Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 67: Uchiha family

   into the night.

   Uchiha Uranium walked in the dark forest, the martial soul in his eyes turned, and the high-energy particles in the surrounding radiation area began to break out of the soil in an orderly manner, and all of them were submerged in the boy's body.

As long as he walks on this earth, the radiant energy from his body will return to his body by himself, and he does not even need to act or use spirit rings, spontaneously, gradually absorbing the land into normal situation.

   He has completely mastered this power, and now he is qualified to return to the family, and not let these radiation powers harm the family.

   Under the control of his radiating eyes, these radiant energy can be collected and released freely, no matter where it is gathered, or all return to his body, he can easily do it.

  In other words, even if you return to a normal human society, you can live a normal life. Even if it is the second spirit ability: extreme nuclear energy reaction use, around a large area of ​​nuclear fission radiation, he can also control it, such as only increasing it, and not letting these things harm other people.

   And tonight is the last section of the road, the lake in the forest.

   Under the bright moonlight, the forest at night is quiet.

   Through the gaps of the leaves, one can see a bright moon hanging in the night.

   The young man walked alone in the forest. In the darkness of the forest, there was nothing, no life, and no soul beasts.

  This is the place where the radiation is rooted. I think there will be no living creatures here except the radiation titan giant ape, unless the radiation titan giant ape can't beat it.

   But this is impossible. If there is such a more powerful guy, he would have met him long ago, and he can't wait to tear him up.

   And at present, he is not afraid of any radiating spirit beasts at all, and he even expects these mindless guys to send energy up by himself, so as not to find it hard for him.

In his walking route, you can see that it is like the merging of bifurcated rivers, and countless radiant energy forms a gray river, leaving the soil, the air, plants, and rocks, and spontaneously entering Uchiha Uranium. in vivo.

   The originally dry land gradually has other colors besides black, and although plants cannot be resurrected, one day, this land that has been blessed by radiation will bloom for the second time.

The radiation field of Uchiha Uranium is not very large, only a radius of about 100 meters, which is not a big deal for this large radiation area, but he can’t help it. Although he weeds fast, it can’t stand it. The place is wide.

The radiation absorbed by Uchiha Uranium currently does not improve his spirit power, but there is a 20,000-year-old radiant Titan Great Ape in his body, which has not been digested, still lying quietly in the black mist. , Waiting for the fate of being assimilated.

Uchiha now feels that he should be at level forty-two. He hasn't passed the spirit power test. He still can't perceive how strong he is, but when he absorbs the spirit ring, he can feel the spirit of the previous battle The force has disappeared, and it must have been completely absorbed in the body.

  While waiting for him to absorb the spirit power of the Radiant Titan Great Ape, this level may have to be increased, but he does not know the specific level.

  Wandering at night, Uchiha Uranus began to think about what to do after he went out. In his mind, he flashed the scene of the conversation with his father in the family.

The family is a hidden family. In an unknown forest, the residence is vast, completely enclosed, and self-sufficient. In addition to going out to obtain spirit rings, the family will hardly leave the family. The news on the Douluo Continent is generally the family. People brought it back.

   Uchiha Uranium once asked his father in the family before he was six years old, why is everyone so strong? There are several Title Douluos, why not go out?

   Nest in a remote place, all clothes and food are prepared by himself, except for limited communication with the mainland, completely out of touch with the times, do we have any enemies?

He still remembered that his father's face was a bit stern at the time, and he continued: "When you get the spirit ring in the future, he will take you out. You can also go and watch in the village or city, but you can't use the spirit. The family is not restricted. Freedom, but protection, uranium, you will understand in the future."

   then smiled and poked his forehead.

   Uchiha Uranus doesn't understand, is there really any enemy in this place, and is it very powerful? Regarding the entire Douluo Continent, who can threaten the top family with more than five titled Douluo strengths that they dare not leave the sect?

   Suddenly, Uchiha Uranus suddenly thought of a name.

   Wuhun Hall.

   So he asked his father in the next sentence.

   "Father, is the enemy of the family Wuhundian? I remember that in the sect information I have read, there are only three that can match Uchiha, and maybe it's not as good as us."

After that, the father shook his head and whispered to Uchiha Uranus: "The enemy of the family is all spirit masters and sons in the entire Douluo Continent. Remember, our spirit can be looted, so you must, Don't divulge your martial spirit outside."

"Different from other eye spirits, hand spirits, or hair ears, we write round eye spirits born out of ancestors with unknown origins, and no matter who the clansmen combine to have children, the spirits produced are almost always writing rounds. There are few exceptions." Uchihadake looked around and continued.

"And once the Zhuanyan martial arts soul is mined by the enemy and then transplanted, the enemy can merge for a certain period of time to produce a second martial arts soul, and the spirit power of the original tribe is exhausted. They are all plundered and become useless. It can be said that once a tribe is left out, then what awaits him is eye-catching killing."

   "This is the real reason why I didn't let you reveal the martial soul, do you understand?" After speaking, his father pulled out a book from the shelf and threw it to him so that he could continue to study and study.

   "Shaolunyan Wuhun can be looted."

Uchiha’s mind was deeply engraved with this sentence, and he could even think about the meaning behind this sentence. His father knew that he could be looted, and even knew everything after the enemy had transplanted his eyes. Doesn’t it mean that once During a certain period of time in, the family had encountered the siege of the entire Douluo Continent?

   is even more terrifying, such as raising a clan member in captivity, turning him into a hog who only knows sowing until death, and then killing offspring to get a free second Wuhun.

Undoubtedly, for the natives of Douluo mainland who are born with martial arts, martial arts are born and unique, but if there is a chance to obtain a second martial arts in front of you, you will even be given it for free What about the soul power of a whole person plus the soul ring?

   Thinking of this, Uchiha Uranus couldn't help but feel the creeps. Perhaps it is because the family has experienced this dark age that this kind of family closure behavior will occur. If he is the patriarch, it will be the same.

   As for Title Douluo? That is the sweet pastry in the eyes of others, it is a whole titled Douluo-level spirit ability, spirit power and martial spirit!

   But what Uchiha Uranus most worried about right now was that he knew that his family was in a forest in the Heaven Dou Empire, but he didn't know what forest it was in.

  Wait when he goes out, how can I go home?


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