Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 762

Chapter 101 ZHR, the strongest two universe

Earth, the west of the west.

When Sun Wuki was torn open, the Z soldier member and this participating candidate were all gathered together.

"It's another time and space!"

"Is Goku to inform him?"

"If he also participates in the game, our seventh universe wins?"

Turtle cactus and Tianjin rice, Clin et al., Seeing Sun Wuki, suddenly happy.

Sun Wuki is absolutely definitely obvious.

Only the power of the momentum diffusion and when turned into a constraint, a large starry sky swept into the universe rubbish, let hundreds of millions of stars become meteorite fragments.

If he is also a seventh universe of the contestant.

Plus Sun Wukong and Bergiita, this time they can't sweep?

"Collate your poor idea!" Bruce glanced at the earth man who was used to make a number, and another Sun Wuki seems to participate in the full audience, but it is not their seventh universe camp.

Of course, it is impossible to be a player of other universe camps.

What is the situation, Bruce is not very clear, just knowing a little inside news through Vis.

"I hope that Sun Wuki will not be the opponent of our seventh universe!" Bigus is very dignified, Sun Wuki will participate in this full audience, it is a big godman.

It can make Bigus worried that this from other time and space, Sun Wuki, did not join the camp of the seventh universe, and did not join the camp of other universe.

But it seems like a bystander?

Therefore, the heart is worried in the heart of Bors.

If it is a pure watch, it is nothing to worry than Russ.

Sun Wukong's strong absolutely refinement of all destruction of God, and he is in the seventh universe to be able to win the coupon, even if the other universe hidden thece is, it is impossible to play Sun Wukong.

But he is most worried about that if Sun Wuki is not just going to watch, but will join the battle.

The seventh universe became inevitable.

This is a strong force that has come to the angel level, and the destruction is not much better than the ant antity in front of him.

Although Sun Wukong seems to surpass the destruction.

But he also said that the combination of the two power turned into a state of turning into the body, and the burden of the body is extremely horrible, and you can only maintain five minutes of combat power.

More than this time limit, his body will automatically crash.

Moreover, there is no cultivation of eight nine mystery, and the body does not have a strong to carry all the strength of Sun Wukong. Once specially fused, it needs short time to recover.

Unlike a single transformation, you can turn into a rest to restore your physical strength.

Special fusion turning into a state of transformation, as long as it exceeds more than five minutes, one day is basically no longer possible to show the strongest transformed form, can only rely on a single Super Saiyan 4 or Super Saayan blue to fight .

Therefore, the Super Saiyan 4 is blue, which has become the largest bottom card and murder of Sun Wukong.

It's easy to use! !

When I was concerned about the eyes of Busus, Sun Wuki's eyes swept through the familiar faces, and the eyes were jumped, and asked uncertain: "Is this the seventh universe entrant?"

"Well!" Sun Wuki was seriously, this time the seventh universe participant, except him and Begita, Sun Wuki, there is also the people of people, 18th, Turtle Cactus, Klin, Tianjin rice , Bick, Yamu tea.

Basically, people familiar with Sun Wukong on the earth.

"It seems that I am too high for the expectations of the full view!" Sun Wuki is slightly disappointed, in front of these seventh universe participants, except Sun Wukong and Bergi Tower, and have retrieved all powerful wildbarbes, Other strongest Bick, the combat power is 50 billion, the weakest Yamu tea is just about 10 million.

Such a lineup can participate in the full view competition, and Sun Wukong feels that he wants to see the expectations of the strong people of other universe, almost empty!

If this is his opponent ....

That sentence is not arrogant.

In addition to Sun Wukong, the other is a QUN rubbish. As long as Sun Kung is willing to have a part of the breath, it is enough to all shock all people including Beji Tower.

"Mr. Wu Wu does not have to be disappointed!" Vistened, explained a sentence: "Bussen people feel that there is a strongest trust of Sun Wukong and Bergiita, there is no other person. These people on the Earth go to the competition, just to get 10 more. "


In addition to Sun Wukong and Bergi Tower, the remaining eight contestants, including the wild pot, and there is a touch of looks on the face.

That is, but Vis is so straightforward, and their faces can't be hung.

Vissed did not care about those people on the earth. In addition to Sun Wukong, it is expected to be able to take over the people's position, as well as the Bergi Tita, which is destroyed.

Other earth people are anti.

I saw that Sun Wuki finally revealed, and Vis mysterious smiled: "The full view is just that I can reveal some news to you in advance."

"For this time, the Queen's adult can be happy, and in order to let Mr. Envolary, the big godman specializes to make the strongest first universe and the twelfth universe."

"The first universe, the birth of the seventh universe is a hundred billion years old."

"The 12th universe, although the birth is late, but absorbed some of the disappeared fourteenth jade column and the remains of the seventh universe, it is necessary to have many times more than our seventh universe."

"In the two universe, there is a lot of mortals that have destroyed the gods and can even surpass some of the weak destruction!"

Visse said that the first and twelfth universe is full of sigh.

In the first universe of the birth of a hundred billion years, the consecutiveness of the universe is more than the seventh universe and the sixth universe, but it is not only reflected in the average level of the universe. It is also reflected in high-end power.

If there is still the words of Sun Wukong, the first universe, one of the universities, one of the districts, even if he is doing breakthrough, reaching the super-semi-blue limit, the seventh universe is no more than.

The twelfth universe is more scary, the fourteenth universe and the sixteenth universe.

Many of the potential of huge racial spirit, as well as half god, god, even ancient destruction, almost all in the twelfth universe before they destroy their universe.

GAO's 12th universe the quality and total quantity, it is terrible than the first universe.

It is also the twelfth universe, a sentence to catch up with the first ten universe, reaching the biggest reason to be with the first universe.

In this regard, the second universe of the second position is not less than the twelfth universe.

Chapter 102, the seventh universe, the will of Parrow

The first universe, the twelfth universe! !

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