"If a life loses its freedom, it has no soul. This is the original intention of my creation."


Lin Sheng was slightly startled, and asked inexplicably, "Is that so, why do you keep yourself trapped in the Dragon God space and don't want to go out? Didn't you deprive yourself of your freedom in disguise?"


Salama's beautiful eyes narrowed: "There is no one in the outside world who can talk to me."

"Therefore, I am more willing to stay in the Dragon God space."

"Then if there is someone who can talk to you, don't you want to go out and see the wonderful twelve universes you have created?"

Lin Sheng said eloquently: "This Dragon God space is beautiful, but after a long time, it will also feel boring."

"On the contrary, although the twelve universes are not as beautiful as this Dragon God space, there are many wonderful people and things that are worth experiencing by everyone."

"Including you, Salama."

While speaking, Lin Sheng slowly fell from the sky and walked to Salama's side, looking at her beautiful face, feeling the fragrance and divine aura coming from her body, Lin Sheng continued: "Body For you, the creator god, standing at the apex of all things in the universe and staying in this dragon god space all the time, don’t you think it’s boring and boring just like the Quanwang has been staying in the Quanwang palace all the time?”

Now, Lin Sheng finally understood why King Quan asked him to go to them when he was free.

As the gods at the top of the universe, although they have the power to rule the twelve universes, they do feel very lonely! Boring and boring! After so many billion years

, If it were Lin Sheng, I would have collapsed long ago! Listening to Lin Sheng's words, Salama's body suddenly trembled!

Chapter [-] The power of creation, the creation of all things, the power of rules, the creation of rules

Chapter [-]::: The power of creation, the power of creation, the power of rules, a moment after creating rules, Salama's ethereal voice of the royal sister, a little helpless, said: "How can it be boring? This is me. The loneliness of the creator god."

"All right."

Immediately, Salama changed the subject and said: "No matter what.

Are you willing to stay here with me or not, I will teach you how to use the power of the Dragon God to create all things."

"After all, you, who have the blood of the Dragon God, are in the same vein as me."


Lin Sheng naturally had no opinion, and said: "After you think about it clearly, I can take you to travel in the Twelve Universes, and then you will find that the Twelve Universes are much more exciting than this boring Dragon God space."

"talk later."

Salama's faint voice fell, and suddenly there was a gust of wind blowing, and her three thousand silver-white hair, which exuded a faint fragrance, fluttered in the wind.

In this scene, Salama is so beautiful as a fairy in a painting.

No! The immortals in the painting are far less than [-]/[-]th of her size, %! Immediately, Salama's green fingers stretched out, and two energies emerged, divided into nine colors and gold.

"The power of the Dragon God is further divided into the power of creation and the power of rules."

Salama raised her beautiful eyes, and while speaking, she ejected the nine-colored energy, which formed a circle and suspended in mid-air.

Then, Salama continued to explain: "This is the power of creation, using the power of creation, you can create a new space, time, matter, life, all energy in space, the origin of space and light, darkness, ice, fire, soil, Wind, thunder, etc. make up all the elements needed for a whole new space."

When the voice fell, I saw that the nine-colored energy that was bounced into the air by Salama gradually evolved into a pitch-black circular space.

A pitch-black circular space, the size of a basketball, with thunder arcs dancing around the edge of the space.

"You can expand the space you want to create according to your own wishes. Logically speaking, you can also create a cosmic space as large as the twelve universes today."

Salama turned her head slightly, her beautiful eyes looked at Lin Sheng, and said, "Do you understand?"

"Let me try."

Lin Sheng understood it, but he didn't know how it would actually work.

Then, he also learned from Salama to divide the power of the Dragon God into the power of creation and the power of rules.

When there was a burst of colorful energy and golden energy, Lin Sheng immediately flicked his fingers, and the creative power of the colorful 7 swept out and floated in the air.

Then, Lin Sheng's mind moved, and the power of the seven creations gradually evolved into a dark and deep space, with a thunder arc beating at the edge of the space.

Seeing this, Salama's beautiful eyes flashed with satisfaction, and her red lips parted lightly: "Comprehension is not bad."


Use the power of rules to give this new space various laws and rules, such as gravity, space rules, speed rules, upper and lower limits of temperature and other rules."

When the words fell, Salama's jade finger flicked again, and the golden energy of the fingertip swept out, melting

Enter that new space the size of a basketball.

Lin Sheng also flicked the golden energy of his fingertips into the new space he created.

