Dragoon fighter

Chapter 50 - The Commander invites you

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As soon as the people from several directions dispersed, they burrowed into the grass and began to let go of the skirmishers to hug the grass and hunt rabbits. Good guy, I don’t know if I moved. With this movement, the dense grass beside the runway seemed to be open. Pot, countless rabbits were surprised to come out, gray, black, yellow, and different colors. Probably there is more than one species of rabbits living here.

Lin Mo never thought that there would be so many little things like this in the base. They were almost overrun. There were even a dozen of them running out on the runway at once. It was hard to tell. The population of this base was not as large as rabbits. A fraction of the group.

Stop it, stop it!

Use the flying stone rope, I want to catch them alive.

Lao Hu, where do you poke with the flying knife? I still want to leave a good piece of skin.

Brother, you are a great shooter, insert eye arrows!

No, no, you're welcome! Be careful, the rabbit hit your leg! Lao Li, you have to break his leg!

Ouch! These rabbits are crazy. The net collectors must quickly surround them.

A sweep today will be enough for our entire base to feed us for several days.

Runway No. 1 and Runway 2 were extremely lively. When more than thirty people were put in, it was like throwing small stones into a small pond. The shouts and screams were endless. It was a complete one-sided massacre.

The results of others' battles were even more abundant. The laser sights of the steel crossbows were locked, and the rabbits hit by the arrows fell to death one after another. As for the ones who used nets, flying stone ropes and rope nooses to catch all the living animals, they picked up their ears one by one and stuffed them into large sacks. Awaiting the Chopper's trial.

There are even more talented people who simply use nothing and race with the rabbit using only two legs. They catch up with the rabbit with their bare hands, grab the rabbit's ears and throw it into the pocket. They are so powerful that they are invincible.

Old Hu, who was in charge of the oil depot, was holding a mop stick without a mop head, and was mumbling: Bang! One! Bang! Two! Bang! Three! He was counting and counting from time to time. The rabbit who was driven over by others and was in a panic was hit hard on the forehead, and everyone who was hit was immediately defeated, and no one was spared!

Lin Mo said there was no pressure when dealing with little things like rabbits that were running around and had no attack power. The steel balls fired from the slingshot in his hand were accurate every time. Although the range was not far, it was better because of its fast firing speed and easy aiming. It could penetrate directly. The hare's head was dead even before it landed in the air. In a few minutes, a bag of steel balls was consumed, and he actually dropped more than thirty hares in a second.

After finishing all the steel balls he had prepared, Lin Mo imitated the elite guards of the security company and went into battle with bare hands. Although the poor rabbit jumped on all four legs, its speed and agility were far inferior to those of the dragon knights from another world. It was like a humanoid tank with fists and kicks. Rabbits flew everywhere they passed, and they all twitched and dropped their tents when they landed.

The assembly line of the cooking class was in a hurry, skinning and deboning, blood flowed, and they were extremely busy. After two or three hours of rounding up, nearly 400 hares were killed or injured, and more than 100 were captured alive. The victory of everyone was brilliant.

Except for a few particularly smart rabbits hiding in extremely secret underground caves, all the hares near the runway in the base were swept away. Those who participated in the rabbit hunting were all grown men in their thirties, and no one would pity these small animals. Next Each attack was more ruthless than the other.

The movement on the edge of the runway is getting louder and louder. The results are so abundant that other people in the base can't help but join in. The dragnet-style sweeps are repeated, in line with the idiom wait for the rabbit, and there are even rabbits jumping in panic. Go to the cooking pot.

When the sun set and the team closed in, the rabbits in the airport could not recover for almost two or three years. In addition to rabbits, more than ten snakes, several badgers, and more than a hundred rats were caught. They were piled as high as a hill and the fishy smell was so strong. I didn’t know that these guys who were crazy about hunting rabbits and even mice, the cooking team actually refused to accept anyone who came, claiming that there was always a way to deal with them.

Pot after pot of boiling water was boiled, and the peeled skin was dried like a small flag. The internal organs were removed and the pieces of meat were removed. Except for the amount needed for the night and the next day, all the rest were smoked. The results were calculated on a per-person basis. The cooking team has unified accounts, but most of them are used as extra meals in the base.

These days, the cooking class showed off their 18 skills in roasting rabbit meat, sauced rabbit meat, stewed rabbit meat, braised rabbit meat, and had a rabbit feast. The other dozens of snakes that accidentally hit the passenger car were skinned and drank. , the gallbladders of the snakes were dipped in wine as soon as they were skinned, and then they were scrambled to eat them all alive. Everyone knows that with clear eyesight, up to a hundred or ten mice, fried into pieces of deliciously fragrant meat, were not enough to hunt dozens of people. I only left a few bowls of food for the base leaders, and the middle-level and lower cadres didn't even notice the smell.

