Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 843: , Transmission array XINshuHAiGe.CoM

Qi Ling is not sure whether he can be recognized by the demon in the demon army, because the blood demon also said that the demon **** Fang Tianji will not identify with him because of Qi Ling’s identity, only if he is recognized by himself. Row.

A special power spread from the place where he was in contact with the magic soldier, and gradually spread to his body, making Qi Ling feel as if he was wrapped around his body by a python, unable to move.

He also finally knew why Cao Yang could not break free. Under the suppression of this force, no one would have the possibility of breaking free. Cao Yang was able to survive by breaking his arms only because he had run out of oil and had no more use. The value was just abandoned by the demon **** Fang Tianji.

Facing this kind of power, Qi Ling did not resist its existence, but chose to let go of his body and mind and accept its existence completely, because in the future, he would fight side by side with it, and he had to understand it naturally. Let it understand itself.

After this power wandered through Qi Ling's body, it seemed that he had already understood enough. In an instant, a surging demonic energy began to instill into Qi Ling's body from the Demon God's Trident.

This kind of power is so powerful and invincible, even with Qi Ling's physical strength, there is a feeling that he cannot bear it. He is like a balloon, and may be broken at any time.

What is even more frightening is that this is not the instillation of energy, it is just a kind of devilish energy similar to aura, just such a thing has already made Qi Ling unable to bear it.

As for the Dongfang Ye and the sword orchid, Bena who watched from the sidelines, in their eyes, Qi Ling's body also burst out with an extremely powerful aura in an instant. The whole person seemed to be surrounded by a black aura, like a demon alive. general.

At the same time, a huge sense of oppression made the few people uncontrollably take a step back, and even had to open their own domains to be able to resist this force, allowing them to stand here.

You know, all the people present at least have the existence of gods, which means that their domains are also the domains of gods, and this can only make them barely stand here, enough to imagine Qi Ling's current reality. How terrible.

In contrast, Cao Yang is the person who is the best to suffer, because now he is no different from a corpse, and he can't feel the terrible part of this aura, and he has passed out of a coma long ago.

Obviously releasing such terrible power, but Qi Ling could feel that this was not the demon **** Fang Tianji who was embarrassing himself, on the contrary, it was the demon **** Fang Tianji who was testing himself.

This is equivalent to the demon **** Fang Tianji telling Qi Ling that if he wants to use himself, he must at least be able to withstand such a devilish energy! It's like using a knife, at least you must be able to lift it. If you want to use a magic weapon, then at least you must be able to bear the burden of using it.

Therefore, the demon **** Fang Tianji didn't make it difficult for Qi Ling to share the burden, and was even cautiously testing Qi Ling's limits. It was like a giant teaching a child, and he needed to be careful not to injure him at all times.

Qi Ling didn't expect that one day, he would be treated like this, and he would be taken care of by a weapon as a weak one, but this also proved how powerful this once-exclusive weapon of the Demon God really is.

And when Qi Ling's aura finally reached its limit, it seemed that he would be crushed to death by a little more, the test of the demon **** Fang Tianji finally ended. Judging from the faint joy, he should have passed It's tested.

The turbulent magic power receded like a tide, and all returned to the demon **** Fang Tianji. Gladiolus and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and finally they could breathe normally.

"Qi Ling, have you succeeded?" Beina, who was extremely weak and protected by sword orchids, did not forget to ask Qi Lingdao at this time.

The feeling of being almost broken, disappeared so abruptly, that Qi Lingguo had a sense of unreality, wondering if he had a hallucination just now.

Replied as before, Qi Ling looked at the devil's Fang Tianji in his hand, then slowly raised it, waved it twice in the air, and said, "Yes, I succeeded."

Hearing Qi Ling's answer, Bena and Gladiolus couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Dongfang Ye's face showed a trace of regret. Since Qi Ling has been approved by the demon **** Fang Tianji, naturally he has nothing to do with him. It's up.

"Congratulations, Qi Ling, it seems that you are the real master of this magic soldier." Dongfang Ye said, "I admire your strength. I will have a chance to compete with you in the future."

"Okay, I'll wait for that time." Qi Ling said, "but now, let's find a way to escape from here."

According to the Gorefiend, after Qi Ling obtained the approval of the Demon God's Trident, a teleportation formation would appear, teleporting them back, but Qi Ling looked left and right, but did not find any teleportation formation.

"Blood Demon, don't you want to pit me like this? This is going to kill me!" Qi Ling couldn't help but think to himself, Qi Ling really doesn't have much trust in the blood demon.

After searching to no avail, when Qi Ling wondered whether he was going to kill all the way, Cao Yang, who had been ignored by him, made a faint voice.

Dongfang Ye lowered his head and listened to what Cao Yang was saying. Then he got up and said to Qi Ling: "This guy said that when he was absorbed by the demon **** Fang Tianji just now, he felt that there seemed to be a certain law in this demon soldier. You can help us get out of here."

Qi Ling was startled, but he didn't notice this, he patronized and searched around, but instead forgot the most important thing.

So Qi Ling immersed his mind in the Demon God's Trident. In the **** ocean, he found a little light, and it seemed that it should be a one-time use of the magic circle!

Since the organ that escaped from birth was hidden in the devil's square halberd itself, it is no wonder that the Gorefiend said that only with the approval of the devil's square halberd can he leave here. This is indeed the safest method.

"You get away a bit, I'll summon the magic circle and get out of here." Qi Ling waved the devil's Fang Tianji, a trace of devilish energy radiated from his movements.

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