"Next, expand the new space, and you can see the new space you created, or it can be called the universe!"

I saw Salama's jade finger flicked again, and her brand new space, which was only the size of a basketball, began to expand rapidly! In the blink of an eye, it expanded to several kilometers. In the dark new space, various planets began to form. , nebulae and galaxies, a properly miniature universe! "Come and try."


Lin Sheng nodded, and then his mind moved, the brand new space he created with the power of creation also began to expand violently! In the blink of an eye, the brand new space created by Lin Sheng also expanded to the size of a million miles on the spot! Dragon! The sky on one side of the divine dimension is blocked by this new dimension.

In the dark and deep new space, there are galaxies, stars, nebulae, planets, etc. visible to the naked eye, almost exactly the same as the new space created by Salama.

A properly reduced universe! Looking at a star in a brand new space, you can see that the star is undergoing nuclear fusion all the time.

If you look at another 1 planet, you can see that there is life evolving inside the planet, and it basically has a planet that meets all the conditions for life to survive.

Looking at this small universe that can hardly pick out any faults, Salama couldn't help being a little surprised: "It was successful once."

Back then, she tried countless times before constructing a complete universe with all the conditions.

Right now, Lin Sheng created it all at once! "Is this qualified?"

Looking at the brand new universe he created, Lin Sheng smiled with satisfaction and asked.

He is still very satisfied with the new universe he has created.

Before that, he basically never thought that one day he would be able to create the universe and everything in the universe.

It felt like a dream, but it was so real.

However, the feeling of creating all things in the universe really made him feel a little novel.


Salama's head is light, and it is undeniable that the new universe created by Lin Sheng is impeccable.

Then, Salama Yu snapped her fingers, and her brand-new space instantly vanished.

Lin Sheng also followed and eliminated the brand new space he created for the first time. Now all the kings of the twelve universes are too much, and Lin Sheng is too lazy to add trouble to him.

Besides, the current twelve universes are already in a very balanced state, and creating another one doesn't make much sense.

"Is there anything else"

Lin Sheng, who was just learning, asked enthusiastically.

"Also, with the power of creation, enlighten all things."

Chapter [-] I will consider your suggestion

Chapter 3::::I will consider your suggestion to "enlighten all things with the power of creation" Hearing this, Lin Sheng brows - clumsily, what Salama said to enlighten all things, is it... like her Just like that just now, the butterfly Sara Feng Di used the cherry blossom to change the first prayer point, and then the jade finger stretched out, calmly like a waterway: "You are optimistic." When the words fell, Zhi Qiao had a cherry blossom falling from the tree. When Salama's Jade Tendency touched the fallen flower, he saw [-] = flower, and turned into a Youse bird on the spot.The moment Asahito formed.It seems to have a soul and life, and it flies into the sky.The point is that there is no magic without the North Standard. After all, Salama's beautiful eyes were lost, and the leech said: 'Use the power of creation to instill any matter you want to instill, and then imagine that you want to change it into an object, and then give life and Soul, even if you have completed "Of course, if you want the enlightened new life to disappear or return to its original state, just give ether a little thought." "Meng, I probably understand Cns. After listening, Lin Sheng nodded. , and then the same column catches a flower that is about to fall from the pivot, a ray of creative power, when its fingertips act on the cherry blossoms, a picture is formed in Lin Sheng's mind. The cherry blossoms in his hand immediately turned into the appearance of Salama. Whether it is appearance, or temperament, it is no different from the real Salama. The only thing missing is perhaps... that on Salama. Sheng Duan has breathed a few chapters, this one

It was Salama who was transformed by Lin Sheng using sakura dots. Lan Fei was Salama. When Lan saw Salama, Salama was slightly startled, then her red lips faded, and she said coquettishly: Yes You can.Why is it enlightened or what I look like?" Lin Sheng's hairy transformation was something she didn't expect. She thought too much that Lin Sheng would also enlighten cherry blossoms or a nine-colored bird, but the truth was... out Unexpectedly! [Remember m.aikanshu8.com loves to read books and spit out "haha!" Lin Sheng smiled heartily, and then his heart moved, and after returning the enlightened Salama to its original state, he said: " Ou Weigang, I didn't think of what the point would be transformed into for a while, and just now Zidao has your icy and jade-like appearance, so I wondered if I could enlighten you," "It looks like it's quite complete, "You..." Hearing this, Salama glanced shyly, and said coquettishly, "Don't escape:" Lin Sheng shrugged in disapproval, "Don't be so boring, it's hard for you to know. It is so lonely in the Dragon God space, and life needs to be adjusted occasionally. If it is too serious and rigid, it will be really boring." "You are just because you are the apex of all things in the universe, and you feel that you should It's more serious and cold, but it's not." Lin Sheng's expression suddenly became serious, and he said, "I don't deny that as a God of Creation, you should have the strictness and coldness that you should have, but sometimes you can relax. Life will be more interesting." Look at Quan Wangtong and look at you, to be honest, although Quan Wang is a child, at least I think his character is more interesting.

