Dragon Poor

Chapter 159

Beast of the Circle (1)

I do not know if I got on the Gold Lake or Red Bull. It was quite a big deal for Kim Sun-hyuk to deal with the strangers of more than fifty middle-class souls alone.

But he overcame the strength of power with momentum.

When the hand was short, the dragon peer was sure to radiate.

“Uh … ”

Every time I ran with my sword, the policemen spit out my bizarre moaning. The hard – boiled body stood still.

Kim Sun-hyuk went out to sort out those who were so solid. And some time later, there were only those left in the open space who had been exposed to his life, and who had fallen into the winds.

“I assure you that the flesh and blood of your enemies for the first time on the battlefield will be more than the horror I felt before. If you do not get over it, your legs will get hard and your neck will be cut off. ”

For a long time, Kim Sun-hyuk warned the Gentiles who had just set their minds.

“Keep in mind. A sword filled with a sword, a bayon, a spooked spear, stabbed in a spear, or die. The first thing you have to overcome is fear. ”

The word “training” was merely a pun. There was no real training in the world.

Even if he is an adaptation to living matter dragon spewing beating their peers, many of them, it was clear as soon go into action not exhibited even banuiban of the skills terrified.

He knew the facts well, but nonetheless he quenched them with dragon peers every time.

He hoped and hoped that this act could reduce even one casualty.


Choi Min-young also participated in such exercises. Unlike other strangers, she did not have any skills related to combat. But I did not get a few.

She was not exposed to any threats because of incompetence, and for the first time in her life, she felt fear of death.

And the bloody feelings awakened something deep inside her.

[… just… … .]

At first, she was only a small change that she could not recognize. She was busy hurriedly as soon as the work was over with intense training and extreme stress, and she did not have the luxury to contemplate herself.

[… foot… … .]

The more she was exposed to her life, the more clear the changes that took place inside her. But still she was ignorant of the changes that took place inside her, and found no signs.

“I was wrong when I fell down. I have a tinnitus … ”

It was not easy to notice the change, the change that I craved so desperately.

However, the change constantly whispered to her as if she had to know. And the ringing in the heart that started so eventually reached her.

[Please look at me.]


Choi Min-young suddenly opened his eyes to a clear whisper. I looked around, but everyone was tired of drunken training, and I did not have any one who paid attention to myself.

[Stupid! Look at me!]

Something unidentifiable to screech, she immediately told Kim Sun-hyuk of the strange change that happened to her.

“I was a bit late because I was blind, but I feel like something has changed since I started training to adjust to living.”

Kim, who heard the explanation, responded as if it waited.

“Yes? Then I’ll check it out. ”

Choi did not realize what his words understood. But I knew what he was going to do for a moment of terrible momentum.

“I do not know what it is, but if I continue to stimulate it, I will crawl out.”

The momentum of Kim Sun-hyeok that said so much more bloody.

“It is a clue I found difficult. If you do not want to miss, I will endure. ”

It was too late to warn. But for the man who had already pulled up the momentum, she could not make any objections. I just knelt at the overwhelming difference in price, and I was just shouting the groans.

[Please stop! This ignorant bastard!]

Something that could not be found on her behalf made a buzz.

[I am going to kill this fragile child! Do it right!]

Hysterical voices, which seemed to be caught up in nervous breakdowns, were even more hostile. However, no matter how much the voice was voiced in Choi Min-young’s head, it did not reach Kim Sun-hyuk.

After all, the owner of the voice had no choice but to reveal himself.


The bizarre creature that accompanied the sound of the eclipse set off.

“Stop it! I can not hear you! ”

The black hairy North Korean body was the same as that of the goat with two feet, and the upper body is the image of a young boy. The two horns, which had been bent radially, seemed to look like old antiques,

Old, old, coexistent creature coexists with whispering whispers in the voice of the nose.

“What the hell! Why are you so unhappy to live like that? If you just leave me alone, where are you going? ”

Kim was not a goat, but he saw a half-man half-man who was not a human being.

“I got it. Nee. ”


Choi Min-young was in the mood after a half-hour of his half-time appearance.

“Ah… ”

The dragon peer ‘s aftermath was still a remnant, but she first identified the creature rather than moving her body.

“It looks like he’s a four-seater.”

I quit Choi Min – young and he could not be a strange creature. He was convinced that the male resembling that goat was the return she had been waiting for.

“Ah… ”

Choi Min – young ‘s expression was complicated.

It was the joy that I finally had to meet the return that I had hoped to answer the summons,

“Bar, nice to meet you.”

