Not even the characteristic features of Super Saiyan God's Blue Sublimation can be seen.

"Without the foundation of the body with eighty-nine profound arts, can you find a new way to balance the power of Super Saiyan 5 and Super Saiyan Blue Sublimation with the Ultimate Mind Power?"

"As expected of Mr. Sun Wukong!"

Son Gohan has to sigh how terrible the power of Super Saiyan 5 and Super Saiyan Blue is after the fusion. He is one of the people who has the most say. body foundation.

As long as he exerts that kind of power, with his understanding of the Monkey King of this time and space, I am afraid that he will be torn to shreds in an instant.

But now, the Sun Wukong here is unexpectedly successful.

Successfully combined the power of Super Saiyan 5 with the power of Super Saiyan Blue Sublimation, and successfully mastered it.

What a whimsical genius idea.


The realm of nowhere, the palace of the whole king.

The great priest made a light 'heh' and turned to look at the unexpected guest who suddenly appeared in the Quanwang Palace.

"It's Mr. Son Gohan! It's been a long time!" The great priest nodded slightly to Sun Gohan, and his heart couldn't help but feel excited and joyful.

When they held a power conference here, Barros once said that they would hold a space-time martial arts conference in the whole universe.

So over the years, all the Gods of Destruction and the powerhouses in the Twelve Universe have been preparing for the battle with all their strength, hoping to be a blockbuster in the Space-Time Martial Dao Competition of the Universe and win glory for their space-time.

This delay is more than ten years.

The sudden arrival of Sun Wufan made the Grand Priest have to wonder if Barrows had prepared all the matters of the Cosmos Space-Time Martial Dao Conference and specially sent Sun Wufan to inform him.

"Wow, are you Son Gohan?"

Suddenly, King Quan seemed to have discovered something and exclaimed in surprise, "Are you really that Sun Wufan? Why did you become so much stronger?"

Sun Wuhan, who came to this time and space to participate in the power conference more than ten years ago, is only at the level of the weakest Angel-level Kes.

But now, standing in front of King Quan and the Great Priest.

But it is a Monkey King who can face the great master and defeat the ordinary master-level detached powerhouse.

No wonder even King Quan couldn't confirm the identity of Son Gohan.

"Big... big master?"

There was a horrified look on the face of the great priest, what a joke, in just over ten years of hard work, Sun Wukong, with all their resources and unremitting efforts, has only mastered the balance of the three forces and successfully entered the ranks. to the ranks of angels.

But Sun Wuhan, who came to their time and space once more than ten years ago, in such a short time.

He actually completed the ultimate leap from the weakest angel level to the master level, and also surpassed the great priest, the master level powerhouse who mastered the rules of time and space, and became the great master level powerhouse that approached the whole king? ?

Sun Wukong, who was still immersed in the fusion and control of the three forces, seemed to have heard the conversation of several people, his breath was unstable, and his strength almost exploded.

Fortunately, he has not been in vain under the guidance of the great priest these years.

The spiritual practice has long been different from what it used to be. Only at the most dangerous moment can we control all the forces of the riot and achieve the balance of the explosion of the three forces again.


In the Hall of All Kings, Sun Wufan also revealed his intentions after completing his training in Sun Wukong in this time and space.

However, it was beyond the expectations of the King Quan and the Great Priest.

Sun Wufan did not come here to invite them to participate in the All-Universe Martial Arts Conference.

It is the super-dimensional space-time martial arts conference. The competition specifications have changed from the original competition of two full-universe space-times to a battle involving countless space-time and millions of different world powerhouses.

"Super... Super Dimensional Space-Time Martial Arts Conference?"

Rao is the great priest in a calm mood, and was shocked by the news of Sun Wufan and almost jumped up.

After a while, the great priest, who finally stabilized his mood, pretended to be calm and asked, "Has Barros really invited different powerhouses from countless time and space to participate in this super-dimensional space-time martial arts conference?"


Sun Wufan tapped lightly, and said, "Currently, there are more than 100 million participating time-spaces that have been recorded by Shenwu Battle Stars. A solid special arena world."

"Because I have been to this time and space, and the reason why the Great Emperor once agreed with you to hold the entire universe space-time martial arts competition, I specially ordered me to come and tell you in person."


The great priest hesitated to say anything, and it was a good and harmless thing to be able to let their Dragon Ball Superhuman players fight against other powerhouses in parallel time and space, as long as it would not endanger their lives.

The question is, will the prize for the competition that Barros once promised be voided?

"The great priest is worried, is the reward of the super-dimensional space-time competition?"

Before Sun Wufan set off, Barrows specially explained it, but it was easy to guess what the great priest wanted to say behind his hesitant words, and immediately explained: "The emperor said, his promise will not change. As long as you are in this time and space The contestants can get a good enough ranking, and the rewards of the competition will be more generous, and there will be additional rewards that the Great Emperor once promised as an additional reward for your time and space."

With Barros's state at this time, creating an Angel-level is just a matter of hand, even if it is a Master-level that is above everything, it is just a little bit of effort.

Therefore, the rewards of this super-dimensional space-time martial arts conference are also unprecedentedly generous.

It's so rich that it can make the Dominion level go crazy! !

Chapter [-]: Dragon Ball Super Contest Rewards

  Sun Wufan is coming, and the time-space martial arts competition in the whole universe has been changed to a super-dimensional space-time martial arts competition.

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