Chapter 119 of Banshee Gluttony

Woz releases the perception and takes a serious look at the situation inside.

After that, Woz released the old virus as much as possible.

Don’t look at the large number of these eagle Banshees, but in fact most of them are very weak, at most they have low-level transcendent strength.

Woz is now the powerhouse in silverlight transcendent. It is not too difficult to infect thousands of eagle-body Banshee.

The old virus infection is terrifying.

Hawk-body Banshee, who was still hiding quietly, couldn’t stop screaming afterwards.

There is demonization, mutation in their bodies.

In the process of mutation, it is not good.

About half an hour later, the mutation ends.

The original eagle-body Banshee, on the whole, has not changed much, but many details on the body have also undergone various changes.

In general, outsiders can also recognize the eagle Banshee.

Woz swayed in the air.

The eagle-body Banshee below can also feel the existence of Woz, and more involuntarily respect Woz and want to become Woz’s possession.

Many eagle-body Banshee flew up from below, and they chirp chirp twitter twitter around Woz. .

Because the number is too large, from below, it is really obscuring the sky, like a huge dark cloud.

A tall eagle-body Banshee emerged from the crowd. She bowed and saluted, “Master.”

She is Clarklow, the most powerful Banshee present.

“Disperse all.” Woz conveyed his will into the minds of many Banshee eagles in a strange way.

However, Clarke did not leave.

“Take me to your Cave Mansion. Next, I will live here.” Woz looked towards Clark Law.

“Master, please come with me.” Clarklow said with joy. It is her honor to be able to do something for Woz.

Clarklow’s “Royal Palace” is actually a huge cave. The gold and jade in glorious splendor that has been transformed inside looks very good.

With the move of Woz, the palace has been slightly changed.

The eagle-body Banshee species is very evil and somewhat abnormal. Their home, even if it is very good, is full of disgusting things in the interior.

The most obvious one is the numerous male slaves.

These male slaves are all playthings captured by the Eagle Banshee.

Woz is unclean, but instinctively does not want to leave Banshee strange things.

In addition, these male slaves were also transformed into hungry slaves by Woz.

In this way, the entire Banshee Valley was completely changed without being noticed by outsiders.

Next, Woz gave these eagle-body Banshees another reform.

For example, the name of the eagle Banshee has been changed to Banshee.

Apart from this, Woz also distributed some knowledge to make the Banshee tribe of gluttony a civilized order.

Finally, Banshee is to start digging holes based on the land of Banshee Valley.

Woz wants to raise soldiers.

These gluttonous Banshees all have the ability to swallow everything and become stronger.

Of course, their ability to swallow everything is a weakened version. If they really eat something indigestible, they may really be crushed to death.

However, simply eating dirt and gnawing stones is really not that difficult.

The number of gluttony Banshee is a bit high, and nowadays he doesn’t want to be well known, so Woz wants to make gluttony Banshee stronger, so he can only devour his own (earth).

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