Douluo Dalu : White God

43 Not a mere mortal

"Xue'er, remember my words, never put yourself in the same shoes as them. We are different, you are different, from the rest of them."

"How so Grandpa?"

In the balcony of the Elder Hall in the Spirit City, the little Qian Renxue was talking with her grandfather, Qian Daoliu, the supreme elder of the Spirit Hall. A while ago, Renxue just helped a little girl that was lost in the city. And because of that, she came home late and earn a scolding from her grandfather.

"We are peoples of high stature, we are far above mortals, we have the holy martial spirit, an Angel. Angel is a celestial being, and we are far above mortal."

"But, shouldn't we help each other in need?" little renxue tilted her head in innocence, she was curious, what her grandfather just said was different from what the grandma from the flower shop said to her. Her large puppy eyes and little chubby cheek gave people urge to pinch her cheek and hug her tightly.

"You should help people, but just those tho loyal to you." Qian Daouliu nodded his head, his greyish beard gave him a unique charisma, coupled with his angelic aura, it gave peoples a unique one-of-a-kind feeling.

"But, how do Xue'er know whether people are loyal or not?" A cute frown was shown on her little face, she was so cute even the author want to hug her.

(A/N: Sorry, I was looking at my little cousin And oh, she's 6 yo. No, I'm not a pedophile.)

"You will know in the future Xue'er, you will know..." Qian Daouliu just smiled at her, it's been half a year since his son's death, and little Renxue was his only hope left to carry out his legacy.


"Sister Renxue, look at this doll, it's cute!"

"Asya, if... if I was hunted by peoples all around the continent, what would you do?"

Asya was confused, 'why was her sister ask this?' Her hands that were holding a koala shaped doll was held up in the air. Then something clicked inside her.

"Don't tell me Sister Renxue, you are..."

Qian Renxue was tensed, she only asked 'what if', not like there will be any sane people that will dare to hunt her all around the continent, not even around the neighborhood, and certainly not with her grandfather's backing. She was worried if Asya will leave her, she's reluctant to let this happy moment go.

"...You are run away from home because you are matched up? Oh my god, it was like in the fairy tale, the princess ran away then meet the love of her life. Kyaaa~ it's awesome!"

A swear dropped on Renxue's forehead, a wry smile showed on her face.

'With her attitude and her level of intelligence, she won't betray if I don't give her the reason to.' With that kind of thought, Renxue let her guard down and getting closer with Asya, her first and maybe also her last 'best friend'.


"Give me Asya..."

Subconsciously Qian Renxue opened her mouth, the chain of events made her fell into a stupor and unknowingly blurted her mind out. Surely she muttered in a low voice, but with the cultivation of the peoples around her, they all clearly heard what she said.

Her action earn differents reaction from the three people inside the room. Mubai was snapped out of his emotional turmoil and replaced by dumbfounded face, Elder Lei kept his stoic face and his playful gaze, while She Long gave her incredulous face, he opened his mouth to spoke but decided to against it.

Mubai rubbed his beardless chin, then covered his mouth with it while muttered a few soundless words. When he uncovered his mouth, a curious smile showed on his face.

"Firstly, why do you ask me to give Asya to you? What is your relationship with her?"

'Hmm? Why was it again...? Ah! Oh no, I blurted my mind out. I've lost the upper hand... Elder She Long will reprimand me after this...' Renxue's eyes were opened wide under her veil, she grimaced, she unknowingly voiced out her thought.

"I'm interested in her, we've called each other sister and I want to take her with me. From her mouth, I know that she has a master and that master is you. So, I ask you to give her to me, rest assured that I won't ask her for free, do tell me what do you want?" Despite her earlier panic, she was trained in politic and how to calm herself in any situation. The rice was already cooked and become porridge, and already impossible to reverse. She already lost her upper hand so it's better to bluntly say her piece.

"Pfft, hahaha... Pardon me, I don't know you swing that way." A chuckle escaped from Mubai's mouth, it was as if his earlier outburst just an act, he knew that he had the upper hand in this. But, will he give Asya to her? Regardless, he will squeeze every bit of information from her. He was also curious whether Asya betray him or it just her usual idiotic and airhead attitude acted up again.

'Asya is an airhead all the way from her root, alright. I won't even surprised if she hasn't meet Xiao Chen this whole time, let alone deliver my message to him, no wonder he still stagnant in the tournament.' Mubai inwardly thought. He shook his head and sighed inwardly.

"What do you mean by 'swinging that way'?" Renxue asked curiously, she was never been in a romantic relationship between a man and a woman, no one has the guts to court her.


She Long coughed, he was clearly annoyed by how the conversation going, and he also apparently clueless about Renxue purpose to ask this girl named Asya from Mubai. Looks like Mubai's intention to squeeze information from her was impossible to do in front of She Long.

"Haha, Sorry, let's just leave it at that. By the way, what you can offer in exchange for Asya? You know I don't lack anything. You have hill made of gold, I had a mountain of it. You have a lake of treasure, oh girl, I had an unending sea of treasure. Let's not talk about retainer and power, it will only serve to corner you even further."

With Spirit Hall's current prowess, they could be counted as one of three behemoths in Douluo Continent along with the Starfall Empire and the Great Heaven Kingdom. But, let alone defeat the whole Starfall Empire, their current prowess barely even match with the combined might of the three upper clans of the Great Heaven Kingdom, while just the Evil-eyed white tiger clan can match the whole three upper clans and four lower clans of the Great Heaven Kingdom, and the Starfall Empire has more than just evil-eyed white tiger clan in it.

Elder Lei smiled when Mubai said his piece, he nodded, silently approve his attitude of not showing any weakness in front of the opponent, yup an opponent, not an enemy, in Elder Lei's eyes she was not worthy to be Mubai's enemy. Besides, she's not hostile and just arrogant, it was a common sight that people from spirit hall were acting with arrogance.

Mubai's word made her realize that he's not a mere mortal like others that groveled on her feet and could be commanded with just a few words. No, he was far superior in all aspect; talent, wealth, backing, resource, etc. If she's an angel, then this second prince was a God to be in the future. Different what in heart and in mind, even though her heart realize that he was above her, but her ego keep denying it. No, she was too used to be in a high pedestal.

"How about a thousand years spirit bone?"

"Really? you're looking down on m-"

When Mubai was about to finish his word, he touched his ear and smiled. His smile made people double-checked whether if they're stripped naked in front of him.

"I'm sorry, let me rephrase it again. I don't think that I can accept your offer with just a mere thousand years old spirit bonce, Ms. Qian Renxue, the granddaughter of the Spirit Hall's Supreme Elder."

Both Qian Renxue and She Long were taken aback, they were sure that they haven't divulged that information. The fact that Qian Renxue is the granddaughter of the supreme elder was top secret and was kept only among the upper echelon of the spirit hall. So, how does this second prince know about her true identity?

When both of spirit hall delegates were stunned, Elder Lei blows his tobacco pipe happily while muttered.

"Not bad, kiddos."

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