Air Cavalry Corps relevant personnel, he is the only dragon knight left in the world. Lin Mo can only rely on himself and act carefully. .

This group of robbers was extremely cunning. After running for twenty kilometers in one direction, they turned around in another direction and kept galloping on their horses. They were indeed one of the peoples known as those on horseback.

The robbers didn't know that there was a guy hanging far behind them through spiritual communication, and he was following them step by step.

Although Lin Mo's steps were slow, one step was two or three steps away from an ordinary person. He was like a ghost appearing and disappearing on the vast grassland. He was still walking as smoothly as he was wearing the dragon-riding heavy armor that weighed several hundred kilograms. , not to mention that there is no weight on me at the moment. If I really start running, I probably won't be much slower than a horse.

As night fell, Lin Mo was walking alone. The gold coins that still looked like watches in the robbers' luggage pointed the direction to Lin Mo. Although he couldn't see his fingers and only had faint starlight, the robbers' position was like a branch rising into the sky. Like a beam of light, it appeared clearly in Lin Mo's eyes.

Although the robbers changed horses at a place where they had prepared a rest, they were still short of people and horses. After dark, they set up camp in the grassland.

The police must have arrived at the hijacked bus, but it would take at least two or three hours from the time of the incident to the arrival of the police. Plus treating the injured and reporting, it would take at least several hours to find the bus in this vast grassland. It is not an easy task for these robbers who have escaped.

Knee-deep grass can easily cover up all traces of horse hooves, and the robbers can dress up as herdsmen at any time to avoid being searched by planes in the sky.

Several temporary outdoor tents were set up around a small camp. A pot of hot soup was heated on a small outdoor camp stove, and a sharp Kazakh eagle-beak knife was slowly cutting bacon into the pot. piece, sprinkle a small amount of spices from time to time, and the hot water vapor floats around with the salty fragrance.

A large circle of grass was cut around, mixed with bean cakes and fed to the horses. A bearded robber took out a few small bottles of vodka from the horse's backpack and threw them to the people sitting in front of the marching stove, laughing and twisting them. Open the lid, you take a sip, and I pass the sip to each other, waiting for the things in the pot to be cooked, singing a ballad or two from time to time to express the joy of today's harvest.

A robber who couldn't wait could not help opening the bag, looking at the harvest, and laughing from time to time.

A lot of banknotes, gold and silver jewelry, and other valuables. The gang of robbers were counting the loot and thinking about how to get rid of it as soon as possible in exchange for a lot of cash. They could also enjoy a comfortable life of luxury and luxury. The gang didn't take the army and the police seriously at all. It was a business with heads in the first place. As long as they ran fast and survived day by day, it didn't matter whether they would be shot or jailed in the future.

The solid alcohol in the camp stove gave off a light blue flame, and the soup pot started to stir, with pieces of bacon, vegetables and other things. The hungry robbers moved their index fingers, took out their respective soup bowls, and divided them among their hands. Zhang Naan Pancake, ready to start.

@#^※* I heard someone talking nearby, but I couldn't understand what they were saying. Lin Mo had never learned those dirty words.

The robbers turned their heads and looked in surprise. A young man stood outside the camp. The weak light from the field LED lights beside the marching tent shone on his face, looking at them with a smile.

If they could understand Chinese, they would definitely understand what Lin Mo said, It smells so good. Do you have one for one more person?!

This dragon knight is quite good at catching up on meals.

Yes, it's this guy! I saw him in the car during the day, and I even snatched a watch from him! One of the robbers suddenly stood up, pointed at Lin Mo and shouted.

How did he catch up with this guy? Is there anyone else? The robbers, as if facing a formidable enemy, threw the tableware in their hands all over the floor, hurriedly found their guns, and pointed them at Lin Mo. Wangshou turned on his flashlight and shined it behind Lin Mo and around him, trying to find the soldiers and police surrounding him.

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