it's over!

The Saiyans on Planet Vegeta were all stunned.

Then, bursts of joyful howls sounded, instantly making the Saiyans jump up.

Shee Saya hurriedly flew to the Saiyan Infant Nurturing Room, the Saiyan's Healing Center, holding the already depleted Barros!

When Sessaya, Sessally, and Palanti arrive.

The Saiyans in the Healing Mansion were already fully prepared.

The best cabins and therapy machines are ready.

Xue Saya helped to take off the Saiyan armor on Baros, and then put him directly into the prepared healing apparatus!

The Saiyans who were waiting on the side, after Sesaya pushed them away, hurriedly stepped forward and connected the follow-up breathing tube and the checkpoint for measuring their physical condition to Barrows.

Goo~ Goo!

When the convalescent cabin was closed, the therapeutic apparatus inside also began to take effect, and the treatment liquid submerged the entire convalescent cabin just like adding water.


Barrows entered the sanatorium to recover from his injuries.

The Saiyans on Planet Vegeta have gradually boiled over, and there have been heated discussions.

Everyone knows that Frieza wants to destroy Planet Vegeta.

So, to the Saiyans, Baros, who saved their lives, is simply a hero.

The treatment center, a place where no one wants to come except for injuries on weekdays.

It was crowded with Saiyans.

Looking at Barrows, who closed his eyes and recovered his injuries in the recuperation liquid, both men and women, their eyes flashed with gratitude and reverence.

Some high Saiyans and elite Saiyans have different thoughts in their eyes.

In the last battle, Barros made a mad dragon shattering the sky wave, which directly caused all the large-scale combat power detectors on Planet Vegeta to stop beating, as if they were malfunctioning.

This matter, those low-level Saiyans and medium-level Saiyans do not know.

But the Saiyans they saw with their own eyes couldn't be clearer.

The limit of the large-scale combat power detector is 1 million, and it is more than enough to make the large-scale combat power detector stop jumping, as if it is malfunctioning, and the combat power must exceed the combat power detection limit by at least two million! !

Although it was only explosive, when the high Saiyans thought of the long numbers, it was like a nightmare that made them tremble! !


The Saiyans have been traversing the universe and the galaxy for hundreds of years, and they have never heard of the existence of such powerhouses!

Even Frieza finally transformed for the third time, and his combat power soared, but he did not break through the three million limit (interrupted by Barros.).

And the Barrows in the healing apparatus, the limit that can explode, surpasses the strongest in their cognition, the emperor of the universe Frieza.

Looking at Barros with his eyes closed and soaking in the healing liquid, their hearts were shocked beyond words, and the thoughts in their hearts became even firmer! !

(Three shifts are sent, please collect, ask for rewards, ask for flowers, and ask for very good evaluation votes. There are more than [-] words, and the three shifts are guaranteed every day in the past few days, and strive to be on the shelves this week. At that time, I hope that all book friends will continue to support, cockroaches are extremely grateful!!)

Chapter [-] Battle Center, the strongest combat power (first update, please reward)

  [There are more than [-] words, and the guarantee is made three times a day for the past few days. It will be on the shelves this Friday.By then, I hope that all book friends will continue to support, cockroaches are very grateful! !The first! 】

Time is like water, two days in a hurry.

In order to ensure that no injury is left to affect the future of Barrows.

Barros, who should have been treated in half a day, was soaked in the healing liquid by those Saiyan scientists for a whole day.

Two days later, Baros came to the center of the Saiyan battle.

In the battle with Frisana two days ago, Barros knew that his strength had improved a lot.

But after all, he didn't have an accurate reference, and he couldn't know how high his own improvement was.

The Saiyan Battle Center is a place created by the Saiyans in their spare time for the Saiyans to have fun and learn from each other.

The materials here are made of the strongest materials and liquid memory metals in the universe.

Therefore, even a top-level Saiyan with more than 10000 combat power points would not be able to cause irreversible damage here.

Of course, as the battle center of the Saiyans, the combat power detectors here are far from the limit of the small combat power detectors in the Saiyan family.

Perhaps stimulated by the battle between Barros and Frieza.

In the past two days, the Saiyan battle center has been extremely hot.

Countless Saiyans came here one after another and invited experts to fight.

When Baros, Sessaya, and Seseli came to the battle center, the Saiyans who were guarding the door immediately said respectfully: "Master Barros, Sessaya, Sessally!"

No blocking, no questioning.

Who does not know the strength of Barrows, the entire planet Vegeta now?

Even Sessaya and Sessally are known for their fighting power because they did their best to clear Frieza's army before! !

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