In this instant of life and death, Ye Zifeng's movements were extremely astonishing. Not only was it fast, it was also beyond everyone's expectations.

Mo Lan saw Ye Zifeng grab Mo Lan's shoulder with one hand and then instantly exert power. Mo Lan simply could not believe her own eyes, and only felt her body being lifted up into the air.

To lift a person up with one hand, how much strength was that. Not only Mo Lan, but even the little yellow-hair who was in the car behind him was stunned.

"What the hell is this guy trying to do?"

Just as the little yellow hair was stunned, Ye Zifeng used his other hand to support himself on the chair. His entire body shifted and he directly sat on the driver's seat from the original position, his entire body moving very quickly.

Only now did Mo Lan understand why Ye Zifeng had allowed him to open the window to the sky. If she had the sky window to block, Ye Zifeng wouldn't be able to lift him up, much less shift him to the driver's seat.

However, the current Mo Lan didn't have any time to think about all this, because she was currently sitting on Ye Zifeng's lap.

Although they had successfully completed such a difficult task, the danger that Ye Zifeng and Ye Zifeng were in had not been removed.

In the time it took for a spark to fly, the green Land Rover had already caught up to the South Korean jogging car.

With a "peng" sound, the entire car shook. Luckily, Mo Lan's car was not slow either, otherwise the inertia force would have had to flip the car roof over.

"F * ck, laozi has been racing for a long time." "You dare to race with me? I'll show you what a god of cars looks like!" Ye Zifeng muttered.

It was as if the small tremor just now had not affected Ye Zifeng's emotions. Instead, it was Mo Lan who was sitting on Ye Zifeng's leg who tensed up and trembled. A flush appeared on his beautiful face, as if he had been hit by an electric current.

"Miss Mo Lan, lower your head. We are leaving!"

Although he was still in danger, Ye Zifeng's voice sounded inexplicably excited.

Mo Lan bit her lips tightly, and only after sensing that Ye Zifeng did not sense anything abnormal about her body did she finally relax and fiercely lowered her head.

At this moment, Ye Zifeng's eyes were shining, his head was resting on Mo Lan's shoulders, his breathing, which was accompanied by a strong masculine scent, was constantly pounding against Mo Lan's eardrums, causing her heart to beat erratically.

Behind him, Chang Si laughed coldly and said, "Hmph, driving a car, and even playing with flowers. "Stinking brat, didn't you jump? Your father will send you to hell!"

Chang Si then urged, "Speed up, Young Sparrow Hawk, speed up!

"Alright, boss, just treat me!"

The Land Rover s sped up again after the first collision, not letting up at all as they chased after South Han at a trot.

And at this moment, the rose-red Southern Han Jogging had completely fallen under Ye Zifeng's control. Ye Zifeng was not Mo Lan, and did not have any experience racing. The Ye Zifeng of the past was a man who could drive a tank into the air, it would not be difficult for him to run a small jog from South Korea.

With one foot on the throttle, the rose-red South Korea trot took off again, its speed directly reaching 180.

Mo Lan, who was sitting on Ye Zifeng's leg, was so frightened that her face turned pale. Furthermore, due to her closeness to the man below her, electric currents surged under the black lace dress, assaulting the soul of Mo Lan, the beautiful teacher.

The current Mo Lan was almost suffering from fear, shyness, numbness, and all kinds of other mixed emotions.

She bit her lower lip tightly, as if this was the only way Mo Lan would be able to resist the feeling from head to toe, and not let herself come out.

It had to be said that Ye Zifeng's driving skills were top-notch.

Furthermore, Ye Zifeng's car racing was not like Mo Lan driving in a straight line. His car was always on the S-line, swaying left and right, making the Land Rover behind him unable to control its own tempo.

The speed of the sprinting South Korean was like a long rainbow as it sprinted along the road.

"Hehe, it has been a long time. "If it wasn't for the fact that this is only a quick route, I could drive up to 2800!"

Ye Zifeng was overjoyed, but at the same time, he was feeling bitter.

At that moment, Mo Lan's entire person was swaying with the car. It was unknown whether it was on purpose or because she was too excited, but she was actually swaying along with the car and charging at from time to time. That kind of feeling simply made Mo Lan's soul fly to the heavens, and she yelled out with all her heart and lungs.

"Madan, boss, that kid is driving too fast. If we continue to follow him around like this, we'll be in danger sooner or later!"

Chang Si coldly snorted. "Danger? F * ck, Young Sparrow Hawk, you're just a coward. Aren't we in danger right now? "What are you saying? Hurry up and chase after them, and ram them to death!"

Although he was extremely unwilling, the little yellow-hair called Young Sparrow Hawk still tried his best to chase after Ye Zifeng's car.

Glancing at the rearview mirror, Ye Zifeng said in disdain, "Hey, you guys are chasing after me really closely. However, since you guys want to play, then I'll play with you guys. "

Just as Ye Zifeng was muttering to himself, Mo Lan, who was sitting on his leg, finally could not help but start to softly mutter to himself. Mo Lan was covered in sweat, her entire body was trembling uncontrollably, as though she had reached a great realm in her life.

Ye Zifeng stared blankly, then smirked: "Miss Mo Lan, are you alright? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

In the face of Ye Zifeng's question, Mo Lan bit her lips lightly, her throat was choked with emotions, and she stuttered for a long time without answering, or more accurately speaking, she was embarrassed to say.

But very quickly, Ye Zifeng felt that something was wrong, because for some reason, he felt that his thighs were warm and moist.

After being surprised for a while, Ye Zifeng suddenly laughed foolishly, and when he looked at Mo Lan, his expression started to become ambiguous.

As if she had heard Ye Zifeng's malicious laughter, Mo Lan humphed like a mosquito. "What are you laughing at, drive your car …."

Although he said that, Mo Lan's body was still trembling quickly. Mo Lan, who was both embarrassed and annoyed, tried to gently raise her body, to prevent such a shameful thing from happening again.

But who would have thought that the muscles on Mo Lan's legs were too tight, the moment she stood up, she felt her legs go numb, and then, she sat down forcibly once again, fiercely landing on Ye Zifeng's legs.

Let alone Mo Lan, even Ye Zifeng himself did not expect such a sudden collision.

At this moment, Mo Lan felt that even though they were separated by a layer of clothes, they were still connected together. This kind of feeling was inexplicably painful and happy.

Mo Lan's body was trembling uncontrollably, she could no longer endure it, her throat was choked with emotions, her beautiful eyes were blurry, and her voice was sobbing. This Nine Heavens Soul Pin state lasted for around 10 seconds, then she collapsed onto Ye Zifeng's body.

Staring at the beautiful instructor's flushed face, Ye Zifeng who was flying at a high speed didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

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