Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 739

Unfortunately, he stands back is a wild bit that has been abolished.

Let now only hundreds of billions of combat power, fighting with Hit, without spreading the whole earth full of funeral.

So, even if you drag the residual drive, Sun Wukong has no choice.

Because he has already retired.

"Is this your persistence of victory?"

"Maybe!" Sun Wuki smiled, but his face and his heart did not change any changes. He slowly stood straight, straight to Sky, it could not be perceived by mortal, the purely fascinating breath, Started with unzurzible and overbearing atmosphere.


The sixth universe, the auditorium.

The light smashed the seventh universe. He saw the sorrow and sorrow, the destruction of the life and death, naturally it is not difficult to see Sun Wukong, how is it disappointed.

"It seems that the last Saiyan is inadequate, as long as the Sun Wukong is defeated, we will win!" Xiang Pa louderly at the bottom of Hit and Sun Wukong, the original anxiety and unsafe disappeared.

With Sun Wukong's state, he does not believe that the seventh universe can also turn over.

Battens smiled slightly, and nodded.

Without Sun Wukong, the rest of the contestants were weak than the front of Begga, which would be naturally impossible to make any threat to Hit and the sixth universe.

Otherwise, the Saiyan Sun Wukong, why only have perseverance and tenacious will, are still going to fight on the ring and Hit?

Not the seventh universe, except him, no one!


The seventh universe.

Most of the eyes have been concentrated on Sun Wukong.

They can only pray now, pray for this man who has repeatedly created a miracle, and will be able to change it again, let the earth cross this crisis.

Sun Wukim will look at the eyes next to it, and the expression of everyone will take the eyes.

Didn't say anything, even the disappointment is gone.

He is very glad that he is not born in the seventh universe of this time and space, otherwise, it is like Sun Wukong to travel forward.

Others have been silently looking at it, enjoying their salvation.

He is simply unimaginable, what is sad.

The sorrows of Borus flash, and finally looked at Sun Wukong, which was supported by perseverance and will, and barely destroying the impulse of the earth.

According to the standards of destroying the universe of the universe, the earth is in the row of clearing.

Just because of Sun Wukong's relationship, plus the food on the earth is indeed good, he didn't do it for the earth.

If you think about the relationship between Sun Wukong, a laughter, ridiculous, and he has a thought of the whole earth destroyed.

Vissed also swayed the head, Sun Wukong guarded the earth and his relatives and family, and eventually turned into him alone, his guardians, those who came to the pro, but slowly regard this as Sun Wukong's responsibility , Should, then enjoy it.

That is, Sun Wukong is pure, if it is replaced with Bergiita and others, I am self-sorted by the earth.

(Four chapters sent, two of which chapters were complement last night.)

PS: Honestly, very hate Dragon 6 gradually became a status quo, and those who enjoy them. What do you need Sun Wukong. Without Sun Wukong, the earth was destroyed thousands of times a minute, and no one wanted to work hard.

Chapter 78th Chapter Reproduces Special Transformation, Super Blue and Super Four

"what happened?"

"Pure God's breath is no longer successful?"

"This is an odor, is it ..."

"No, it's impossible!"

Vis and Barotos, Bigus, Pamashi and others suddenly got up, Sun Wukong suddenly hiped the breath, the super-seasident blue blue-colored flyer, the one layer as the blood red air in the depths of the purgatory bloom.

There must be the so-called Shenling-level cage.

Between, there is a madness of the same violent power, which is leaning over the unordented star, soon the whole planet shrouded, and then spread out of the whole seventh universe.

"Why is the breath of the Sun Wukong, why is the breath of the Sun Wukong?" Xiang Pago's heart faord, the destruction of his sixth universe, actually smelling the breath of death in a mortal?

What joke is open?

"Super Saiyan 4, is the Super Saiyan 4?"

Pattos did not pay attention to the roaring of the image. Her beauty stared at the atmosphere of Sun Wukong, and the eyebrows were unlocked, and they were suspected.

She is very affirmation, Sun Wukong has indeed appeared in the Super Saiyan 4, which once made her remember the power of the heart.

However, she can't understand the current changes in Sun Wukong?

Why is it obviously the power of the gods, and the sacred and noble God, there is a more blazing, mad, overbearing breath.

Moreover, the faintness and even hide the breath of the blue god of the super Saayan's gods on Sun Wukong.

"Still hidden than the super-blue blue stronger transformation? It is impossible! But what will it be?" Batotos denied his thoughts, Sun Wukong is a stronger turning state It is impossible to hide almost desperate situations.

However, if it is not more blue than the super-semi-blue, what is it?

"Could ..." The Pattos pupil is shrinking, and the heart is littering a thinner that makes her flowers.

The seventh universe direction.

The body of Busus once again appeared unevenly, that was once he had appeared when he was facing the Barrow and the special period.

Now, his face once again appeared like this.

"Hey, Vis, Sun Wukong this is in GAO?"

"So high in the breath has reached the destruction level?"

Sun Wukong's changes, that is constantly high, the bloodless flames are mixed with noble sacred gods, and suddenly broke through the big relationship between 100 points.

Although I don't know how Sun Wukong can become a point.

But now Sun Wukong, is the superiority of the destruction of the gods in the same way as Bruce and Paba.

Moreover, Sun Wukong is now crazy and high, still does not have any trend of falling and stop, as if there is endless to break through all obstacles, so that all the destruction is the same.

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