The back palm is like the general trend of the stars colliding, and with one palm, the strongest player of the Dosa Jiluo star who had just said that his fists were evacuated from the Baros xiong was photographed into a blood fog that filled the sky, leaving no residue.

At this time, the six people who had already attacked Barrows, looked at the scene in front of them, and suddenly showed a horrified look.

It seems that they are not facing a child under the age of five, but a giant beast of the galaxy that traverses the sea of ​​​​stars.

As Barrows twisted his neck, he glanced coldly.

As far as Barrows could see, their hearts trembled, and the idea of ​​escaping immediately came up.


At this point, after Barros initially tested his own defense, it was too late if they wanted to escape.

Poof~~ Poof~~ Poof! !

Like a water polo bursting, it was actually slapped by a palm into a bloody fog, and the sound of dead bones continued to sound.

The six battle strengths exceeded [-], and they were enough to be regarded as the top experts when placed on Planet Vegeta. In less than three seconds, they didn't even escape from a distance of [-] meters, and they were slapped like a fly by Barros. The palms turned into blood mist, and he died under the palm of Barros.


A gust of wind blew past, and the bloody mist was blown away by the gust of wind.

Barros stood with his hands behind his back, looking down at this planet for thousands of miles, like the supreme overlord who reigned over the Nine Heavens.


Time flies.

A month has passed.

In order to better retreat and practice the dragon elephant to suppress the prison, condense the Zhoutian acupoints.

Barrows abruptly slaughtered all the powerhouses on this planet with a combat power exceeding a thousand points.

The slaughter has made all the indigenous people on this planet understand that this planet has ushered in a child like a demon, and it has also made them understand that this planet will no longer be bright.

Forest of Despair! !

This is the vast mountain range known to everyone on Dosajiro, and no one can set foot in it except for those super-powerful warriors with a combat power of over 3000.

And now, the Forest of Despair has become the absolute JinJi of this planet.

Because the devil who almost destroyed this planet is in the depths of the forest of despair.


The bright moon is in the sky, and the stars in the universe shine with infinite starlight.

Barros stands at the highest point of the Forest of Despair, with the sky above his head and the ground under his feet.

This is an extremely bright world, but there is a beam of starlight falling from the cosmic starry sky, isolating the moonlight from all the bright lights.

Heaven and earth are silent, only one star is eternal.

Above the starry sky, in the Dosa Jiluo star field, the stars shone one after another, and these stars all scattered beams of starlight, blending into the star beam that seemed to stand in the sky and the earth.

It poured into Barrows' body, causing his body to glow with a splendid halo!

The power of the stars in the sky is endless. Barros relies on the magic of the dragon elephant to control the prison, and uses the power of the stars in the sky to temper himself, thereby refining the small star core in front of him.

However, the power of the stars is immense and vast. Although Baros is strong, it is not enough to be tempered by the power of the stars for a long time. Once the load exceeds the load, Barros will still suffer a lot of damage with his current strength.

Starlight and starlight merged into the power of stars, constantly tempering Baros' body.

Barros was already arrogant, and under the power of the stars, he continued to improve at a speed visible to his eyes.

And the fist-sized star core in front of him is also shrinking.

There are stars in the universe, but who can use the power of the stars to refine the body and use the power of the stars for their own use?

If it is not recorded in the Dragon Elephant Town Prison, use the power of the stars to hook the stars and help you refine the power of the stars to condense the acupoints.

Even if Barros spends his whole life, he will never absorb a trace of the power of the stars to forge his body.

Practice ròu, membrane training, bone training, tendon changing, marrow washing, blood quenching, and acupoint training.

With the help of the stars, Barrows will make up for the inadequacies of his body's foundation, and his blood is like a vast ocean of stars and endless endless!

Once Baros refines the star core, the acupoints are condensed.

Barros can barely achieve blood ròu derivation, rebirth from severed limbs, barely able to see the magic of dragon elephants to control prison!

(One more delivery, asking for collection, asking for rewards, asking for flowers, asking for a very good evaluation ticket. Book friends are doing their best. I am ready to open the Dragon Ball curtain and start the plot. I ask all book friends to do their best!)

Chapter [-] The spread of terror, the limit is unknown (for collection, for reward)

  [Restoring the update, these days, the three updates are guaranteed, and it will be on the shelves in about a week. I hope everyone can give the cockroaches some motivation, thank you. 】

Spring and autumn come, and there is no sun and moon in the mountains.

In the blink of an eye, two years have passed.

The most difficult first step for the dragon elephant to control the prison is also the first step to step into the threshold of this supreme body training method, condensing the acupoints, and Baros finally completed it.

The diamond-shaped star nucleus has finally completed its mission, helping Barros to condense the Baihui acupoint above his head.

The meeting of hundreds of meridians runs through the whole body. The meeting point is the highest point orifice in the human body, and it is the meeting of all the yang, the ancestor of the acupoint orifice!

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