Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 297: Demon Lord (1)

As more and more detective demon runes are established, more and more areas are illuminated.

Three days later, all the rune formations were established, and as an aura rose, this vast area was swept by an invisible light wave in an instant.

"Alert! Alarm!"

"Dangerous target found!...Scan to the creatures of the lower plane!...Scan to strong negative energy...Scan to the field of profanity!"

"Target locked!"

As soon as the rune formation was activated, a large number of red dots appeared on the crystal screen, the largest of which was red and purple.

"found it!"

"Open the portal, you can't let him run away, this time it must be resolved."

A tall portal opened instantly, and wizards who had been waiting for a long time entered in file.

Everything that crossed the portal made Alan wonder if it was a material plane. The sky was covered by thick clouds, the earth appeared dry and cracked, and the green vegetation had all died. Instead, weird and hideous red plants grew. , The trees became horribly distorted, surrounded by mountain walls, and there was only a narrow entrance.

"Damn! That demon lord has begun to pour the evil power of the abyss into the earth!" Seeing this scene, the wizards didn't know what the demon did.

"Be careful, don't get too far away from me!" Allen said softly to Lilith.

"Everyone, be careful, the twisted monsters wandering nearby are all attracted!" a wizard reminded.

——"Law Order·Guardian!"

Nicholas Mailer gave a soft drink, and an aura quickly appeared. The surrounding animals that were distorted by the power of the abyss screamed, a lot of black smoke came out, and they soon lay on the ground and stopped moving.

"The Demon Lord is in the valley!" Nicholas said, looking at the valley.

Alan glanced at Nicholas with a little surprise. This legendary wizard actually can command spells, which are also known as power words. The most obvious feature is to speak the law. Using simple language, you can cast a spell that is not weak, but this spell is not easy to learn, but the gods are born with it.

The demon lord folds and hides this space, and it is difficult to find it without walking in, otherwise it will be easy to be discovered by injecting the abyssal evil energy into the material plane.

As everyone entered the valley, a black beam of light suddenly fell from the sky.

"Be careful! This is an evil day!"

"A manifestation of the will of the abyss!"

"Damn, you can't let him go on!"

Seeing the black sun suddenly appearing in the sky, everyone's complexion changed. The evil sun is the sun in the abyss, and now the will of the abyss has projected this thing onto the material plane.

As a beam of light fell from the evil sun, a sound of "Om, Om" came from a distance.

Allen drove the scan of the chip to the maximum, and a lot of evil aura appeared in the valley. As the black light dissipated, the huge beasts appeared in front of their eyes.

These were originally ordinary beasts, but after being injected by the abyssal evil energy, they changed and their bodies became demonic. These beasts have gained the power of the abyss and have become the puppets of the will of the abyss, and they are still consumables. While receiving the power, their vitality and potential are also consumed. If there are no enemies, they can only survive for about a month.

"This is a corrupt beast!" a wizard whispered: "They don't feel pain, they are not afraid of death, and their flesh is tyrannical. They are miscellaneous soldiers transformed by the power of the gods."

"Be careful!"

"There may be high-level demons mixed in them!"

Hundreds of huge corrupt beasts rushed over, and the earth shook, and the rumbling muffled sound pressed against the heart. These corrupt beasts looked completely deformed. Some had a hand on their back, and some had limbs. The bone spurs, one by one, looked hideous, and the profane spirit spread around the body.

Inside the black beam of light, there were faintly some monster figures, which seemed to be crossing the barrier and descending here.

"Can't let him continue to teleport!"

"Block this space!"

After seeing it clearly, Nicholas jumped directly into the air, instantly propping up the domain of the legendary wizard, and the huge domain was instantly formed, directly wrapping this area in.

"Law Order and Blockade!"

With a burst of shout, a realm glowing with white aura instantly cut off the connection between this space and the outside world, and the black beam of light in the sky directly broke apart.

The outside world is still a material plane, and here is like a closed small world. The realm of the legendary wizard is the realization of his own abilities. It combines knowledge, heart, belief, spirit, will and understanding of the origin of the world, and incorporates his own perception of the world. The reason why the legendary wizard is powerful is because of the realm.

In his domain, the legendary one has no power to fight back at all, and cannot use the elemental energy in the domain, and the wizard's strength will be greatly weakened. As long as there is no domain, no amount of tasks for the legendary wizard will make sense.

Dean Alfred’s domain Alan has not seen it before, but I heard that it is the ‘element’, which should be the power of various elements. Nicholas’ domain is a bit like the god’s domain of the gods, and his words in this domain are the rules.

Bandar, Ellen's mentor, his domain is death, this is because the domain has also changed after being transformed into a lich. The domain power that wizards master is related to the spells they are proficient in, and they also need sufficient knowledge and understanding of the rules. This is a skill exclusive to Faye.

As for those DIAO silk battles, cannon fodder riders can also comprehend the field. For example, tenacity, fearlessness, courage, strength, etc. do not require any knowledge. You only need to experience countless life and death trials to realize it, but the scope is limited.

"Law Decree·Shock!"

As the voice fell, the bodies of the corrupted beasts running wildly stiffened, and then fell to the ground, a large number of corrupted beasts broke their bones, and even many of their necks were broken, but the powerful force maintained their lives, struggling to want stand up.

"very good!"

"Good opportunity~www.readwn.com~ Let's rush over!"

Nicholas stood in mid-air and stared closely at the depths of the valley, where there was a powerful fel energy.

"The Will of the Abyss has already noticed this. We must make a quick fight and clear the power of the abyss, otherwise there will be more and more demon reinforcements. When the time comes, let alone pay the devil, I am afraid we will not be able to leave if we want to go."

Allen felt the aura of the surrounding abyss getting heavier and heavier, and a huge body of consciousness was staring at it. When the rules of this plane are controlled by Him, the difficulty of the demons coming across the boundary will be linearly reduced.

"Go!" With an order, the wizards of the five-ring tower began to rush over, one by one, the strong and muscled fighting wizards started.

The first to do it was the gentleman-looking Victor wizard. The white wizard robe with red runes swelled instantly, and blue ice crystals appeared around it, followed by a tornado breathing.

PS: Thanks to the book friend Xiao Juhua for giving a reward of 300 starting coins. Thanks for kao9958258100 starting currency reward

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