Chapter 308 308.

In Lin Yuanzhi’s handsome account the next day—-

“Marshal, it’s not good, it’s not good.” The two generals rushed in and said.

“What’s the matter in such a rush?” Lin Yuanzhi asked.

“Look at it, handsome.” The two generals handed the newspaper to Lin Yuanzhi. Lin Yuanzhi glanced at the newspaper, and a trace of anxiety flashed in his heart. Then, he opened the newspaper and glanced at it. He almost didn’t feel dizzy. past!

The collusion between General Lin Yuanzhi of the Star Luo Empire and the Evil Soul Master is exposed!

The evil spirit master wanted to use Xingluo’s army to break through the siege, and broke the news that he had an association with the royal family.

General Lin Yuanzhi, the god of the Star Luo Army, replied to the Evil Soul Master and agreed to the Evil Soul Master’s plan.


The letter sent by the evil soul master and the letter sent back by Lin Yuanzhi were accurately taken into the hands of the Martial Soul Hall, and there was even a confession from the person who sent them yesterday.

Lin Yuanzhi was paralyzed on the handsome chair. He had no plans to collude with the Evil Soul Master. This was just a plan of him, but now that he was caught by the Martial Soul Hall, he said nothing was useless.

Can only wait to die.

This storm of public opinion caused by the Martial Soul Palace once again swept across the entire Star Luo Empire. After Dai Tianfeng’s four emergency treatment methods, the hearts of the people restored were shaken once again.

This big melon not only involved General Lin Yuanzhi’s agreement to the evil spirit master’s plan to break through, but also involved that afterwards, the evil spirit master still hoped to cooperate with the Xingluo imperial family.

I still hope that, in other words, the previous cooperation of evil spirit masters is not just like the Xingluo royal family’s only cooperating with the Tianlan King, but the Xingluo royal family is also involved in it?

General Lin Yuanzhi’s comments about colluding with evil spirit masters immediately fell from the military gods of the empire, up to Xingluo City, and down to small towns. Whenever you see the newspapers printed in the Martial Soul Hall, Xingluo Empire They were all yelling at this beast, Lin Yuanzhi.

The emperor Dai Tianfeng was even more affected, and the reputation he had finally recovered fell to the bottom once again.

At the same time, Dai Tianfeng of Xingluo City saw this newspaper, and his veins were exposed, his expression furious!

Sitting on the throne, he stretched out his hand and snarled angrily: “Lin Yuanzhi colluded with the evil spirit master, and even used this to slander my Xingluo imperial family and associate with the evil spirit master. His sin is inexcusable, and his sin is worthy of pardon. Zhu, hurry up, give him away, don’t let him run away!”

After a while, Dai Tianfeng’s eyes were blood-red, his hair was messy, and he said exhaustedly:

“Deputy Marshal Yang Yanping serves as the coach, the Star Luo Empire Second Army, the elite White Tiger Soul Master Army, and the Empire Eighth Army. Let me drive to the front and capture Anqing City at all costs!”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Dai Tianfeng is naturally not stupid. The Evil Spirit Master hopes to secretly unite with Lin Yuanzhi. They surrender and create chaos to break through, but Lin Yuanzhi just uses your scam to lead you out of Anqing City, besieged and arrested.

Lin Yuanzhi would never betray him, betray Xing Luo, he is his most respected general.

But he was caught by the Martial Soul Palace, even if you are scheming and failing, you can’t argue.

Dai Tianfeng’s anger is that the Martial Soul Palace forced him to let his left and right hands fight each other.

Anqing City was managed by generations of the Star Luo Empire to guard against the military fortress of the Martial Soul Palace. Dai Tianfeng also defended an elite standing army there, and secretly cultivated a powerful army of evil soul masters. It is an unbreakable fortress that defends the Martial Soul Hall, but in the end, the own army must be used to forcibly break it. Isn’t this left and right hands fighting each other?

Lin Yuanzhi wanted to help himself out of the siege and reduce the damage suffered by the Star Luo Empire, but it was also exposed by the Martial Soul Hall and reduced to a collusion with the Evil Soul Master.

He had to take down Lin Yuanzhi, the imperial military, the general he relied on most, and then beheaded him.

Martial Soul Hall——

Dai Tianfeng could not wait to immediately declare war on the Martial Soul Hall, and the Immortal Martial Soul Hall vowed not to stop, but this can only be thought of in his heart. The evil spirit master has already caused him to burn his ass. He is in the Star Luo Empire. The rule has been shaken, how can I manage the affairs of the Martial Soul Palace?


Someone suggested that Lin Yuanzhi run, but Lin Yuanzhi did not run. As the head coach, he calmly commanded his own army until he was arrested.

After Lin Yuanzhi was arrested, the head coach of the Star Luo Empire was replaced by the deputy commander Yang Yanping. At the same time, Dai Tianfeng also transferred the White Tiger Forbidden Army and two Soul Master Legions, the most elite of the Star Luo Empire. One hundred thousand people, and his order to Yang Yanping was to capture Anqing City at all costs and capture the Evil Soul Master Legion.

Yang Yanping had no other choice but to attack, excluding casualties, attacking Anqing City, and the more the Star Luo Empire attacked, the more violent the attack, the more fierce the resistance within Anqing City.

Under the bewitching of the evil spirit master, the hundreds of thousands of troops in the city knew that they had been abandoned by the country. They took up their own weapons, stood with the evil spirit master, guarded Anqing City, and furiously resisted Xingluo. The empire attacked like a tide.

Star City

Lin Yuanzhi was escorted by the guards to Dai Tianfeng, and Dai Tianfeng immediately waved his hand to signal them to retreat.

“Your Majesty.” Lin Yuanzhi glanced at Dai Tianfeng, trying to defend himself, Dai Tianfeng said:

“Needless to say, I know that you are the general I rely on most. Of course, I know that you can’t get in touch with the evil spirit master. You just want to use the evil spirit master’s tactics and use the tricks. Those evil spirit masters will save my Star Luo Empire. Right?” Dai Tianfeng said.

“Your Majesty understands me. Since the matter has been exposed by the Martial Soul Hall, the old man has nothing to say. Please take the head of the veteran to apologize, and hope that your Majesty can treat the family of the veteran well.” Lin Yuanzhi said.

Dai Tianfeng nodded and said, “I feel very uncomfortable in my heart to be forced to take you down, but if you are involved in the evil spirit master, I can only wrong you a bit. Don’t worry, I will treat you kindly. Family’s.”

“Thanks a lot.”

The day after Lin Yuanzhi was escorted back to Xingluo City, he was immediately punished for treason and was escorted to the execution ground for execution.

Around the execution ground, there were a large number of people, including Xingluo’s nobles and Xingluo’s civilians. They all looked at Lin Yuanzhi in anger and said in unison: “Kill him, execute him!”

“People who collude with evil spirit masters are not worthy of becoming General Xing Luo!”

“Your Majesty was deceived by this villain.”

Lin Yuanzhi looked at these people who wished to kill themselves, and said with great grief, “Thinking about me, Lin Yuanzhi has worked hard for the empire for more than ten years, but ended up in such a fate, ah~”

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