dull sound, unprepared , the vitality hood blocked the giant spider’s powerful blow, and the whole vitality hood trembled violently. It only persisted for half a breath. The crack spread and almost collapsed.

Learing that the giant blood spider suddenly squirted venom, Long Bufan immediately mobilized an Origin Force to infuse it to replenish the vitality mask.

Immediately, his eyes were cold and severe, lightly shouted, and a cold glow flashing blue ice sword was summoned in his hand, horizontally above his head, blocking the huge blood spider from hitting again. Immediately after the arm shook, the blue ice sword flashing cold glow sharply cut the feet and limbs as hard as Wanji’s steel. Green’s blood was frozen before being splashed out by the cold frost.

“ao ~!”

The lost giant blood spider hissed strangely, and suddenly sprayed a large amount of green venom towards Long Bufan.

“chi chi ~”

The venom of this giant blood spider is obviously much more corrosive than those of small blood spiders. In less than a while, the vitality outside Long Bufan’s body The cover is faintly discernible, only a thin layer remains. Long Bufan felt that this vitality mask could no longer persist in the next wave of attacks.

Long Bufan didn’t want to stay too much in this passage. The blue ice sword injected into his hand by the majestic Origin Force immediately condense a huge blue sword shadow of ice, frost filled the cave, making the entire cave The temperature has dropped a bit.

As the temperature became colder, the blood spiders around them noticeably stagnated, and the original rapid speed suddenly became a little slower.

“So these blood spiders are afraid of cold.” Long Bufan thought to himself.

Looking at this cold sword shadow, the giant blood spider was startled, and felt a strong dangerous aura. Without any hesitation, he immediately turned his head and rushed outside instinctively. Those little blood spiders Seeing that his boss had escaped for his life, of course they all followed suit.

“Want to escape?!” Long Bufan’s eyes condensed, and the sword edge slammed out. In an instant, the huge sword shadow pressed against the wall of the cave, whistling and quickly cutting it forward.

The pitch-black passage made a dull sound when it was neutral, and it was also mixed with the terrible howling of the giant blood spider. When Long Bufan approached, he saw that the giant blood spider had been cut in half. Although the green liquid was frozen by the frost, it still emitted a disgusting smell.

Long Bufan couldn’t bear the nasty smell a little bit, and walked out of the cave quickly.

At the end, a dark iron gate stood out from Long Bufan’s sight. The iron gate was arched. On both sides of the gate, there was a zhang high sculpture, which carved the ancient mysterious ominous beast Totem.

“Passed the first test?” Long Bufan was slightly surprised.


The heavy iron door made an old piercing sound and slowly pushed it open.

Long Bufan’s gaze immediately became vigilant, after the iron gate he saw one after another scarlet eyes, demonic beast!

Chapter 351 Origin of Law Enforcement Tower

“Entrance of Law Enforcement Tower 2nd floor!”

Long Bufan stood in the passage in front of the iron gate, vaguely He could feel the icy killing intent inside the 2nd floor door.


The loud and deep roar of the beast suddenly agitated in the darkness. Long Bufan, for example, could hear the suppressed bloodthirsty in his roar. Excited.

However, these demonic beasts seem to be imprisoned by some kind of energy, and they have not rushed out of the iron gate, but the roar of the one after another beast is getting louder and louder, deafening like thunder.

Behind is the nest of blood spiders, and in front is the group of unknown demonic beasts. The position where Long Bufan stands is like the Formation between the two floors, and neither the front and back beasts can enter.

Later, Long Bufan also found a looming small rune array at the corner next to the iron gate, about the size of a wok. Under curiosity, Long Bufan shot a strand of yuan at his fingertips. Jin, shot on the talisman array.

In a flash, ten Yuan Crystal Stones suddenly appeared in Long Bufan’s sight, as well as some dry food and purified water in the green glow of the rune.

“It’s no wonder that the tower is closed for ten days. It seems to be a bit humane. It allows people to rest in this aisle to recover the energy consumed.”

Long Bufan Sitting cross-legged, lightly exhaled said, although he has a large amount of food and Yuan Crystal Stone in his storage ring, he chose the resources provided by the law enforcement tower in the style of frugality as a virtue.

At the moment, ten Yuan Crystal Stones were crushed and the energy contained in them was absorbed to supplement the needs within the body.

In fact, Long Bufan had heard of it as early as the time of the handyman discipline. At the beginning of the construction of the law enforcement tower, it was originally intended to be used for sect disciple cultivation. However, the settings inside the tower are too cruel, and there are often sect disciples. Die in it.

This is because the law enforcement tower is divided into 6-Layer, and each layer has its own universe. If the hour comes, the agency in the tower will release the poison mist on its own to obliterate those who enter the law enforcement tower. Stimulate the potential for combat.

In order to avoid serious loss of sect disciple and not to drop a high-quality Practice Field, a phantom killing tower was rebuilt afterwards. Although its cultivation Killing Formation is realistic, it will not cause death. As long as they are killed in the illusion, they will be automatically teleported out.

The original cultivation Iron Pagoda was used to punish the tortured sect disciple, so it also had the name “law enforcement tower”.

After eating and drinking, Long Bufan lazily leaned against the cold wall, burped, and a tiredness followed, climbing onto the young face.

From entering Secret Realm to the present, Long Bufan has not had a good rest, let alone a lazy sleep, finally returned to the territory and had a cozy hot pot with everyone. I wanted to relax. When he was tense, he was escorted to the Zongmen by black robe deacon, and now he has entered this dangerous law enforcement tower.

In this way, Long Bufan leaned against the cold wall. He was exhausted physically and mentally. After a while, he fell asleep, and five rune armor soldiers were loyal guards around Long Bufan.

In this sleep, Long Bufan slept soundly, even dreaming of returning to his previous life, performing tasks with his comrades, guard home, defend the country, proud and unparalleled to cast the soul of the army!

However, when I wake up from the dream, my home is no longer that home, nor is my country.

At the same time, in the dark room deep in the dark Iron Pagoda, a purple-robed old man sits on an ancient altar. In the stone platform next to it, there is a copper mirror. Inside this mirror What was reflected was not the old man’s wrinkled face, but the scene inside the Iron Pagoda.

Chapter 352 The Iron Horned Bull

The old man of the law enforcement tower looked at Long Bufan who was sleeping in the mirror with great interest, and said hoarsely: “This is this time The discipline of entering the tower and being punished? It seems that he is not very old. It really didn’t expect that he could break the seal of my law and take out the storage bag. The old man wanted to see how many floors he could get to. ……”

The old man is the Law Enforcer of this law enforcement tower. For decades, in this all black, no daylight Iron Pagoda, he is a bit boring. The only pastime in the past was Watching the tortured discipline break into the tower.

However, over the years, there have been fewer and fewer disciplines tortured, making him very lonely and boring.

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