Dragon Maken War

Chapter 0141

Chapter 28 The Legacy of the Old Testament Chapter 28 The Legacy of the Old Testament (4) Yes. Laura, you're right. I came too early. "
He stubbornly stood up and waited for a shadow check, but he came out alone, but he could not become an opponent of Laura. That fact hurt the pride of Dikal.
"But that's it. I am behind you only to learn the magic! I do not want to be pushed by you if you give me a little extra time and give me a little more time! "
"Dical, I … … "
Suddenly Laura took her hand and took it to her neck. She laughed and laughed.
“…For the first time I thought someone was sorry. "
"You are a poor man. More than the old me … … "
The old Laura was a doll to give the Aunsaurus clan the desired result.
That is the same with Dicard. But there was one big difference between her and Dhalcal.
Dikal took for granted that his values ​​were valued by them.
I am still desperate for their recognition even after they have been subjected to cursing and have been released to them. They will swear at their mouths, but they will do whatever they can to praise herself as a usable being. I do not know how to believe in the value of oneself other than that.
"I think I know why you hate me."
When I first met him, he thought it was natural to hate myself. Is it not surprising that those who are deprived of life because of Laura hate her?
But when I heard the word of Dical, I realized that it was not the only thing I heard. The real reason to hate Digal Lee Laura is … … .
"It's because you dumped it like garbage."
"What a shit … … ! "
"I think I know the mind. But I still can say that. "
At the throat of Dan Laura on his own throat, a red air stream began to bloom.
"They're rubbish. The trash that should have disappeared in the distant past has made us ourselves and trampled our lives. "
Shut up
"I'd rather die than fall in their hands."
Dikal was sick. It was too late to notice Laura's words.
Well, s**t. Stop it! "
Laura was trying to kill himself.
I would rather die here than to be obsessed with them. It is not just to take a life. They have the power to devour the soul of the dead. Therefore, I did not leave any room for myself and I was going to destroy it thoroughly.
'I wanted to live.'
I wanted to live a lot and see many things.
'Now I know who you are.'
Suddenly Azell's face came up. I did not say it, but I really do not think it was hero Azel Karzark.
Laura was laughing at the moment when she knew the fact that she knew that she would do the same in the crisis. There was no surprise. It was just a cool breeze that was on the chest.
'Do you want me to grieve when I die?'
So far, there is no one who will shed tears and shed tears, and it was life that did not cling to it. However, when they traveled with Azell, in the name of a captive, they became fools.
'At least you're not dead, I'm not going to get angry that the tools are broken.'
Laura laughed because she was silly. As the magic of Digal and Shadow Scythe slams her defensive spell like crazy, the power of curse that destroys herself is completed.
– Give up too fast.
Then there was a voice coming into her consciousness.
– Why do not you trust your co-workers a little?
With that, the magic that was pouring on Laura was suddenly gone. And also,
A flash of whiteness, like fireworks, started to run around.
It is a sword that separates the sky. Three of the shadows that had been sold to Laura were stabbed by her.
At the same time, the surrounding space that burned with all kinds of magic flashes was distorted like a haze in the spring.
'The labyrinth of heartbreak!'
Laura soon realized the identity of the phenomenon.
Soon she lifted the power of cursing the hurdle like a hurried fire.
"Ah … … "
I had to release it just before, but it was quite big because it was the magic that I used to not let the enemies pass the body. The black smoke bloomed from the whole body, and it was crying.
Suddenly she said in a purple color.
“…I'm a prisoner. "
"So far I have."
Azell, who was standing next to him, laughed and replied. Azell tapped her once with her finger.
"Let's stop it now."
That disappeared from the Mana wedge of Azell, which was embedded in Laura's stomach. Laura stared at Azell with her pouting eyes.
"You have your own way."
"Everybody said that about 220 years ago. Even if the age changed, people did not change much. "
"My age is twenty-eight years old, physically and mentally. I have no reason to say that to a younger Dragon Demon Race older than me. "
"I've heard that often."
Said Azell, who responded with a smile.
"Once inside, let your body go inside. I handle them. "
I do not know whether or not there is a skill for attacking the labyrinth of grief to the enemy. However, even if you have such a skill, you will not have enough time to fight Azell.
But Laura caught Azell trying to get out of the maze of grief.
"I'll take care of Digal."
"With that body? I know there's a connection, but in that state … … "
"you can do it."
“…….”Laura's attitude was so decisive that Azell looked at her for a while. And he turned his head with a wry smile.
"Yes, I can not stop a person who is doing what I am doing now. So I ate a lot of … … "
He was speaking while lifting the labyrinth of grief.
"This time I will be the one to blame. Do not die on your own. Then I'll blame it. "
“…It's the first time. "
"I hear that."
"You are too much for the first time."
Azell 's sword, saying that, became a flashing glow and ran through the air.

