Dragon Maken War

Chapter 0106

Chapter 21 Choosing a Sinful Name Chapter 21 Choosing a Sinful Name (2) "The great king, after having caused the Dragon Demon War, realized that his choice was wrong, but it was a situation that could not be reversed. And Azell Karzark, a rebel against the mistake, gave the king a chance to correct the wrong choice and start a new one … Is an interpretation. "
“…Is it the interpretation that even Atein's defeat was part of his planned destiny? I can not help but notice that I will never scratch the deity. "
"I will not deny it."
"Well, next question. Jeffers Almarick, is he really a descendant of Almarick? "
By the way…
Laura wondered, asking. Azell has been hanging around since he was in battle. Of course it was a psychological war, was not it?
Azell frowned.
"At least you believe that. Geeky What are your superiors thinking? "
"I do not know what you're talking about."
"The guy named Jeffers Almarick did not look like Almarick at all. Of course, you might think that if you were only looking. But what else is wrong with Dragon Demon Qi? "
Yes. it is.
Laura was surprised. Azell said, looking at her reaction.
"Almarick's Dragon Demon Qi is a" storm scream. " It's totally different from what he used to do. Why? Is it lost during the years and replaced by another Dragon Demon Qi? "
“…Where did you hear that story? "
Laura could not hide her embarrassment. What Azell pointed out is a fact she never knew. In Plains of Darkness, everyone saw Jeffers Almarick as a savvy successor to Almarick, and his Dragon Demon Qi 'Blade of the Storm' was also known to have succeeded Almarick's writing.
Azell said of her reaction.
"I did not know this … Hmm. I have one to check. How many of you have survived the Plains of Darkness since the Dragon Demon War? "
"About twenty."
"It's more enemy than you think. Who is the highest position? "
The Dragon Demon Race survived the Dragon Demon Race. However, as time has passed, the number has decreased.
"Dragon Demon Queen."
"Which queen is it? Aincera? Tedrin? Kayalia? Ah, Tedlin can not be alive. "
"It's Aincera. The other two are dead. "
"Aincera la … The woman was incompetent in her martial ability. But the ability to lead the organization will be different. It is good to know that Kayalia was dead and Tedrin was dead. I was worried about whether life or death was unclear … … "
Of the three Dragon Demon Queen who married Atein, Kayalia was the master of Atein and the owner of the outstanding combat ability as a queen. Except for the four major Dragon Demon Generals, Dragon Demon King is considered to be one of the strongest magicians of all time. She was seriously wounded in the final battle but was not confirmed dead. I am relieved to hear that he was dead.
"Do you know all the names of the survivors?"
"Not everyone. Three people do not know. "
"There are those who are concealing their identity. So the survivors of the Dragon Demon War now dominate the Plains of Darkness? "
"Give me your name."
Laura did as Azell requested. Azell 's expression of her names was stiffened.
"There are some big players alive. But the prince … Well. So, is Saibain dead? "
"Missing state."
Declared death in absentia
"Twenty years ago … After fighting against the Guardian Shadow, I heard that the trail was stolen. "
"Hmm… … "
"Then halfway through the year Niberis succeeded his Dragon Demon Qi. So everyone thinks they'll be alive even if they leave Plains of Darkness. The elders do not open their mouths on the matter … … "
Laura asked as she said.
"Can I ask you one thing?"
"I still have a lot of water left … Well, good. I will give you a sincere reply. "
"Are you maybe Azell Karzark himself?"
Azell flirted with the question. However, it does not appear on the outside.
"Why did you think that?"
"You look exactly like Azell Karzark I know."
“…Did you live that long? "
No. The Aunsaurus clan has a lot of records about Azell Karzark, some of which are magic videos. You say you are just a descendant, you look just like him. "
"But it is common for a human being to resemble his ancestor to his surprise."
"Even if you think about it. And… You are now talking like the person who had gone through the Dragon Demon War. "
For that reason, Laura was in great confusion. Azell did not want to hide such nuances.
Azell laughed.
"Right. The answer is … Think of it. "
“…….”"I have no obligation to answer. I have an obligation to answer your questions. "
Her expression was almost unchanged, but Laura's voice was like an adolescent girl with a smeared look.