The return was a bit strange and greeted her awkwardly.

“you… ”

Looking at such a return, Choi asked Min Choi how many times he would wear his mouth. I did not want to say anything.

“What is your name?”

After a long time, her mouth opened her mouth, and she turned her back on her face.

It seemed like he did not want to reveal his name to a person who was not a summoner, or to deliver a doctor in a way that he could not hear. Even telepathic things seemed to send.

However, such efforts have become unclear.

“plate? Is that your name? ”

Choi Min-young has spoken aloud, referring to the name of the plate.

“Ichii! Where is the person who reveals the name of the transfer to someone else so easily! ”

Though the board had turned out to be rude, she was just floating in the eyes.

“Can not you?”

“Of course! How important is the name! ”

“I do not know. It was the first time I met you, and I never realized that I was a summoner. ”

Choi Min-young, who had some bones, smiled awkwardly at the plate.

“Why did not you show up so far?”

She did not answer the question on her question. But she did not give up and persistently asked why.

How can you be ignored and bewildered by a summoner who does not have a convertible? If you do not listen to your reasons, your sex will not be solved.

“If I showed up early, you would have been used only.”

The tone was like a child, and it seemed as if it was not as ironic as the face that it was, but at that time, the tone was quite serious.

But Kim Sun – hyeok screamed.

“Stupid. It would have been enough if I told anyone not to tell me about you. ”

It was a stupid excuse not to be considered nutritious compared to serious.


At the end of the board, even though he could not see the face, he seemed to have faced one face. I really did not think that way.

“That’s not it! At that time, this girl was too insensitive to show up! ”

It was a late excuse, but it was only a hard excuse for not having any convincing power after all the thinness of the inside was burnt out.

“So from the beginning I say so.”


Kim Hyun-hyuk ran his breath away with his cheeky face.

I expected it because of the return, but it came out where it came from.

He looked up at Choi Min-young.

She had to be saddened by a scathing summoner who had not been able to return for years, but she was not disappointed at all.

Even though it seemed to be useless at all, even to the point of being a fool, she was finally inspired by the fact that her ability was expressed.

“I do not like it. I will not tell him anymore in that person. ”

I told her that I would not talk to her where she was.

It was literally grumpy.

“I did not want to get out of the way, but I’m trying to get rid of it, so do not give up on me.”


It was the appearance of a young child who was quick to turn his head and turn his head, Once again, my sister-in-law, Jae-hyuk Kim, told Choi Min-young.

“Let me see what that power is. Sadly, for now, he is your only hope. ”

Choi Min – young nodded his head at the end of his speech.

“end! Go! Quickly!”

As the plate looked at him like that, he shook his head and shouted.


He was a totally different person than he thought. When I came up with something mysterious, it was rather like a human being.

However, even if the act was correct, the appearance of the edition was never alike and heterogeneous. The appearance of the combined goat and man was bizarre and unreal in itself.

I do not know what kind of abilities the plate can have, even if I can not measure it at all. I just hope that Choi Min-young has the ability that the years have been waiting for.

Choi Min-young, who came to see if the dialogue with the right-handed person was finished, explained the ability of the plate.

“The plate is a reversal that has the ability to defeat the opponent ‘s war and to frighten him. On the other hand, the same side has the ability to eliminate the fear of death and infect the enemy. ”

Fortunately his wind did not go away.

The reason why I can not show my ability properly is because I was against the murder, but in the end, my fear of death was the biggest.

However, it could not be more appropriate that the edition could alleviate the fear.

“Right now, it is necessary skills.”

For him who has a color scheme, Choi Min-young showed that the ability of the plate is not the only one.

“Summoners can open the door to connect the world with the world of transcendence that exists beyond that.”

According to her explanation, the Summoner was a mediator that connects the world with the circles in which the refugees live.

But there was a fatal weakness.

It was that nobody knows what kind of exchange would come out of the open door.

“Well, that absurd ability … ”

According to her, the Summoner’s recall was indeed gambling. No, it was rather a random draw.

Like an angel of an angel, he had a contract with the water, and his thoughts, which he expected to be a concept of borrowing power, were missed for a long time.

“It says that this body can solve!”

Again, Feng, right in front of me, said with a loud voice, the plate with the sound.

“If only this flute is there.”

I just watched Kim Sun-hyuk’s face as if he had been stupidly stupid before.

“But unfortunately, it’s a problem that you can not induce fumes that are so volatile. So I say. ”

The board spoke with a brazen face.

“Will you help me open the door?”

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