"Don't be like an iceberg all day, whether you are a beautiful person or a god, you should live a wonderful life, live your own life, or?" I don't deny that there is some truth in what Cup Sheng said. But her character is like this. If you want her to be like King Quan, she can't get there. Occasionally, she is no longer so serious and cold. If she feels it, she will consider Lin Sheng. Suggestion, "I will test your suggestion in a hurry." After a while, Salama raised her mind, showing a smile that made Dragon God Kongwen pale. , Fang x "That's right." Lin Shengzin smiled, and then continued to return to the topic just now: 'This enlightenment can only be enlightened with matter?" "Of course not." Sarah Fengyu Sanjing Across the space, as the nine-colored light points poured down, under the nine-colored light points, a group of large-colored birds was born: Then, this group of seven-colored birds, Gong Gong. After the demonstration, Salama continued to explain: "As long as you want, you can even use the edge of creation to transform any life and matter." "Just as the innate angelic law of the solid angel family can create The magic question of matter, but the rules of the power of creation are higher, the power of creation that the angel law can create can create more, and the power of creation that cannot be created by the angel staff can also be created. Creation." "Actually, the power of creation and the power of rules have irrelevant functions, and you need to dig it out with your heart." "For example, the dragon's space can change with my mood, that is... to make the power of the moon rules come to me." change." After listening to Dzong,

Lin Sheng nodded lightly and said with a smile: 'I wish to come here so that Salama is so happy, then he will basically be able to understand how useful the power of creation and the power of rules contained in the power of the dragon's cassock is. He already thought that the blood of the Dragon God was the power star that gave him the invincible power of the Earth and the Second Treasure Universe, but he did not expect that the power of the Dragon God contained in the blood of the Dragon God had so many uses! Said, in this Dragon Ball world, Lin Sheng and Salama, who possess the power of the Dragon God, are the guards. In front of the two of them, the Quanwang and the great priest all have to stand aside. Now, Lin Sheng just wants to say one thing. Bao, the system is strong: if there is no system, then it is impossible for him to have the blood of the Dragon God.When he first arrived here, he also felt that the card system for looking at the face was a bit pitted. Now it seems that it is invincible! Love reading it reminds you: the three things of reading are collected, recommended, and scored [Jisheng Collection Bao Zuo m. Red kans lius.com loves to read books and spit the unique domain name, and is amused by speed reading! 1~Rijian Suo Zhanzhong chapter is updated by ikanshuba if you see this watermark on other websites, please go to ikanshuba to read it, otherwise you will not be able to read it To read the latest chapter of this book, go to m.aikanshu8.com or search for 'Love Books' to enter the homepage

Chapter [-] Others are arranged by fate, we arrange fate

Chapter [-]::::Others are arranged by fate, we arrange fate "The wishing beads I created back then were made with the power of the Dragon God."

Immediately afterwards, Salama continued: "Now, you can also create."

"That's not necessary."

Lin Sheng smiled lightly and said, "In the twelve universes, it is enough to have the wishing beads you created."

Now there is a super dragon created by Salama in the twelve universes. If he creates it again, it will not make much sense.

Because, he himself can be said to be an upgraded version of the super dragon.

With the power of the dragon god, he can realize any wish! It is called a super dragon of the humanoid mobile version.


Salama nodded slightly, since Lin Sheng didn't want to create, she naturally had nothing to say.

Immediately, Salama stepped out with pure white bare feet and walked towards the nine-color lake not far away.

With each step she fell, nine-colored rays of light were formed on the ground, her long nine-color skirt dragged on the ground, and the cherry blossoms and cherry trees all over the ground set off.

This scene is like a world famous painting, beautiful.

"You almost understand what you should know. If you don't want to stay with me in the Dragon God space, then you can leave now."

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