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Light GOD compassion …

Listen to Sitia, this is completely stunned.

He looks up and look at the day, what is the light god?

Look down to see the flesh and blood, like the battlefield of hell, where is it compassion?

“What … mean?”

If you don’t understand, Bain is also a good youth that is actively enterprising.

“Light GOD’s compassion is the vertex of SpellL in Church of Light, the ultimate treatment.” Sitia Slowly Said, “is called Divine Technique magic, only SainTess Of Light can display.”

“Why is only Saintess?”

“Because it is recorded in the bright Holy Holy Mode, only SainTess Of Light can learn, and unable to teach.”

“then …” The light column is … “

The tone of Bain is a bit uncertain.

“Yes.” Sitia is very determined, “must be the compassion of Light God.”

bain blinks, “The direction is Chi Lin? This magic is what he use?”

Sitia slowly slowden.

“Isn’t only SainTess to display? How would he?” Bain swallowed a spit, “Do you teach?”

“Of course not.” Sitia shook his head, but the line of sight has been staying on the white light column, “Chi Lin looked at the bright holy chop, the above secrets should be.”


Red Dragon Palace.

Chi Lin huge body is on the stone platform.

In order to put him back here, the Red force has used Stregth of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers.

even uses DWARF RACE tools.

put him here Singer to the end of the family and human Race.

There is only Batelle with a lot of elements, and the heavy soldiers are guarded.

The three days of time is open.

The fourth afternoon, Chi Lin is long open.

Unprecedented weakness is like a tide towards his mind.

“Lord!” Batelle excited and surprise sounds.

chi lin looked at his chest, Flame also burned with a wound.

Flame For Chi Lin, it is the best medicine in the world.

The slow healing of the wound.

“Batelle.” CHI LIN.

“Lord, I am.”

“Let all the elements of the Red Dragon Palace hide.”


Chi Lin is always very satisfied with Batelle. He has never been nonsense, and there is always unconditional obedience for Chi Lin.

“The evil Third Young Master, the wormful Elf Queen, there is you …” Chi LIN covered the chest and stood up.

Cross, stacking on the chest, put a simple handset.

If Sitia is here, you will definitely be startled, and you may even want to be desperate with Chi Lin.

Because Chi Lin is placed, it is the hand ceremony of Church of Light!

is Church Of Light greets people, and the handprint used to pray to Light GOD.

symbolizes the brightness, peace, modest, and walked of light beliefs.

The Chi Lin is also filled with a wonderful beauty.

狰狞 and Xianghe, evil and bright, tyrannical and warm, a variety of completely opposite feelings in CHI LIN’s conflict.

but maybe in the eyes of Sitia, this is also impact on Church of Light.

Chi Lin put this handprint is a bit unhearer. He smashed his head and thought about the content of a bright holy master.

“Human said that the skills are not compressed, it is really a bit …”

chi Lin discourse, at the voids crossing the Both of His Hands, a little Light is now.

then, the most pure authentic Holy Light is full of the entire Red Dragon Palace, starting from Heaven and Earth.

If Chi Lin did not let elemental creatures evacuate in advance, I am afraid that it will make a lot of creatures.

under such a huge light bath, the CHI LIN chest is more than doubled.


Elf Island.

Elf Queen, next to Spring of Life, slamming the Moved Towards, the west of the Moved Toward, looks a little bit of a few points.

For a long time, the Queen Brows Slightly Wrinkle, whisper hate: “Dragon Race is shameful.”


“呜 ~ 呜 ~ 呜 ~”

The long angle sounds, the sound is long, and the spread is extremely.

“What do you mean?” Bain asked.

“Calling important Human Race negotiated heavy income.” Sitia long SIGHED, “Chi Lin’s movement is so big, of course, will be inspected.”

Sitia hard, a fist in the city wall, the crack is dense.

Bain is a bit of a little done, and then a step back.

“This … this is not blame you, after all, he doesn’t want to see, you have no way to not …

“I know …” Sitia is a long sigh. “However, the CHI Lin with the meeting, CHI Lin … like AS DiffERENT AS Heaven and Earth.”

“en.” baN nameded.

This will be understood, no matter what race, you can treat your own career always most variants.

If it is the previous Chi Lin is a warrior who can fight against, then today’s Chi Lin is the warrior, followed by a specialized Bishop.

is still a Bishop … Bishop …

“Humans want to destroy Chi Lin … I am afraid that it is an idiotic dream.” Sitia tone.

“Do you really want to kill Chi Lin?” Bain asked Sitia seriously asked.

“…” Sitia, “Chi Lin’s threat to Human Race doesn’t have to say more. As an empire Princess, if there is a chance, no loan.”

“Do you want to do your hand?” Bain glanced.

Bain’s first discovery, it is occasionally “vicious and merciless” originally “bad mind”.

No matter what to say, Chi Lin and Sitia are also standing for a long time, and Chi Lin is still very good for Sitia.

“I am Saintess Of Light.” Sitia’s voice is small.

“What about your true thoughts?” Bain.

“It is not important.”

“people live in life, if you want it in your true heart, how can you say that it is true to live?”

“I am willing to fully dedicate yourself to the bright and HolyBright Empire people.”

“If one day, the light wants you to betray your country people?”

Sitia glances on Bain, did not speak.

Because this problem is basically equivalent, if I am with your mother, you will save. ”

stupid and meaningless, it is not worth answering.

did not have an answer, Bain, it is not intention, anyway, he is just a simple louder.

“Since SainTess Of Light is so firm, the heart is born, please ask the Saintess adults to see the things in his hand.” Bain looked at Sitia.

Sitia pulls down the hands in the hand, a blue gold long sword appears in her hand.

a sword.

Sitia stunned, she never took so light sword, as if nothing.

The feeling of bias in the hand is that it is true, it feels so powerful …

“Is this?”

“I want to eliminate Giant Dragon, I have to have Holy Sword.” Bain has no expression.

“Holy Sword? How can I be here?”

“It’s the last owner holds it challenges Chi Lin, and then it will be angry with Chi Lin. I was given you Holy Sword.”

Bain shrugged, he wants to tell Sitia, don’t get Holy Sword, you will fever, think you can play CHI Lin.

Sitia looks at Holy Sword, I feel that humans have hope …


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