Dragon Poor

Chapter 152

engagement ceremony

The royal tomb of Addesden was built to celebrate the engagement of the princess and the dear soul, and these huge cities were saturated by those who visited the royal roads.

Even if the Yantai Hanada Parade is not considered to be narrow, it could not cope with the crowded visitors, and it became a mysterious place, and the lodging facilities of the royal road had been overcrowded without any vacancy.

“this guy! I know where I am!

“Who’s to say! Clear your family name and name! ”

In order to attend the big royal ceremony, the nobles of the countryside were not able to catch the hostel, so it was easy for them to put on the people who were not good at planting and looked at.

It was not only the aristocracy that caused the turmoil. When there was a ceremony, the royal family gave a lot of food.

“Get away now! I think this is your house! ”

“Let’s borrow a roof for a few days! I’m not wearing it. I’m going to be quiet! ”

Because of this, the citizens of the royal roads and the uninvited guests were not disputed.

Thanks to this, the royal guard, guarding the royal road, had to go through the royal road without a bus before. However, no matter how busy they are, no matter how busy the royal road is,

I wonder if such a mess is spreading. It was quite turbulent when the number of the residents and the number of the maids that reside in the city remained unchanged.

“If there is anything missing, I will not be able to finish it enough to be the one responsible, so check it twice!”

“Why are not the orders still coming? I have to take the goods today and check it out, so it will not be a problem! ”

The family of the royal family and the maidens who were paying attention to the words and the words of the person who was supposed to be offended by the service of the person who had been overcrowded all over the place.

“never! I must never let anyone in the name of the royal family! ”

The servants and the maids were hysterical as if they were stuck in obsessions.

It was not a flock either. It was rather strange if they were not keen to prepare the event to prepare the princess’s engagement ceremony, which would be the next queen.

“Do not disturb people’s ears, distinguish time and place.”

At this time, even the bureaucrats who were considered to be strict were not able to criticize the correctness of the lower ones. The boss himself knew best what was more important.

Now, no matter what the bottoms are, it was only important to finish the ceremony without problems.

The bellman seemed to be as good as anything else if the bellies were standing naked and standing in the water.

If I could finish the ceremony safely, I felt desperate to sell even my soul.

The great event of not only the nobles of the nations but also the special envoys of the other nations, even if they make mistakes and make mistakes, the honor of the Adesden is plummeting. And the sins that destroyed the honor of the royal family were horrible things that could not be retrieved by some deaths.

Moreover, there was no ping-pong this time. The preparation of the engagement ceremony was carried out entirely under the preparation of the Royal Adessen. It was because of the consideration of Kim Sun-hyuk, who is a stranger.

Even the preparations for the necessary preparations for the procedure were led by the royal family, and the part that the royal family did not observe was prepared by the marquis of Rosenheim who was the custodian of the king.

Thanks to it, Kim Sun-hyeok has become a form of attending only the body. So, even though he was on that day, he did not realize much.

But that was only a moment.

After dozens of knights and wizards, he was invited to the ceremony at the end of a tremendous introduction, and he felt as if his feet were stripped in front of thousands of pairs of eyes alone.

Then he realized his engagement, and I was nervous about it.

Probably so. He did not remember how he was going.

Well, uh, I wanted to be led by the Marquis Rosenheim, standing in front of so many people, and at some point I was already in the hands of a young princess with a ring of engagement, a proof of engagement.

“I, theodor Tiberius, the legitimate ruler of Adenberg and the head of the proud Adesden king, declare that the adventure of Adédéen has come to an end with the adoption of Ophelia Laurel Adédén,

After listening to the voice of King Theodor who attended as the guardian of the princess and notary of the engagement, Kim realized that the end of the ceremony was over.

“Ah… ”

Kim looked at his fiancee in front of him.

The princess had to dress up in the ball, and the princess seemed more mature than ever. Rather than emphasizing and complementing the innate elegance and loveliness, it was the result of a strange craftsmanship devoted entirely to concealing footwork and creating maturity.

Maybe if others did make up these creams, it would not have been that bad. But she was not a princess.

She was not at all nervous, nor was she awkward.

