Douluo Dalu : White God

7 Banquet and going to Sage Temple!

"Let the Party begin!"

With the words come out from the emperor's mouth, the second prince's birthday banquet officially begin.

Without any word spoken, every single soul here already know that if a single information about the abnormal situation before leaked to outside then they can wipe their neck clean and wait for Sage temple's agent come for their head.

Sage temple is an organisation that created since the Star Luo Empire's first Emperor reign. It main purposes are to weed out any threat to the empire and protect the Royal family. The members of the sage temple's are elite of the elite and are educated since their childhood after they deemed as having worthy talent and upbringing after going through various test and trials.

Well, each and every one of them have to pass the test and trials except the royal prince, the heir candidate for the throne.

Beside the three Grand Elder and ten Elder, It is not known who their member are and how much of them, plus they're spread wide and far. You can never know if your neighbor who is just a small time merchant or the benevolent grandma from the cake shop are actually an elite member of the sage temple. After their graduation, they Immediately proceed to be placed In many places around the continent to blend with the society to become almost anything.

They have but two same characteristic, and that they are Hella strong even compared to the other one or two sub-realm higher spirit practitioner and they're only completely loyal to the Crowned Emperor.

This is one of many reason Star Luo can stand proudly on this continent and be feared as a mighty empire


When the tempering process is done, the time finally feels normal to me again. From the previous Mubai's memories, after the awakening ceremony there'll be banquet.

Slowly opening my eyes, I breathing out foul air. Then I see many people, some 'I' know and the others I don't. Apparently most of them are nobles and some of them look like a monk instead of an aristocrat.

When my father touching my shoulder, I snapped out from my thought.

"What are you spacing out for? go play with your friends."

"Yes, Father." not wanting to stay on the altar any longer, I walking to where my 'brother' is. While walking I clenching my fist and feels so much power flowing within me.

'I need to learn to control my power as fast as possible.' sighing, I can only lamenting that I have to attending a banquet like this as soon as I transmigrated.

'Damn, I always hate it when I have to waste my time inside a meaningless party like this.'

Looking at somehow familiar yet foreign brother, I feel strange. I know that now my identity is Dai Mubai, the second prince of Star Luo Empire, the Son of the current Emperor 'Dai Lengjing' [1]. But It's all too sudden you know, so many new things here.

"Whoa, what was that brother? that's so awesome!"

What? Are my new brother here have a screw loose in his head or something?

"What do you mean big brother? I didn't do anything."

"But but when father touch your head suddenly BAMM! there's a sound of a roar twice like RAAWWRR!!! and suddenly WHAM! everyone kneeling! Awesome! brother, you have to tell me how you did that or I won't share my Tiramisu to you anymore!"

Oh gosh, he really does have a screw loose on his head. why does he have that smug face when he mention cake, it's like he's sure that I'll tell him anything if he bribe me with a slice of cake...

Mubai felt 3 imaginative crows flew past his head [2]

Time passed at the banquet with me do some child bantering with my big brother and eating a lot of sweets, unaware of a certain black haired little girl watching me curiously from among the crowd.


The next morning I wake up groggily, fortunately my physique have a strong digestive system, or else I would explode with the amount of sweets I ate yesterday. Sweets are gift from heaven I tell you!

Yesterday father told me that today an envoy from the sage temple will come here and escort me to the sage temple to measuring my spirit level, and In there I will be taught some basic knowledge together with many students there. By the way, my big brother, Dai Weisi, also enrolled at sage temple Education Hall.

After the maids wiping my body clean and having a breakfast, I was summoned by my father. Apparently the envoys are already here, and it's time to go to Sage Temple. Inside the Throne Hall, I see three people with their face covered with a pure white mask wearing silver cloth armor kneeling in front of the Emperor.

In my estimation the three of them are male, seeing that no bulging curve at 'certain special place'.

"Bai'er, they are the envoys sent from the Sage Temple to escort you to go to there to fulfill your basic education. Once you're graduate from there, you can start our tradition and you can go adventuring on your own."

What? really?

"Even though I'm reluctant to let you go, tradition must be upheld. You and your brother will free to choose either to go to adventuring and exploring the world on your own or to do whatever you wish! However when the time comes, only one of you two siblings will survive to inherit my throne."

... I'm speechless, this is not included inside the memories. I mean, really? you promoting for your own flesh and blood to kill each other? Can't the competition for the throne be more healthier?

I won't be surprised if this empire will fall someday because of this kind of tradition.

"Rise you three, I command the three of you to escort my second son, Dai Mubai, to the Sage Temple. Don't let any harm to befall upon him on the way."

"As your command, Your Majesty!"

The masked trio stand up and approaching me, they stopped few meters in front of me.

"Your highness second prince, by the command of the Emperor, please come with us to the sage Temple." The middle of the bunch said to me with a flat tone, I can't see his face because its covered by a mask, but I bet its expressionless one.

"I will carry you through our journey to the temple, that way we'll arrive faster because you're still too slow. While these two beside me will make sure our perimeter are safe."

Damn! he's frank...the straight type huh?

"Yeah, I admit I am still slow and my cultivation are still way too shallow. So I entrust my safety to the three of you." I said with annoyed face.

The three of them just nodding their head and the middle masked man waving his hand, I'm surprised that I suddenly being pulled to his direction. In my reflex, I yelping and grab anything that closest to me with a strong grip.


The thing that I grabbed apparently is the outstretched hand of the middle masked man. I wonder if it was hurt? I gripped rather hard after all... Nah, his cultivation level is higher than me so he should probably fine.

Noticing that I'm surprised for nothing, I'm letting go of his hand.

"What's wrong Brother Lei?" The left masked man asked the 'Brother Lei', noticing a reaction from him.

"No, nothing. Let us proceed as fast as possible."

The trio once again kneeling to the Emperor and said "Your Majesty, We will depart now. Please Wish us well."

The Emperor Just nodding a little hearing their words. I feel a warm sensation that feels like heaven energy from before but its a lot weaker and less concentrated wrapping me.

The three masked man plus me depart immediately in high speed after getting out of Palace, based on Gaben's memories there is a thing called train that have speed matched with how fast we're travelling right now.

Once we're far from the Royal Capital City, the other two people beside the 'Brother Lei' Immediately split up. Just like they said before, these two's task are two securing our periphery and warn us in advance if there's any threat.

At night, we're resting inside the Star Dou Forest outer area and they taking turn to watch the surrounding. Me? i'm the VIP, off course I sleep soundly at that time. Well, that's the plan before I was awaken by a loud beast cry...

'Are we in trouble now...?'

[1] Lengjing mean calm

[2] Crows flying are a sign that the person(s) was rendered speechless when something extremely idiotic or useless was said. The situation was typically awkward, and readers can refer to the Idiot Crow trope in Animangas for similar effect.

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