5 "This is ridiculous."
Decal fell into panic.
When he realized that Azell's identity was Azell Karzark, he was only a little nervous. It was more important for him to capture Laura.
And as a result of persistent driving, I was able to achieve my goal. But this is happening.
The flash of light strikes the ground.
The original air combat is Magician's specialty. Dragon Spirit Skill Both the practitioner and the Spirit Order practitioner have limited time to stay in the air, and even if they solve the problem, they can not exercise their mobility, so it is difficult to fight once Magician begins to fly.
Azell broke that common sense brutally.
Hold on!
A glare of glances flashed across a shadow shadow. Another shadowing spark flames towards Azell, who has just appeared on the spot.
But it is useless. Because of the space distortion that appeared in front of it, the flame returns to the surface.
At the moment of stiffening to stop it, the body splits vertically into another Azell's appearance at the back of it.
"Uh … … ! "
Digal was terrified.
The synergistic effect of the sword and the cup of heartbreak that crosses the sky far exceeded their imagination. As the sword, which is not bounded by space, and the force of manipulating the space became more and more, it was a disastrous result.
In addition, Shadow Screening did not understand the countermeasures against Azell. I was dismayed at the beginning and used the most immediate flash or magic magic without any thought. The sword that cuts through the sky absorbed all its power and burned six people at a time.
In the battlefield full of glare and roar, a pure voice came to my ears like a thunder. Dikal was amazed and looked at the owner of the voice.
Laura, who had become a pantheon, was staring at him.
"Let's make a conclusion. We two. "
I laughed as if Dikal was ridiculous.
"Are you crazy? I think Azell Karzark is back on his back. You will fight me in one-on-one with that? "
"huh. Do you know how to catch such a trap? I think you're going to get Azell Karzark back on the back pretending to fight me? "
At that point, Laura found her head.
"Do you think it's worth it?"
"If I did not ask Azell, you might already be dead. I'll promise. If you win me one-on-one, at least on this battlefield, Azell will save you. "
It was Laura's persistence. Antalkar, she thought she was serious, got through it.
"Laura, how much I have to disregard me to get rid of my temper!"
"That's what I want to do."
Laura first started attacking. The moment Digal picked it up, something unintelligible happened.
Wave support!
Six curses on his back, one of them cursed. As my eyes darkened, there was a gap in the composition of the magic.
Immediately after the explosion occurred inside the shield, he blew him away. Decal barely managed to straighten his body and sprinkle magic randomly.
Unlike Laura who is dying, he still has room for Mana. Magical maneuvering will not be able to penetrate this magic spell like a storm, even though Laura is a stomach.
But Laura's frosty voices were heard as if he had broken the expectation of such a decal.
"You do not know why you are being hit … … "
It was a sad voice. Digal tried to blow it out.
"Uh, ah ah ah!"
As if he had waited so long, the Curse of the Sword was back. The nervous pangs ran through the body.
Dikal then realized what Laura wrote.
'I lost control of the sword!'
No, it is not precisely the control itself. However, some of the magic elements that control the movement of the sword are controlled by Laura.
Hooooooooooo … … .
And finally, the state of Laura was recovered rapidly in front of the decal which lifted the curse.
The physical condition does not improve. It is recovering Mana by refining and absorbing some of the mana released by the cursed digal. It was a horribly sophisticated Mana control technique.
"It's over, Dicar."
"Do not be ridiculous! I was a bit confused by the use of tools! I do not think I'll regain Mana as much as a rat! "
Decal was enraged and spell enchanted.
'This anomaly is only used for two purposes, Mana amplification and defense, and the overwhelming Mana's car comes out. No matter how superior you are in operating technology, if the difference between Mana is absolute, you can push it with a firepower! "
The judgment was right. Laura's Mana almost exposed the floor. If there is only one side in this place and there is only one side there, is the result obvious?
In the end, the magic of Laura 's magic maneuvering and pushing into the magic of Digal was implemented at once. The atmosphere is swirling, the brain is warping, and the flame explodes.
"It's you who ends up, Laura!"
It was the moment he shouted a joyful car.
"I told you already, it's over."
Laura answered with a loud voice. The moment I heard the sound through the bombing, which was controlled by magic to deliberately convey the sound, the whole body of the decal broke into horror.
And the magic that was raging against Lauras came back to all of us.
The Quasi School of Medicine!
"Ca Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa … ! "
Even Dikal's screams were buried in the binge. Laura pursued him, falling in flames and smoke.
Soon after, Laura crashed into the ground and stood in front of him panting halfway into the body. Asked if it was unbelievable, Dikal, whose breath was visible, looked miraculous.
"What the hell, what … … ? "
"A cup of grief."
Laura replied.
"I studied porridge."
“…….”That alone was enough for him.
In the Plains of Darkness, few learned magic to deal with space. However, Laura, who deals with the cup of bloody bitterness, has been able to magically recreate some of its functions after studying the records of Aunsaurus.
I laughed as if Dikal was ridiculous.
"Really, I … I came too soon … Gun
"They will also disappear. So stop it now. "
Hahaha anyway… You really, uh … Is it a girl… … "
Dikal was breathtaking at the end of it. Laura burst into flames and burned down his body, looking up at the glare of a gigantic death that embroidered the air.
"That means … I heard a lot. "
Clear tears flowed from her eyes looking up at the air.

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