
You can search “Dragon Language People 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapters!


Chi Lin asked rhetorically.

His heart burned like a flame, and there were countless thoughts in his heart, but there was only such a dry sentence on his lips.

Like countless human beings, there are a thousand words in my heart every day, and there is nothing that can be said.

Most of what I said was not sincere, more, just pretending to be crazy and silly and gagging.

It’s just nonsense that has no nutrition and meaning.

Most true truths can only be put in their stomachs, never seen the daylight.

One day, even I forget those…

Aisha is lightly sighed, Chi Lin’s reaction is already very personal…

Still the kind of extremely awkward, unpleasant person.

“Why did they get the coffin back?” Aisha said, “Because they want to make up for their mistakes! They want to cut off the Phoenix, which symbolizes the glory and deeds, from the coffin.”


“Slightly, slightly, slightly…”

A crisp and toothache sounded, and Aisha blinked and took two steps back quietly.

It was not the sound of a gravel falling to the ground, it was Chi Lin’s teeth trembling!

Chi Lin felt that his teeth were itchy, and suddenly wanted to find something to grind his teeth…

This is the expression of Dragon Clan’s extreme anger, representing their irresistible destruction instinct.

My teeth are itchy, if this problem is in a dog, it is easy to solve.

Just give it a bone and it’s ok, it doesn’t matter if it has meat or not.

But if the dragon’s teeth itch, then his bones may be a house, a street, a city…

Chi Lin didn’t know why he was so angry.

Obviously, there is nothing wrong with what human beings do, and it is even justified.

It is indeed Sitia who deceived human beings.

And human beings just want to get back the glory that did not belong to her, but once given to her…

Chi Lin understands.

He is angry with the narrow-mindedness of mankind!

In his heart, Sitia is absolutely worthy of this glory!

She is so bright and just like the incarnation of all virtues.

Even Chi Lin thinks so.

She is so good, she has everything that ordinary people can have in a dream, but she has no nostalgia for these things.

When disaster strikes, she still stands in the forefront of mankind without hesitation!

In order to protect the entire Human Race from wind and rain, it seems to want to shelter all human beings behind.

Even if Sitia is the same weak in Chi Lin’s eyes.

Sitia is worth it.

She deserves all the glory that mankind can imagine!

But the humans under her shelter don’t seem to think so…

She has done that many for humanity!

She gave up her life for the sake of mankind.

She benefits the entire mankind, but mankind makes her faultless because of some insignificant trivial matters.

Being harsh and indifferent makes Chi Lin feel that has several points of chilling.

Chi Lin does not understand the standards that humans demand from others.

They treat good people strictly, and treat bad people tolerantly.

Good people have done a hundred good things, but if they only do one bad thing, they will be despised and blamed by others.

The bad guy has done ten thousand bad things, but only one good thing seems to be tolerant and understood.

Saint, who was flawless in his life, may become the most conspicuous stain in his life due to the difference of a thought.

In the eyes of the world, he is like a piece of white and flawless jasper black, which makes people sigh.

He did good all his life, just and selfless.

Suddenly, he changed from an upright gentleman to a wretched villain.

In his body, there is no such word as “flaws can’t cover up good”.

People will regretfully evaluate him as “a thousand years of merit once scattered”.

The bad guys are much more comfortable.

He will never do bad things in his life. Only because of his conscience discovered that he did a few good things casually, and he may get people’s understanding and praise.

People will feel that even a person like him can hardly conceal the glory of human nature.

Suddenly understood why he had to do those things that made him utterly conscienceless.

Suddenly they became empathetic and empathetic.

Started to find reasons for bad people to do bad things, who is involuntarily in the arena.

Nothing can be done.

Whatever changes to others, it will probably be the same.

When people forgive the bad guy, they will judge him in a different way.

“The prodigal son will not change his money”, “No one can fail without Sage”.


Human beings treat their good people harshly and go online.

Be tolerant to those who hurt them, like the warm sun in spring.

This is the very standard “cheap”!


Chi Lin doesn’t know who invented this term.

It’s so vivid and so refreshing…

Chi Lin glanced at Aisha and suddenly thanked her for teaching herself the word.

Sitia like this word would never teach him, as if she never knew it.


In fact, Chi Lin knows why human standards have changed so thoroughly and so decisively.

Why do human beings feel the same for bad people, but not for Saint.

Because most human beings feel from the bottom of their hearts that they have the possibility of becoming a bad person, but there is no hope of becoming a Saint.

Tolerating the bad guys now may be the self after tolerance…

And forgiving Saint is not necessary at all.

Since they want to be Saints, they should be strict with high standards.

Therefore, good people will always suffer in human society.

Because the person who can become Saint is as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

And the person who can be the bad guy…

Human beings have the ability to do this easily.

Humans also have relatively literary descriptions of their different treatment.

“Heaven will lower the power to…”

“If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.”


According to humans, Sitia wears the crown and should bear its weight.

But now they suddenly think Sitia is not worthy of a crown, they want to take it off her head…

No, it should be taken from her body!

Maybe Sitia didn’t care.

Her eyes have never looked up, and her crown is not in her eyes.

There are only people under her in her eyes.

But Chi Lin has her crown in his eyes!

That thing in Chi Lin’s eyes is now one with her!

Whoever wants to move, whoever wants to divide the body!

Chi Lin’s eyes looked at the seemingly holy people in the Church of Light, and a hint of red madness flashed across the golden pupils!

Sitia, these people want to desecrate your body, even if they are killed, it is not an exaggeration to frustrate them, right? !


Chi Lin had an answer instantly after asking.

Sitia will not let herself kill those people no matter what happens.

Because she died to protect them!

This human society is really unfair…

Good people give everything, effort, time, and even life.

But the results are often minimal, and only a few people can really get rewards.

The benefits the bad guys can get are countless times what they paid…

Not to mention the real people who deceive the world…

It wasn’t until this was Chi Lin that he understood why mankind always puts hope in the sky.

Why do human beings always say that good and evil are rewarded, the reason is clear, and the reward is unhappy.

At this time, Chi Lin hopes that what humans say is true…

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