This rabbit feast was enough for the base to last for a week. There were still people who were not satisfied with it and clamored to leave the base to hunt in the mountains. However, the commander of the base severely criticized him and dismissed it. The military base had to fight rabbits to ensure security. Forget about flying, it's nothing to go around and hunt animals. If you can't control this mouth, you'll get into trouble if you're late.

The slingshot in Lin Mo's hand showed great success during the rabbit hunting operation, but an unknown fast-handed general took the sheep. He has not seen it yet, which makes him depressed.

After a feast of rabbit meat, Lin Moyi had some other things on his mind and made an appointment with Hao Dali to deliver the order in the morning. He arrived in front of a small blue and white European-style villa. The time was now 6:50.

When he entered the high-level office of the base, Lin Mo, who had never been received by a senior leader at the commander level, felt a little uneasy and uneasy. Did he really make any mistakes recently? !

Some bastard deliberately framed him! Lin Mo had encountered this kind of thing many times when he was in another world.

Although he sometimes gets into a hip-hop relationship with his comrades at the same level, he always maintains a serious attitude towards his superiors. He has no jokes and is universal no matter where he is in the world.

Lin Mo believed that whether he was in the Dragoon Legion of the Slan Empire in another world or the air force base in this world, he was cautious and never one to cause trouble, and he was never afraid of getting into trouble. He quickly calmed down, raised his hand and knocked several times on the black walnut door of the commander's office.

Report! Lin Mo said loudly and forcefully, his military steel style never changed.

Please come in! A low, magnetic voice came from the room.

Lin Mo opened the door and entered, and an extremely spacious, brightly lit, classical-style office came into view. However, what was incompatible with the entire room was a hundreds-inch electric retractable map of China hanging in front of the huge wall bookshelf. There was also a large table with eight legs. There was nothing on the table. But when he saw the table, Lin Mo was shocked. The table was a huge touch screen, and an air combat simulation was shown on it. The graphics, the 3D-effect map and the red and blue fighter plane signals, the graphics and effects are all extremely detailed and realistic.

Such advanced stuff? It’s faster than entering the magic circle of the magician group!

Although Lin Mo knew that this was a high-tech product in this world, it was not of a technical level that ordinary people could access or imagine. Military technology has always been one to three generations ahead of civilian use.

The style of the room combines modern and classical styles to create a strange sense of coordination that I have never experienced before. It can be seen that a lot of thought was put into designing this office.

A soldier with semi-grey hair and a sturdy build was staring at the map on the table. From time to time, he pressed his hand on the table to pull a certain module, as if he was deducing and calculating various data. Two dazzling little golden beans were on the table. Tell Lin Mo that the immediate boss of everyone at the base, Commander Ma, is actually a lieutenant general.

The leadership of a base actually needs a senior official at the level of lieutenant general to take charge? !

Looking at the large eight-legged desktop display again, Lin Mo suddenly remembered the harsh conditions for selecting pilots like them, and the base hidden in the mountains. His own organization was not that simple.

If it were a normal training course, how could people like Lin Mo be exposed to fighter jets so early, and it was a brand new standard J-10. The standards of this base were so high that it was definitely not comparable to ordinary aviation schools.

Report! Second Lieutenant Lin Mo, No. 11, Squadron 3, Squadron 1, 7759 Battalion, code name 'Gold Coin' reports to the Commander! Lin Mo stepped on the solid dark red South African teak floor with his feet and saluted the silver-haired Lieutenant General, formally Report the serial number clearly and accurately.

Hello, Second Lieutenant Lin Mo! The silver-haired lieutenant general raised his head, his piercing eyes as if X-rays were looking through Lin Mo up and down, and gave Lin Mo a standard military salute like a textbook.

With a temperament that looked down on the world like an eagle king, and eyes that could tear the air sharply, Lin Mo seemed to have returned to another world, and standing in front of him was the leader of the Dragon Riders.

Sit down first, don't be restrained! The serious expression on Commander Ma's face suddenly became as amiable as the snow in the spring. He waved his hand for Lin Mo to sit down, as if he could see a trace of nervousness in Lin Mo's heart, and said : Haha, there's nothing big going on today. We're just chatting today, and we're talking about normal things!

Yes! Lin Mo, who was impressed by the temperament of the lieutenant general commander, did not dare to neglect him. This man was a great man on the same level as the commander of the Dragon Cavalry.

What do you want to drink? Coke? Or Sprite? There's coffee here too! Commander Ma walked to the small refrigerator in the room. After opening the refrigerator door, he reached for a can of Jianlibao and shook it at Lin Mo. Young man, he said. I just like to drink carbonated drinks.”

It's still tea! Lin Mo glanced at a plate of Kung Fu tea brewing on his desk, waiting for Commander Ma to get into the topic.

Dragoon Fighter-Volume 1-End

Preview of the next section: Volume 2 Chapter 51 - The Shadow under Peace

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