Dragoon fighter

Chapter 65 - Old Pan who protects the calf

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The intelligence team leader gritted his teeth with hatred.

If a fighter jet with a bare metal value of nearly 200 million was shot down, I, as the intelligence team leader, would have little more than one role to play.

What's more, Lin Mo's exclusive car is just a bare machine, while a luxury model with a full set of payloads and equipment, which is a modified third-generation semi-fighter, would cost at least nearly 700 million yuan internationally.

When thinking about the cost of the J-10, everyone in the intelligence team felt their legs shaking and panicked.

Colonel Feng, who showed no emotion or anger, finally let out a long breath and slowly sat back on the sofa. Dark Night really found a treasure this time.

As if the scene of a fighter jet throwing a missile should only appear in a movie, the curtain came to an end. Everyone's souls returned to reality, and the gunshots on the battlefield were loud again.

In the follow-up battle, Lin Mo, who was taboo about the Avangard-4, did not get involved again, and calmly conducted aerial photography at an altitude of 4,000 meters, leaving the ground battle entirely to the First Squadron.

Fighters don't conquer the world all at once, and this taught Lin Mo a real educational lesson.

As for the gold coin, I don’t know where to hide it and what to think about. In the end, it wasn’t its turn to take action. I guess even if it takes the shot of the J-10, it won’t be a big problem.

Lin Mo's only air strike brought the whole battle to an end. In the final battle, there was only sporadic resistance. The first squadron quickly ended the battle and even directly captured the man who dared to launch the Avangard-4 at Lin Mo. Guy.

Half an hour later, the large screen in the command hall indicated that the battle was over, and battlefield observers quickly listed the battle losses of both sides, as well as the captured materials.

The results of the on-site inventory were beyond Dark Night's expectations. Most of the horse teams carried rare herbs that had just been picked, as well as Tibetan antelope skins and other stolen prey. There were also a small number of high-end weapons installed in the domestic team. Not only Qiangwei-4 (qw-4) infrared imaging guided individual portable air defense missiles and Hongjian-8 anti-tank missiles are all individual high-attack weapons. There are only one or two in small quantities, mixed with herbs and In poached goods.

The Red Scorpion was not only doing regular business, but also opening up domestic trading channels. If it hadn't been intercepted by Shengsheng, and if the most advanced Chinese standard weapons were left outside, we don't know how many border crossings would be affected in the future. How much trouble does this country bring?

More than 30 people in the Red Scorpion were directly shot to death. After a sudden interrogation at the scene, the leader of the team was fortunately seriously injured and did not die. Only one arm was torn off by an aerial cannon. After resuscitation was done to stop the bleeding, he still had one breath left. The rest The accomplices all suffered major and minor injuries, with few minor injuries, but not a single horse was killed by the aircraft cannon.

Most of the seriously injured Red Scorpion members were taken care of by Lin Mo's J-10. They were extremely miserable. Although they were given an emergency injection of morphine after being shot by the aircraft gun, they died of their injuries a short time later. When a fighter jet hits someone, the chance of survival is inherently low.

However, five or six people in the first squadron were seriously injured in the battle, and one person died. After picking up the wounded, there was silence on the battlefield.

Hounds will eventually die on the mountain, and generals will inevitably die in battle.

Everyone silently followed the training combat regulations.

All prisoners and seized materials will be transferred to the border defense forces, and the nearest Army Aviation Brigade will dispatch more than ten transport helicopters.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, Lin Mo's J-10 returned to the base airport. The entire air crew stayed up all night. The medical team carried a stretcher early in the cold night, waiting with the air crew for the return of the two Mi-17 transport helicopters.

As soon as Lin Mo got off the plane, several female nurses from the medical team grabbed him and pushed him onto the stretcher.

Two extreme load overloads scared even those who knew a little bit about flying, and even hardened people were injured.

No, Colonel Feng quickly told the medical team and added Lin Mo directly to the list of casualties. He was the only fighter pilot, and his driving skills were so good. If there were any shortcomings, even the value of the J-10 would not be worth a flight. trump card.

Lin Mo didn't want to be dragged away as a wounded soldier. It was nothing. To put it bluntly, Lin Mo checked his heart rate and blood pressure on the spot. The medical team let him go, but they still forced him to wear the base identity bracelet. Another life monitoring bracelet was put on Huan's left wrist to monitor Lin Mo's body data 24 hours a day. If there is an abnormality, the life monitoring bracelet can quickly notify the medical team.

After dragging the J-10 into the hangar, Lin Mo heard that Elder Pan of the air crew had gone to argue with Lieutenant Colonel Xie of the intelligence team.

Lin Mo was almost killed due to intelligence errors. As his immediate superior, Team Leader Pan was as nervous as the divine song Uneasy. He was so anxious that he almost had a heart attack.

Lin Mo quickly asked someone and hurried to break up the fight.

How can a person who usually doesn't lose his temper suddenly burst into anger? !

After twists and turns in the underground base, I finally found the command hall. Before I even entered, I heard Team Leader Pan's voice, which was as loud as a jet engine.

What does your intelligence team do for a living? Why should we grant you a large amount of intelligence fees, even if you can't even investigate every piece of information? What does the state support you for?

