Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 832

At the time, in order to reduce Badakak, Mira even turned into a full energy state of evil spirits.

In addition, the evil Badak and the sun and space of this time and space, some extent it is a 'father and son', let him deal with Sun Wukong, which is only 100 billion combat power, is simply just right.

With the evil Bakakakak, the pupil is lit up, and there is no coming from the void, and then quickly breaks free of time and space, and rush into Namek.

"Do you have it?"

A cold to the ultimate, boiling infinite sound, penetrate from time and space, quickly introduced to Tova and is knewing the Evil Badak back on the ears.



Tova and Mira are all enemies, and the power of the time and space and the power of the Devil suddenly broke out.

At this time, a Sun Wuki wearing the latest happiness of the Saiyan, from the time and space node hidden by the two, walks through the two layers of time and space.

"Sun ... Sun Wu Wu?"

Tova and Mira have arrived in the Dragon Ball Time Space, not only Sun Wukong is born before the birth and the magic man is destroyed, and even more distant pasts and future have been.

I am very familiar with the son of Sun Wukong.


From which time space from the sun, even the two places of the Time and Space Patrol and Time and Space Temple, even the self-integrated 'Sun Wuki' is far away. This person is so horrible.

The sixteenth chapter runs through the time and space, Versic guess

"You, how do you want to die?"

Sun Wuki took a step, and the momentum of the body was incremented. It was only the transformation of the Super Saiyan 4, which already had a powerful force that exceeded 200 points, over the power of Tova and Mila .

When he stepped on a step, the special fusion of the God of Super Saiyan 4 turned into a show.

Up to 4000 points of the vastness, even the nodes and time-space barriers, the void barriers can no longer stop, and the inch inch is dissipated, that is enough to destroy all the violent momentum, and no blocking is the first Every corner of the seven universe.

Namek, earth, land hall, king Wang Xing,

Big Dather Wang Xing, the king of the king.

Finally, it is destroyed.


Under the government, the purgatory is nime.

All the souls that have not washed sins are mourning.

North Territory.

When Sun Kung's breath, the one of the dollar, no matter whether it is the northern king of the nature, it has already grown to a Z soldier who has 30000-70000 combat power.

None exceptions under this breath, the life of the born knocked down the grass of the North Royal Word.

On the big trip, I was listening to the big king of the music pursuit, scared to fall down the throne, and the wolf is shocked to the lower bound universe.

The king of the king of the king, Lessing and Jiebit.

"What a terrible momentum? When the monster of the year, the power is in front of such a force, and it is more small than the antity." Lessin's forehead is full of cold sweat, his one is not a very firm heart, in Sun Wuki In front of the momentum, Surse shive.

But one thing he didn't say.

Super Saians 4 God's Sun Wukong rice, the district magistism Pu Wei is still small than the antity.

Even, even if the destruction god on this time and space node is, it is like a crust.

Destroy the gods.

Still in sleeping Bruce, as if they were awakened by the nightmare, slamming directly from his rou soft chuang.

At this time, Vissed has already taken it.

"This ... What existence is this?"

Biteb bitter in the teeth, trying to make yourself not to express too much.

But in the eyes of Vis, Bruce came from the body to the soul, almost all in the momentum of Sun Wuki, slightly trembled, trembled, fear.

"Is the Saiyan!"

The Vissen is tightly angels, and a virtual projection is projected from the void.

Hidden on Towa and Mira on the Time and Space Node, the time and space patrol on the void and time and space nodes, and even in Namek stars, it is clearly revealed by Vis.

"Time and space patrol, disrupted the wicked people in time and space."

"It seems that it is a time and space patrol that is correcting the time and space."

In the long years, Vis is not the first time and time-space patrol, or another time-space Temple maintained a multi-universe and a non-quantitative time and space.

Although Bruce did not have a hand in people with time-space patrols or Temphopathic Temple.

But this is a compulsory course that is destroying God, and he is not known for the people of time and space patrols. So just glanced at it, Bruce no longer pays attention.

Seeing Tova and Mira's first instant, the origins of the two people were thrown in the mind: "The power of such evil spirits is those who split countless parallel time and space, and the evil in many worlds. End, Tova and Mira? "

In this way, under the multi-universe, there is no quantity of Dragon Ball parallel universe and the world.

Tova and Mira are unique individuals.

In other parallel universe and parallel time and space, there is also the same way of time and space, and have been given to the power of the devil, and the existence of Tova and Mira in countless time and space.

Obviously, there is a current era in the time and space of the Dragon Ball Ultra-universe, is one of the Tova and Mira, a parallel time and space or a parallel universe.


It is very familiar with the angel of Tova and Mira.

Compared with them, the evil spirits of the seventh universe, what evil spirits Flizza, the evil spirits, and the magistracy can only be considered a pediatric.

In order to prevent parallel time and space and parallel universe, parallel world chaos and mess.

Many times, time and space patrols, destroying God and angel, and even the big gods and the whole king will clean up the other parallel worlds attached to the main time and space.

The damage caused by each cleaning is to calculate a parallel world or parallel universe.

Compared to the fact that Flissa is still a magistracy, it is not a 'bad', and it is only a trick.

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