"Hahaha, this uncle is really talented, he's ingenious when he complains! I'm really going to die of laughter!!"

"This program group is really conscientious, and there are not many program groups with such conscience now!"

As soon as this tidbit was broadcast, it caused a sensation again: everyone who saw the tidbit burst into laughter, their stomach hurt from laughing, but they couldn't help it. Laughing and enduring hardships.

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Chapter [-] It's Not Because of You

"Brothers, such a wonderful show, I'm waiting for Master Ye's short video on Douyin!!"

After the Wilderness Survival show was broadcast, someone couldn't help but commented on Ye Heng's past Douyin videos.

"Yeah, I'll be waiting here too, the first floor will definitely be mine, everyone remember to let me go up!"

"Wow, I didn't expect Ye Shen's strength to be like this. He's so handsome."

"What should I do, I found that I like him more and more! Mom doesn't have to worry that I can't find a boyfriend anymore!"

"Yes, Mom I'm in love again!!!"

"Well, what's the matter, I just went on a trip, what happened?"

"Me too, confused"

"Double-faced bewilderment"

"Three Faces Confused"


"You guys are too out of date" [-]

Don't worry if you don't know, I believe that Ye Shen's short video will be released soon, and then you will be surprised again!"

Before publishing his own work, Ye Heng already found that there were a lot of comments and various comments under his previous works.

Ye Heng glanced at it for a while, and suddenly burst into laughter! It was just a show, so what's the matter... The fans are getting more and more crazy.

Really! It's not enough now... it's just some appetizers, that's all, if the earth-shattering works appear in the future, how can their little hearts bear it! It seems that there are still some fans who want to be themselves. Just have a good heart!! Since they want to watch their own short videos so much, then show them.

The short video clipped from the video is actually not much different from the one seen in the show, but with some background music added, the time is accelerated many times.

Without hiding it, I directly uploaded and published all the five 55 videos in my hand.

"Your work has been published successfully!"

The system's electronic synth sounds.

"Wow, Ye Shen has published his work, five 55s, and there are actually five 55 short videos."

"Really show me!"

"Wow! As expected of me, Ye Shen, I'm really awesome! So handsome! Hahaha, and that uncle is also funny, he doesn't even know me Ye Shen!!"

"Ahaha! I'm on the first floor!!! No one can take it!!!"

"I wipe! Who stole me from the first floor, come and come, the one upstairs, we placed Galen!"

"Come here, the old Galen of a thousand games is here, are you afraid that you won't succeed!!!"

"Big brother, big brother! Hand tea to the big brother!"

Not everyone who likes Ye Shen survives! But when they know that Ye Shen has released a new work, they all turn on their phones right away! Click on Douyin.

"Your video likes have reached [-]!"

Ye Heng was stunned. It took less than half a minute to post, and the number of likes had already reached 55. Even if everyone clicked five [-] likes, there would still be at least [-] people standing by him! This is too exaggerated. Come on! You love it, I love it!!! Ten minutes later, "your video likes has reached one million!"

Half an hour later, "Your video likes have reached [-] million!"

It's too fast to get [-] million likes! Even Ye Heng was a little stunned.

Most of the reason for such a scene is Survival in the Wilderness, because of the broadcast of Survival in the Wilderness, many of Ye Heng's fans knew first about Ye Heng's participation as a guest of Survival in the Wilderness.

Many people also considered that Ye Heng would publish a video about this, so they waited in advance to cause such an unprecedented thing! Looking at the number of likes that kept beating, Ye Heng was naturally very happy. The more money, the more the lottery.

Ye Heng also knows that this is only the beginning of such an outbreak, it will be silent for a period of time, and there will be an outbreak time period after get off work.

Douyin is so popular because it is a short video that is very good to pass the boring time. It doesn't take a lot of time. Each video is only ten seconds long, and various videos are also loved by many.

At the time of getting off work, taking the subway, crowding the bus, or sitting at home bored, Douyin will be the first choice for many people.

"Well, this is Yeshen's work, give a like first, this fish doesn't need to be eaten, just looking at it makes people's appetite go up, Yeshen is still perverted as always! What, this is Yeshen's work, this is survival in the wilderness Yes, Master Bei also appeared!"

After watching the five 55 videos and all the likes, search for the latest episode of Wilderness Survival.

"What!!! Ye Shen actually participated in Wilderness Survival, no! I have to go home and watch Wilderness Survival!"

After talking to himself, he reached out and stopped a taxi. Even if the bus he was waiting for came, he turned a blind eye. He couldn't wait! "Wife, this fish is so delicious!"

The other party looked at him in surprise! Didn't he like to eat fish? She made it for herself. Every time she made fish, she deliberately chose a small fish because only she liked to eat it...... What's the matter today, I said unexpectedly: "This is fish, and the ribs are next to it!"

"I know!"

I reached out and touched my husband's forehead, what's the matter? I don't have a fever! Strange things happen in many places. Even the fish in the vegetable market is in short supply today, but the crayfish, which is usually popular, is no one cares today.

In the evening, Zhang Qingchu also wanted to eat fish, but when he was shopping for food, he found that it was difficult to buy a fish with a thousand dollars. When even asked, "What's the matter, is it not allowed to sell fish today?"

The stall owner replied: "No, it's just that there are a lot of people buying fish today! Some people are still talking about Ye Shen, and I don't know what it means."

"Ye God because of him"

Zhang Qingchu was a little surprised. He didn't expect it to be because of him. Could it be because of that video? Ye Heng looked at Zhang Qingchu with some lobsters in his hands, and asked suspiciously, "Didn't you go out to buy fish? Why, I want to eat lobsters again. "

Zhang Qingchu glanced at Ye Heng angrily, and pretended to be angry: "It's not because of you!"

