
In less than a moment, he was suddenly blown away by a gust of wind without any suspense.


Long Bufan’s body is like a kite with a broken line in the fierce wind and waves, flying heavily against the back stone wall. It is because of his strong physical fitness, and With True Origin Body Protection, I was also hit with blood and blood in an instant, and my bones felt a sharp pain like falling apart.

“The wind is quite strong.” Long Bufan stood up, frowning and said with emotion: “It’s no wonder that most of the training disciplines will die on this last level. They have already exhausted their muscles all the way. In the case of flying, how can strength alone resist this gust of wind.”

Chapter 1432 The Artistic Conception of Wind

Immediately, Long Bufan clenched the teeth, body shape He ran out and blended into the wind and waves again, but then when he rushed to the middle area, he was thrown up by the violent wind and waves again, and fiercely hit the rock wall.

peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~! ! ! !

In this way, I rushed out again and again, but again and again I blew upside down and hit the rock wall. The heavy impact was intertwined with the howling wind and waves, forming a wonderful sense of rhythm.

Long Bufan didn’t know how many times he hit him. The scales on the surface of his body burst in many places, covered with wounds, and blood stains were rubbed on his face. He was riddled with scars, and he was very embarrassed.

Half of the time limit in the trial area has passed, but he is still hovering in place, stopping.

However, this kind of madness that keeps being blown up and hitting the wall, Long Bufan is not without gain, he finally caught some of the rules of the wind, he simply closed his eyes, and the Spiritual Consciousness was completely Melt into the wind and waves, feel the wind flowing by your side, and gradually clear comprehension.

If you want to understand the law, you must have a clear understanding of its attribute artistic conception. Of course, if you want to understand it, you also need to look at your own talent.

Based on Long Bufan’s cognition, he feels that artistic conception is the essence of the law, and by comprehended it, it can control the core power of the law.

Everything in the world, whether it is tangible or intangible, has its own fixed laws and regulations for everything.

For example, sunrise and sunset, birth, aging, sickness and death, water seeks its own level, etc. These can be said to be the most basic laws of nature.

The more complex law is the origin of the law of exploration, which is the artistic conception.

Like the wind, most people only know that its superficial laws are the wind is strong and the wind is small, and the wind direction of East, South, West, North.

However, the deeper level of law and mood is a kind of energy everywhere. It is sometimes static, sometimes violent, sometimes gentle, sometimes galloping, sometimes messy, sometimes…

So, Long Bufan wants to understand the artistic conception of the wind, not to resist the power of the wind, but to blend into the wind and feel the law power of the wind.

“Just now, I blindly pursued the speed of sprinting to resist the power of the wind and waves, but the resistance formed by the wind and waves far exceeded my speed. In the artistic conception of Wind Law, sometimes slower than faster Faster.”

Long Bufan suddenly stopped moving, with amazing rays of light in his eyes, and a trace of deep sentiment appeared in his mind.

After being blown repeatedly in the strong wind just now, Long Bufan also gradually cleared the comprehension, and no longer used his true essence to carry the wind and waves. This time, Long Bufan’s speed is slower. Come down, and no longer blindly pursue speed.

With the strength of the wind and waves, Long Bufan’s body shape is constantly fast and slow. When the wind is violent, Long Bufan chooses to cater to it quickly. When the wind is soft and elegant, Long Bufan adapts slowly, not at all continue to choose to quickly break through.

Because the rhythm of the wind is different, the law of Long Bufan’s body shape is not fixed.

Unconsciously, the area where he was walking has already reached the central area, but this time, he miraculously not at all was blown away by the wind again, like a fish swimming against the water.

“This kid seems to have gone up a lot for Wind Element Law Comprehension.” Old Mu looked at the slow and fast, moving forward silhouette in the wind and waves, stroking his beard and couldn’t help but tsk. He praised: “If the previously failed disciplines can also use the wind to perceive the law and follow the way, like him, there would be such a difficult failure in this level.”

And then, if Long Bufan is Continue to move forward, and you will reach the deep area, where it is no longer pure wind, but a terrifying offensive wind!

Chapter 1433 to kill him

The 7th floor Wind Attribute trial area, in the deep area at this time, the raging wind roars like a roar of thunder, and naked eye lurks in it One after another Wind Blade that is difficult to follow.

Long Bufan has already entered this area, and his body is flying in the wind in this fiercely dangerous gust of wind, but like a feather without any weight.

What’s even more strange is that although the wind blade in the high wind assaults the senses of hiding the sky and covering the earth like a locust, Long Bufan’s body has not been scratched.

Long Bufan keeps his eyes closed all the time, relying solely on Spiritual Consciousness to feel the flow of the surrounding wind, and then uses the power of the wind to adjust his body and stabilize his body’s balance in the wind and waves. When he was about to fly to his body, when he caught the fierce wind and waves, he changed his body shape in advance, and was able to do well in one after another wind blade.


At this moment, a light azure wind vortex appeared in front of Long Bufan without warning, and his body suddenly shook, completely disrupting his sense of wind. , There is even a faint tendency to be sucked into vortex.

Long Bufan opened his eyes abruptly, pupil shrink, and there are thousands of wind blades hidden in the vortex, which are involved at this wind speed, even with True Origin Body Protection, I’m afraid It is also a situation of nine deaths and still alive.

The moment Long Bufan was about to be sucked into the wind vortex, he stretched out his right hand, and a small whirlwind appeared in Long Bufan’s hands, spinning quickly and slowly in Long Bufan’s hands. Suddenly thrown into the vortex.


The small whirlwind is like a bomb. After being thrown into the wind vortex, the vortex completely collapsed in an instant, and it was hidden inside. The dense wind blades also flew messily at all around.

Long Bufan, who had prepared for a long time, under the True Origin Body Protection, the part of the wind blade that flew from was resisted by him.

Looking at this scene, the eyes of Old Mu in the basement startled, and he was surprised: “Oh? It can change the law of wind.”

Old Mu lived such an age, His eyes were so harsh. At a glance, he could see the profoundness of the small whirlwind that Long Bufan threw out of his palm just now. The speed and slowness of the Wind Element contained in it completely disrupted the wind trajectory in the vortex.

Long Bufan’s move may seem simple, but among martial artists of the same age, there are very few martial artists who can quickly think of such a cracking method in such a critical situation.

With more and more insight into Wind Law, Long Bufan is also more and more like a fish back in water in the wind and waves, and his speed and slowness of the artistic conception of the wind has officially entered the Second Layer stage. , Yufeng flying.

Now, even if the trial site is restricted by Formation and cannot operate the true element flight, he can still fly with the wind in the trial area. He is like a kite, letting the wind blow Since then, it has been able to fly steadily in the air, directly reaching the final exit of the 7th floor trial.

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