But now....

Looking at Sun Wukong who didn't even have 100 combat power after transforming into a giant ape, Gine was embarrassed and didn't even have the face to open his mouth.

Lifting his head slightly, Barrows looked at the full moon in the sky with a contemptuous sneer hanging from the corner.

With a flick of his fingers, a white qigong wave flew into the sky from Barros' hands.

Those Saiyans naturally saw Baros' actions and understood what his actions meant.

next moment.

Boom! !

The moon wheel in the sky disappeared, and the miserable moonlight dissipated in an instant, causing the entire earth to fall into eternal darkness in an instant.

The temple, the gods and BoBo's expressions changed greatly.

They never thought that the qun cosmic powerhouse would destroy the earth's vital moon as soon as it came to the earth!

The dark earth, the temple was not spared,

As for BoBo, who was completely black, he seemed to blend into the boundless darkness: "God, it seems that those people are really bad people!!"

"Strong, too strong. Those people didn't use the super technology in the universe, but just smashed the moon directly with a qigong wave." The gods looked up at the original position of the moon, sweat dripping in the darkness.

Destroying the moon is not difficult, as long as you find the core of the moon, with the strength of the gods and BoBo, you can barely do it.


I want to directly smash the entire moon with pure qigong waves.

Not to mention Tenjin and BoBo, even a superpower who is a hundred times stronger than them would never be able to do it.

Among them, there is a general gap between heaven and earth, which cannot be calculated by reason at all.

No matter how worried the gods and BoBo are, they also know very well that at this time they can't change, and they can't stop anything from happening!


The words are divided into two parts.

Without the existence of the moon, Sun Wukong, who transformed into a giant ape, gradually returned to his original child size.

Ji Nei's body swayed, and he embraced the unconscious Sun Wukong in his arms.

Barros glanced at Gine and the comatose Sun Wukong, then glanced at Bardock and said, "Bardock, come to me tomorrow, and the rest come with me!"

Bass~ Bass~ Bass!

One after another, white arrogance rose, like a bright light in the dark night, but all disappeared in front of Bardock's eyes in the blink of an eye.

The direction of the temple.

Tenjin and BoBo sensed the approaching aura, and their expressions changed in an instant.

Although they already had a hunch that they would meet those cosmos powerhouses, they did not expect this moment to come so quickly.

Before the gods and BoBo could react, a white arrogance streaked across the sky like lightning and fell in front of them instantly.

The white arrogance is very vivid in the dark earth without the illumination of the moon.

The gods and BoBo naturally also noticed the existence of Baros.

However, when they saw Barrows, they gasped for breath and trembled.

Because Barrows didn't deliberately hide his breath, the gods and BoBo, who were proficient in this way, could clearly perceive how terrifying the young man in front of them was.

Then, Kiyand and the dozen or so top Saiyans followed.

The presence of more than a dozen Qiruo demons descended, and Tianshen and BoBo were soaked in cold sweat in an instant.

Just when the gods and BoBo's hearts were trembling.

Barros paced up to them: "God, BoBo?"

Tenjin and BoBo were even more horrified that the boy knew their names.

In the astonishment, the gods also responded quickly, nodding humbly: "Ah? Ah~~! I... I am! May I ask what you think!"

In the face of this demon as strong as a god, there are countless overlords who are like demons.

Although the gods claimed to be gods, they did not dare to be arrogant at all.

Barros saw that this would be the guide for Sun Wukong to become the supreme power of the universe for a long time, and said: "This emperor came to the earth, there are two things that need your cooperation!"

Listening to this domineering emperor, full of majesty and unquestionable words.

The gods trembled, like pounding garlic, and nodded frantically, for fear that the young overlord who claimed to be the great emperor in front of him would be displeased!

Barros nodded slightly, very satisfied with the reaction of the gods.

shen. stretched out two fingers, and Barros said coldly: "The first thing, this emperor wants the dragon ball of the earth, and summons a dragon to do something for this emperor! The earth dragon ball is made by you, and this emperor believes that you must Be able to perceive their existence and help Ben Emperor find them!"

Although the gods were already prepared, he was shocked when he heard that Barros wanted Dragon Balls.

Then, the gods glanced at Barros secretly, and nodded frantically in cold sweat: "Yes, yes, no problem."

(Three-shift delivery, asking for collections, asking for rewards, asking for flowers, and finally it’s on the shelves. Those who watch Dragon Ball love Dragon Ball, so I beg all book lovers to help, no matter how much you subscribe to Shenma, you have to raise a thousand. Left and right. Dragon Ball qun has been built: **, you can add qun if you have an idea.)

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