Ye Heng was even more puzzled, and said incomprehensibly, "What does this have to do with 5.

7 relationship, I didn't forbid you to eat fish!"

Zhang Qingchu looked at Ye Heng, a little funny, and immediately told Ye Heng what happened to her.

Suddenly, Ye Heng was also embarrassed for a while, but he never thought that it was really because of himself.

Zhang Qingchu walked over and hugged Ye Heng's arm and said, "Okay, I don't blame you, but you're here to cook today!!!"

With a slight smile, Ye Heng joked: "It seems that you didn't do it either! Let me go! Let go!!!"

A man can bend and stretch, not to mention, it really hurts to twist! "It's almost the same! Do you want me to help you?"

"Don't, you golden branches and jade leaves, just rest!"

"Humph! I'm not uncommon: what!!"

He actually despised me! It should have been heavier just now.

Ye Heng didn't know what Zhang Qingchu was thinking, otherwise he would sigh again: The most poisonous woman's heart!

Chapter two hundred and eighty seventh television sensation

All night long, the next morning.

Ye Heng, who had just woken up in the morning, remembered the emotionless voice of the system in his mind, "The number of likes for this video has exceeded [-] million! The accumulated wealth is [-] billion"

[-] million, and on average, each video has [-] million likes, which is equivalent to [-] million for each video.

[-] million likes, Ye Heng now has [-] billion fortune, and one platinum [-] consecutive draw will cost [-] billion wealth value, which means that he can now draw twice in a row. .

It's up to you to take it out now, or wait, it's only been half a day since the video was released, and the number of likes is still growing at night, so let's take it out together at the end.

Two billion is still a little too little! Last time, five billion was just a little bit taken out, but if he took it down, Ye Heng guessed that he might even get nothing at all.

It's a pity that the number of hits of the show is not 16. The response to the Wilderness Survival program this time is very large. The TV ratings are also rising. On various video websites, the click-through rate of Wilderness Survival is also very high. high.

If all of these are counted in his likes, then his likes are definitely more than [-] million, and maybe he can directly accumulate five billion like last time. wealth value.

With a wealth value of [-] billion, Ye Heng would not hesitate so much, and he immediately took the platinum ten consecutive draws.

After getting up, Ye Heng enjoyed his breakfast leisurely.

At the same time, I also thought about it in my heart. This time I participated in the Wilderness Survival Show, which gave Ye Heng some inspiration.

Do you want to participate in some variety shows to increase your popularity, so that more people know about yourself, and when your short video on Douyin is published, will more people like you?

Ye Heng knows that many people in the Douyin video software have such a software in their hands. Many of them do not necessarily know themselves. Maybe they have seen their own works, but not all of them will give themselves a like. After all, there are still many people like themselves who only watch videos and never like them.

Of course, if you like his video style and the people in the video can see it pleasing to the eye, you will occasionally like it.

There is definitely more than one such person, not only that, but there are probably many more such people.

As long as his popularity rises, Ye Heng believes that more people will be willing to give him a like.

But if this is the case, does that mean that he is going to enter the entertainment industry, and the entertainment industry is not that simple, with all kinds of conspiracies and tricks flying all over the sky.

When I entered the entertainment industry, I didn't even have a bone and scum left.

In the previous life, Ye Heng saw too many such things in TV reports. There are many reasons for this, that kind of... The reason is actually because the entertainment industry is very complicated and messy! To be honest, it is not necessary. At that time, Ye Heng still didn't want to stir up the muddy water, many people liked to stab them in the back, making people unable to sleep peacefully.

When Ye Heng was thinking.

Many TV stations have exploded, especially with variety shows as TV stations, it's even more crazy.

It's not because of anything else, but because of the Wilderness Survival program, the ratings of the Wilderness Survival program ranked second after the second, and it did not stop because of this, but continued to rise wildly, especially after the broadcast of that episode, The ratings of the Wilderness Survival show have skyrocketed.

Today, according to yesterday's statistics, the Wilderness Survival program has surpassed the program that has always been ranked first, becoming a new giant and taking the top spot.

This kind of program is said to be because of the Survival in the Wilderness program. In fact, many people in the know know that this is actually because of Ye Heng who participated in the Survival in the Wilderness this time.

The reason why the Wilderness Survival show can have such a breakthrough is because of Ye Heng.

This also made many variety show directors set their sights on Ye Heng.

Who doesn't want to make their show come out on top, become the TV's first-rated show, go to the pinnacle of life, and marry Bai Fumei.

"How is it, are you ready?"

A TV station director in charge of variety shows said.

"Well, director, I have already found Ye Heng's phone number, wait: I will arrange someone to contact him."

"Well, okay, wait a minute, give me his number, and I'll contact him in person!"

Hearing this, the man was shocked. He didn't expect that the director would take such a fancy to him. In fact, Ye Heng was still somewhat contemptuous. He didn't do his own craft well, and he even wanted to become a star. The craftsman even went to participate in the survival of the wilderness, what a nonsense! But his own leaders are so fond of him, and he can't express any opinions. Who has so many fans in his family! If he had so many fans , I am ten times stronger than him, a hundred times, a thousand times!!! The leader's words, he still has to listen, if he angers the leader, then he will not eat this bowl of rice, even if he said to the director: "I see, I'll send him to your phone later!"

The director seemed impatient, and said in a commanding tone: "Don't wait, give it to me now!"

He knows the importance of Ye Heng. He doesn't understand Ye Heng's craftsmanship, nor does he value it. What he sees is Ye Heng's 107-high popularity. As long as this popularity can be mastered by himself, then his You can easily sit in the position of the leader.

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