It was not a girl, but a woman, and the strange shape that seemed to be spreading somewhere between a girl and a woman had a magical power that caused a viewer to give a strange impression.

Kim did not judge instantly whether she should admire the excellent talents of the maidens dedicated to the makeup of the princess, or whether the princess should be admired for her innate color.

And then we put weight on the electron side.

Looking at the face of the princess quietly, even the slightest discrepancy would have been suspected to have been intended by the maids.

“Count Draham?”

I was amazed at the delicate skills of the maidens, and I stared at them without knowing. I was late to notice the fact and try to look at it, but even this princess, even at the engagement ceremony, had a helpless glance.

I was confronted with the transparent gaze of Ardesden’s bloodline, which added to the nostalgia. It was like I felt my inner heart moving a little bit in the appearance that the princess changed.

In order to hide his inner self, he sprang out of his mind without hesitating.

“I hope that both you and Ophelia will be as pure and godless as ever until the day you are born again and again.”

King Theodore seemed to have a strange smile as if he knew all his inner thoughts.

“Hail the king!”

The citizens of the royal road and the nobles cheered enthusiastically in the goodness of nothing.


King Theodore lifted his hand without hesitating to look at them for a while.

A small gesture to attract attention in the crowded square, but the citizens and nobles who laid bands on the throat and praised the royal family for their casual actions, as if they were lying.

“Eat, drink and drink! This will be the king’s name, and the servant will open the royal barn offering wine and food for them to be faithful to the name! ”

“I will do as Your Majesty does.”

“For the infinite glory of the royal family of Ardes!”

“Bless the merciful Majesty!”

As the voices proclaim the king of Theodore king, the people of the royal road cheered more and more enthusiastically.

“Congratulations. Count DeLala. ”

Rosenheim’s marquis, who had no choice but to take over the guardian of Kim Sun-hyuk, gave a congratulatory speech.

“Congratulations! I hope that the seeds that we sow today will bear fruits until the day of joint meditation. ”

“Congratulations on your engagement.”

Starting with this, the noblemen who had been aware of it ran ahead and rushed to say something of congratulations.

“Thank you.”

He was surrounded by nobles who congratulated him.


Kim Hyeon-hyuk did not remember how the diet had proceeded.

The only thing that remembers is the appearance of the fiancé who seemed to be mature all the time.

The princess dressed in a pure white dress symbolizing chastity, and the woman and the girl were still intense in their heads.

Indeed, the transformation of a woman is innocent.

The beauty of the makeup girl was quite impressive, and Kim Sun-hyeok was somewhat feeling how fond of the future of the princess was growing.

However, he did not even have the time to think about the princess of the prince.

It was because many nobles ran to make friends with him.

“Count Draham. I am a Hupferian from Northern. First, I congratulate you on your engagement … ”

“The southern Hexen family … ”

“If we were to say our family … ”

I do not even remember how many nobles I had congratulated and listened to.

“Thank you. nice to meet you.”

Just by handing the words mechanically, he fell down.

As for Kim Sun-hyuk, I just hoped that this banquet of engagement would end.

Unfortunately, the banquet has only just begun, not even today.

The kingdom of Adoden, under the auspices of King Theodor, was scheduled for a week of festivals and banquets.

“Count Draham.”


“Count Dracula.”

Kim sneezed his soul to see the nobles who were rolling their eyes in order to hang one more word around him.


“I sincerely congratulate you on having your beautiful prince as your fiancé.”

“Count Draham.”

However, among them, there was a voice that pierced ear.

Among the voices of the noble noblemen who were compassionate and friendly, the dry and sterile voices were utterly heterogeneous.


He turned his back to find the owner of the voice without knowing it. He was looking at him in a suit of a different outfit from the attire of Adenberg.

“Pleased to meet you. Guillaume Georges Pontian. ”

It was nice to be able to say, but I felt the hostility in the tone of the day.

Kim, who was gazing at the uncomfortable attitude of his eyes, found a white pattern engraved in the chest of the man late.

Kim Sun – hyuk knew better than anyone what the symbol represented.

“Griffindor … ”

A pattern similar to that of the monster that had been seen many times in response to the articles of the expanse was engraved on the heart of the opponent.

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