That's an 'avant-garde-4', not a matchstick. You don't even know about such a big thing? You are murdering, outright murder! Murder!~

A bunch of people were there trying to persuade me, and it was a chaotic mess.

Lin Mo pushed open the door and entered the command hall, only to see a crowd of people surrounding Team Leader Pan and Lieutenant Colonel Xie.

Team Leader Pan's face was red and his neck was thick, and the big centipede scar from the corner of his mouth to the corner of his eye was twisted. He unceremoniously scolded Lieutenant Colonel Xie of the intelligence team until he was as bloody as a grandson, and he didn't even dare to retaliate.

Old Pan! Stop talking, let's go back! Lin Mo squeezed in and pulled Team Leader Pan over.

Hey! Lin Mo, you're here. Nothing's wrong. Are you injured? Let me take a look! Team Leader Pan couldn't care less about Lieutenant Colonel Xie at this moment, and quickly turned his attention to Lin Mo, the baby of the air crew. Lin Mo At least being able to support a squadron, earning military honors and face for the air crew, Team Leader Pan couldn't even find time to rejoice.

I'm fine. Isn't this okay? Everything is fine. Nothing is wrong! Lin Mo waved his arms and moved his feet, showing Lao Pan a very healthy and strong look.

Team leader Pan worriedly walked up and down, left and right, walked around Lin Mo three times, and patted Lin Mo's body. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, It's okay, but it makes me worried. , come, come, come with me and the intelligence team to comment on this! If we continue like this, our air crew has so little combat effectiveness, how can we let them waste it like this?!

Forget it, Lao Pan, there will always be some surprises. I can only say that the enemy is too cunning. Maybe they have discovered our intelligence personnel a long time ago and deliberately hid it from us. Please stop saying thank you to the team leader. It can't really happen. I can even investigate the color of the underwear they wear every day. Let’s go! Stop talking!” Lin Mo was very moved by Lao Pan’s unexpected behavior of protecting the calf, but he didn’t want to have the air crew and intelligence team unite for this. Xia Liangzi.

Looking at the face of Lieutenant Colonel Xie, the leader of the intelligence team, which turned dark purple, his teeth squeaking as he suppressed his emotions, you can tell that he is also under a lot of pressure. This is how intelligence work is done, sifting through true and false information, especially It is reconnaissance and undercover, and the risks involved are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

You... Team leader Pan wanted to say something else, but he was dragged out of this place of right and wrong by Lin Mosheng. How could the strength of the dragon knight be withheld by ordinary people? This man weighing more than 100 kilograms Just like that, he was pulled out.

Forget it, forget it, am I fine? You have to believe me, I'm the ace! In the passage outside the command hall, Lin Mo patted Team Leader Pan on the back to make the boss feel good.

Hmph! If it weren't for your sake today, I wouldn't let this bastard go! Team Leader Pan's anger slowly subsided.

You go back first! I guess Squadron 1 is coming back. They've suffered quite a lot of damage this time! Lin Mo took the opportunity to increase the pressure and asked Lao Pan to divert his attention and stop dwelling on this matter.

Okay, I'll go right away! Team leader Pan then remembered that there were a bunch of people in the flight attendant hangar waiting for him to take care of. A quarrel was a quarrel, and work must not be left behind, otherwise he would be the one who got criticized. He patted Lin Mo's shoulder, and then said: You should also rest early! It's almost dawn! The pilot must not tire himself out.

Haha! I know it! Go! Lin Mo stretched out with a smile and did a few stretching exercises.

Seeing that Lin Mo had a life monitoring bracelet on his left wrist, and the light green light flashing, indicating that he was at work, Team Leader Pan looked obviously relieved.

Watching Lao Pan turn around and leave in a hurry, all the air crew members, like the first squadron that went into battle, had a sleepless night.

At noon, Lin Mo woke up and felt something strange in his hand. He raised his hand and looked at it, and then he remembered that the life monitoring bracelet added by the medical team was still monitoring his body data. In this world, the air rider warrior His physical fitness is obviously not as good as Lin Mo's original world, and this kind of overload acceleration is simply child's play.

You must know that when the dragon rider is charging with all its strength, the impact speed of the dragon and the air resistance that the knight needs to resist are enough to crush ordinary people into meat patties, not least the acceleration of 9 times gravity.

I had to return the bracelet to the medical team in the afternoon. There were already too many things hanging on my hands. It was an identity bracelet and I had to leave a place for gold coins. It was so awkward.

He came to the cafeteria and ordered a big meal for himself. Anyway, the flight allowance and the special forces allowance were at least a little better than the working class. Lin Mo, who had a much bigger appetite than ordinary people, could always fill his stomach easily. The army was full of energy. There is always no shortage of food.

Big steaks, roasted pork knuckles, smoked sausages, roasted turkeys, at least the food for the front-line combat troops will definitely not be any worse than that of the big hotels outside. The most outstanding thing about China is its food culture. This is what makes Lin Mo most satisfied. .

Just holding the dinner plate for two people, Lin Mo randomly found an empty seat in the empty restaurant.

Breaking open the disposable bamboo chopsticks and getting ready to start.

Suddenly, a military boot stepped aggressively on the edge of Lin Mo's dining table, making a loud thud.

Preview of the next section: Section 66 - Intelligence Team Gemini

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