3 Yuren sat in a meditation on his desk legs on a blood drawn green circle. At the back of his back, Latishia caught a spear and cautioned around him, but there were a lot of dead bodies hanging around him. The bizarre appearance of those dead bodies together suggests that Azell and Kairen's guess fit.
"Well, I guess I'll buy some … … "
How much time has passed? Yuren opened his eyes and poured a long breath.
Latishia asked.
"How did you recover?"
"I can manage to walk around. Running around is a little crazy. Move as much as possible to solve magic. "
"It would be better for you to be more relaxed in a bar that is floating with magic."
"It's not so good to recover from a life extortion. In the short term, it is good, but in the long run, the balance of life is broken and it can become irreversible. It is stupid to fall into the fate that can not help but become a Buddhist when you struggle to live. It's better not to use black magic if you can. "
"It's not the Black Magician's voice."
"How can the original Dragon Demon King worshipers teach black magic from the basics to the people they use on the field? I did not want to be a Black Magician either. "
Yuren grumbled. He learned black magic from a very early age. It started to break away from black magic after deviating from the brainwashing of the Dragon Demon King worship through the leader's dream.
Latishia asked.
"So, what is that fate or what?"
"Maybe that guy is right?"
"Hmm. Azell is the man of your destiny. "
“…That's kind of nuanced, is not it? "
"Let it hear. Anyway, he's too strong to think of a human being. "
Azell's show of immortality was thrilled with Latishia, who was the subject of fear and was called a dragon of cold blood to the Dragon Demon King worshipers. Playing Dragon Demon Race executives from Plains of Darkness as if they were a child … … .
"I was surprised, too. It is not man's fault. And… No, I will talk about this personally. "
Yuren came here to follow the dream of an unidentified leader. Knowing the truth and getting the information and magic rain that Dragon Demon King worshipers have not taught … … .
Said Latishia.
"Well, now I'm going to see you. Ready? "
"Like a teen boy, my heart is pounding."
"Please pray that the throbbing does not develop into love."
“…Sometimes I see Latishia, you look like a person who lived for decades in the human world. "
"If you see it, it is because the teacher has brought bad water."
The two went to where Azell, Kairen and Laura were. The night was deep but everyone was awake.
Azell said.
"Sit at a moderate distance. It would be better not to nervous each other. "
"Thank you. But that's why you'll be nervous. "
Yuren said that, and Azell and Kairen went to the magic bonfire and sat down. Azell looked at him with a surprised expression.
What Azell wants to sit down to some extent is to respect each other's position. If you are in a hostile relationship, if you are within range of the sword, warrior is advantageous. If you are far away, Magician is advantageous. I tried to set the proper distance considering that, but Yuren sat in front of Azell without hesitation.
"I do not want to be hostile to you. To keep that point clear. "
"But I may be hostile to you? Did not you think about that? "
"Well. When you hear my story, you will not be able to. …Maybe
Yuren did not have confidence, and Latishia snorted.
"Where is the horses that are usually burned and where are they going to look weak? Have you met a man of fate? "
"I do not want to avoid misleading expressions. Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Yuren Rejester. "
“…Rejester? "
Azell was surprised at the end. Not to Azell, but to Kairen as well.
It is natural that the two responded to the name. Therefore sign
'Is not this the son of Carlos?
Rejester was the castle of Carlos.
Dragon Demon King It is no wonder that worshipers were sensitive. In a sense, Carlos was more hateful than Azell to the Dragon Demon King worshipers.
Before the shock came, Laura said.
"Ah, the betrayer who chose you a sinful name?"
Really? Successor of the Aunsaurus. You should have come to catch me too. "
At the end of Yuren, Azell asked in a lively voice.
"The nuances are subtle. 'A traitor who chooses a sinful name' … Does that mean you chose that name yourself? "
"Hmm. Yes. Is not it a descendant of Carlos? "
Azell muttered as if Kim was missing.
Then Yuren said quickly.
"I chose it myself, but I am a descendant of Archmage Carlos."
"At least I believe so. I am like a young man of Carlos. I do not want to resemble my last years. "
“…….”At that end, Azell widened his eyes. That's exactly what I said. Yuren's appearance with bluish-brown eyes and bluish-gray eyes, although the rubbing does not make sense because of Niberis's mess. … .
'I'm definitely alike.'

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