Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei returns from Sekiro

Chapter 21 Sakura’s first contact with Eriki

At eight o'clock in the evening, the night enveloped the city again. Countless shining lights were on. Men carrying briefcases and colleagues went to the izakaya. Women with juicy bodies twisted their waists and went out. Handsome cowboys from the cowherd shop lined up. A row of people waiting for their guests to arrive.

This is a city full of entertainment and entertainment, and many people are lost in the feasting and feasting.

"I found nothing." Lu Mingfei collapsed on the big bed with his limbs spread wide.

In the afternoon, he went to Meiji Shrine and asked some questions to the priests and witches, but still didn't get any useful clues.

Ashina Castle is the center of Ashina Country, and Ashina is a country, not a small village.

If it really existed, it would definitely leave a huge mark in history, but he didn't even find out about any myths and legends.

From this point of view, either someone deliberately concealed it, or Ashina did not exist at all.

"Sigh." Lu Mingfei knew that it would be difficult to gain anything from this trip.

"Forget it, let's just relax!" He patted his face and said loudly: "Tomorrow we will go to Akihabara, the holy place for otakus!"

There are thousands of electronics stores in Akihabara, where the latest games and electronic products are released, as well as special maid cafes.

Every otaku who watches Japanese anime will want to go to a holy place to worship. There is a legend circulating in the world that as long as you kowtow all the way from home to Akihabara, the otaku god will give you a girl and limited game anime bonuses.

Naturally, Lu Mingfei would not miss this opportunity. He had wanted a figure of Mikuru Asahina for a long time.

The senior has a good figure and a gentle personality. The most important thing is that she is easy to bully. In "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya", Lu Mingfei's favorite character is this character.

He also imagined that one day, a beautiful sister from the future would sit next to him.

The two-dimensional female characters are always so beautiful and make little boys imagine.

Lu Mingfei turned on the TV screen and held the PS3 controller in his hand.

He didn't go on to play Yakuza because it would take a lot of time. Tomorrow he would have to get up early to pay homage to the Holy Land and just play a few online battles.

The joystick slid, and games flashed on the screen. Finally, he chose "Street Fighter IV".

This is a classic old game, and it can be found in every big cube coin-operated game machine in China.

Even people who haven't played it know Chun-Li's long legs.

Street Fighter on PS3 can be played online. Here, you can play online. Your opponent may come from any corner of Japan, or even not in Japan, but on the other side of the sea.

Although he hadn't played for a long time, when Lu Mingfei picked up the controller, his muscles started to move naturally.

"Have you formed a conditioned reflex? I'm really a genius." He looked proud.

This is a new account. It seems that I have never played Street Fighter before. The people I matched with were all newbies. He almost always used Chunli to hit three.

His ranking soared, and he soon encountered strong opponents.

The disadvantage of his unfamiliar touch came at this moment. After a while, someone defeated his starting Chunli. However, when he replaced Ken, he still managed to K.0 his opponent's three characters without any risk.

The intense and exciting battle made time pass quickly. Lu Mingfei's fingers flexibly manipulated the characters in the game. His hand felt warm and he quickly climbed up the rankings.

The opponents you encounter are becoming more and more sophisticated, and sometimes you have to switch to the third character Long to end the battle.

However, so far, he has not lost a single game and maintains a record of 39 undefeated matches.

His game talent has been very good since he was a child. No matter what type of game it is, he can master it quickly. Picking up Street Fighter, which he was obsessed with before, is an easy thing for him.

I looked at the time and saw that it was almost 12 o'clock. I fought 10 times an hour, and the average time was 6 minutes. It was considered an extremely fast battle.

"It's almost done." He stretched and was about to get off the plane, but suddenly, another account sent him a battle invitation.

The account name is "Eriyi's PSN", which sounds like a name a girl would give.

Girls have very weak talent in playing games and are inherently inferior to boys. The top e-sports players in the world have always been men.

Lu Mingfei didn't want to be cruel, but he felt that the name looked familiar. When he opened the ranking list, he realized that this was actually the number one account!

Eriyi? Is she the girl the account owner has a crush on?

He didn't believe that there was a woman on the other side of the screen. There were many people pretending to be transvestites online. When he was playing 4399 Tantan Tang, he was cheated out of his monthly pass.

It was clearly agreed that we would give each other rings when we got married, but that guy actually confessed that he was a man, and deleted and blocked his friends after receiving the gift. What a bastard who cheated on his feelings!

The money to recharge the monthly card and buy the ring was all taken out of his breakfast money bit by bit.

Since then, he has never engaged in online dating again. Who knows if the person in the channel who keeps calling me brother is sitting on the bench with a greasy look on his face and licking his stinky feet?

Back to the topic, Lu Mingfei accepted Hui Liyi’s invitation.

His account name is "Sakura", the English word for cherry blossom.

When he comes to Japan, he will think of cherry blossoms, and when he thinks of cherry blossoms, the huge Sakura dragon will appear in front of him.

Sakura Dragon and White Snake were his most impressive opponents. Both were hundreds of times larger than him. Sakura Dragon's slashes could cut through the clouds and cut the heaven and earth. It was also the source of Long Yin's immortal power.

In honor of Sakuraryu, he named himself "Sakura".

Entering the game, his starter was still Chunli, and his opponent was Long.

Playing against masters is a great experience. No one likes to play against a human-machine that is like a retarded player.

Both sides each launched a set of combos, but no one had the upper hand.

"The first place really has a lot of brushes."

Lu Mingfei sat upright and concentrated. There will always be an opponent who can make you leave the backrest.

The two went back and forth and fought heartily.

A good opponent can ignite a person's fighting spirit.

In the end, both sides used the last character.

Lu Mingfei took out Long from the bottom of the box, but Huiliyi used Chunli.

Chunli is wearing a blue cheongsam and swaying from side to side. Her long legs are full of power without making people feel thick.


The battle was about to break out. Long Shi was at full health and Chunli's health bar was already low, but Lu Mingfei was not in an advantage.

Chunli's rage gauge was full immediately, but he had just finished casting his ultimate move, and his rage gauge was empty.

As long as Erii forces him to the edge of the board, connects the heavy leg with the EX Hundred Kick, and uses Fan Hua as the finishing move, his health will instantly drop to the dangerous level.

Lu Mingfei's palms were sweating and he couldn't tolerate any mistakes.

He focuses on defense. Because he has the upper hand in health, he does not have a strong desire to attack. As long as he grinds a little and exchanges blood for blood, he will definitely make money.

Long's small Shoryuken had an invincible time, but the opponent showed a flaw. It was obvious that he wanted him to use Shoryuken to force him to the edge of the board.

Lu Mingfei was not fooled. His anger gauge was immediately full, and he would soon be able to end the battle with another terrifying "Destruction and Wave Fist".


Lu Mingfei won the battle.

"Huh, it feels so good." He exhaled a thick breath.

"'Eriyi's PSN' has sent you a battle invitation. Do you accept it?"

"Aren't you convinced?" Lu Mingfei chuckled and chose to refuse.

40 consecutive wins, a perfect end to the day, and he didn't want to have another one.

The other party added a friend, and after passing the request, he went offline to take a shower and go to sleep.

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