Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 737

Let Sun Wukong and Hit's battle be more unpredictable.

In addition to Sun Wuki, there are two angels of Borus and Papans, which can barely capture their battles.

"How is Hit, isn't you intend to admit it?" Sun Wukong once again born Feitt, with his adaptation, Hit's flashing time attack, no matter what angle and how unresolved attack, he It can be blocked, and it is also the most fierce attack.

The sixth universe camp.

Like the ants on the hot pot, the anxiety is anxious. "How can this, the invincible flash is completely no effect. Hidth guy wants to lose?"

They are not the seventh universe. In addition to Sun Wukong, it is still a backup Sun Wukim.

If Hit is lost to Sun Wukong in this battle.

The sixth universe eliminated the whole staff! !

"Don't be born, like Pass!" Pattos waved the irritability of the imagina Pab fixed, and his eyes did not close the next platform, laughing back: "Hit can not be so easy."

As the control time and space law, the strongest angel of the universe.

Battos can clearly feel the time of Tit, is growing with incredible speed, although on the surface, Sun Wukong occupies an absolute advantage.

But this kind of virtual float does not last too long.

"What do you mean?"

Ido is still not understood.

Hiti is completely invalid, what else does he rely on?

Pattos feels the perception from the time level, and the smile on the face is even more, finally looks at the photo of the photo. Although it is temporarily pressed, it is also the fastest growing growth with the power of Sun Wukong. "

"At the same time .... The growth of Hit is also finally completed in the battle of Sun Wukong."

Boom ~!

With the words of Battos, such as flat-horizon, the whole ring and all the audience are shaken.

I saw that the original steady upper wind will force the Hit to be a hanker, as if returned to the game, once again, once again hit, fell to the ground.

Chapter 76, flashing, 0.5 seconds, desperate earth


"how so?"

"It's impossible, isn't it to crack by Goku?"

"Finish ... finished!"

Looking at the hard-working ground on the platform, it seems that there is a sunkoon that stands up to stand up, and the audience of the Z soldier member, everyone is unbelievable.

Vissered shook his head.

What is the most worried thing is really happening!

The Saiyan is indeed unique, but the growth of other creatures in adversity is also very terrible.

Especially when it is still in a desperate situation!

"! Kar Carlot's guy!" Begitta double boxing, his face is unparalleled, he thought that Sun Wukong was able to defeat Hit to win.

As a result, in the end, the opposition was defeated by the other party?

After gotting with Sun Wukong, the remaining wild pockets of the seventh universe as if the waste was able to play the guy of Schit?

Bergi Tower is cold and glanced as a bison that is difficult to imagine and sacrifice looks, and it is more wronged.


The top of the ring.

"Growth! I have never considered something, because there is no need!"

When Hit said this, the face was calm, but it gave a madness of self-confidence.

He is the strongest killer of the sixth universe, never missed.

For him, what is the powerful cosmic gains and those half-gods, the stream of the gods, and there is no difference.

The power of flashing and time prison is just a trick and two strokes, the difference in three strokes. At all, there is no external force to oppress him, which prompted him to grow up nutrients and necessary.

However, Sun Wukong's appearance, but gave Hit to a slap.

The same ultra-polar Asian god blue, Bergiita was shocked in Hitt's hand, but Sun Wuko can directly see through his hidden relief after headowed two attacks.

And after a slightly adaptation, it is possible to suppress him.

It can be said that if Hit is not able to grow up for 0.1 seconds, the time when I have just gotten, and I will have a distant future that Sun Wukong is temporarily unable to see and arrive.

In no half a minute, Hit is absolutely like Begga!

"Because of your power, let me see my limit. Time is not only to stop in 0.1 seconds, in the battle with you, I spelled the growth."

"right now..."

Hiti is indifferent to him in front of him, even standing up and seems to have the whole body of Sun Wukong, spit out the most amazing words: "My flash is finally exceeded by 0.1 seconds, reaching a further 0.2 second!"

"Oh, it turns out!" Sun Wukong stood up, and Hit as a pure killer. His attack is all right. If it is not a super-semi-god blue, inherited a part of Super Saiya The character of the people, he is very likely that there is no standing.

However, the future of 0.2 seconds is not too far.


"growing up?"

After listening to the conversation of the two people on the platform, Sun Wukong's brow wrinkled. The growth of Hit in the battle, borrowing Sun Wukong's pressure, urged his life to grow, surpass his limit.

Thus let his flashing work, from the original 0.1 second, extended to 0.2 seconds.

This seems to be very weak.

But the gap between 0.1 seconds is to be born with dead distance, and it is difficult to measure distant distance.

However, shock is just a short moment.

All gains have a growing feature, but some special and talented areas, talented spirit, can be adapted in adversity, thereby gaining growth.

This is not unique in the universe.

The Saiyan people are all like this, and the growth of Hit is a little unexpected, but it is not more amazing.

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