Douluo Dalu : White God

33 Let the Tournament, Begin!

"My dear peoples, the peoples of the Starfall Empire. Today, I stand here In front of all of you to..."

In the bustle and hustle of Starfall Imperial Capital City, The Emperor made his speech and declare that the Starfall Martial Tournament was starting. Peoples loudly cheering out of respect to their Emperor and feel excited about the Tournament.

"Long Live The Emperor! Long Live Starfall Empire!"

"All Hail Emperor!"

Those kinds of cheers could be heard everywhere in the Capital, peoples were worshipping their Emperor from the bottom of their heart.

"All right, Ladies and Gentlemen! Good morning, All Hail the Emperor!

"Today, the most awaited Starfall Martial Tournament will be once again started! How much of a hidden dragon and Crouching Tiger that will show themselves? Let us begin Immediately, all contestant to your venue!"

A weird dressed person showed up in the middle of the stage and declare the start of the tournament.

"First Fight! Are you ready?"

"Let the Battle Begin!"


In one of the venue, Xiao Chen stepped in confidently. He was holding a twin sword, one in each hand. Until a month ago, he joined a rigorous military camp and always trained like a mad man. It was until he overhears his mother when she talked about his father with Mr. guard that escorted them from Paotai town to Starfall Imperial Capital, he now knows that his father comes from a big clan, heck, it's considered a noble clan even though it's a vassal of the Royal evil-eyed white tiger clan.

The reason he joins this Martial tournament? it's because those who deemed to have potential will get the privilege to get the teaching of one of the Elders of these noble clans of their choice, in other words, become their disciple. Xiao Chen wants to get the first place so that he can choose his so-called-grandfather to become his 'master' and get close to him.

Not long after Xiao Chen stepped into the arena, his opponent also stepped in and take a defensive stance with a longsword in his hand. They stared at each other, both were too cautious to move, that's until Xiao Chen's opponent smirked and opened his mouth.

"Hello, Little dimple! I am curious to see how much you have grown."

Little Dimple!

That was the nickname his mother use to address him when he was small. Not just anyone knows his old nickname. He's also never used the nickname, 'Little Dimple,' as long as he remembers.

'How does he know about my nickname?'

This is Martial Tournament. There can only be one victor. it's not guaranteed that by just showing a good performance the elders will take you as their disciple.

There can be no compromises or deals. Because of that, there was no need to talk.

But Xiao Chen couldn't help but ask.

"You... You know who I am?"

"Responsibility and cost follow every opportunity."

It was like speaking to a wall. The opponent did not respond to his questions.

But he couldn't help but be drawn in by his words. It felt like he knew everything about my situation that nobody else knew about.

It made Xiao Chen get goosebumps all over his body.

It feels like he... is not just a simple contestant!

"W-who are you?"

"I gave you a chance, if you win against me, I'll answer one of your questions."

No answer again.

But Xiao Chen couldn't not pay attention to what he was saying. He didn't say much, but those short phrases made him intrigued about his opponent's true identity.

He is...

"You must not let me down."

"What do you want from me?" Xiao Chen shouted toward his opponent, but he didn't care about what he had to say. He just lifted up his longsword as if to say let's start the fight.

"Beat me. If you cannot do so, I will give you a punishment."

Now his words made Xiao Chen even more confused.

"Just who are-!"

Xiao Chen couldn't say anything else. The opponent started to approach him and swung his longsword.

'Is he my childhood friend?

Or a family?

Maybe former neighbor?'

His mind was in a mess.

He's started to hesitate as well. 'Maybe he knows something about my father? Is he acquainted with Tang Hao that mother mentioned?' 'Should I go easy with him?'

But a single clash made him change my mind.


'Oh! He's strong! Whatever! I just need to defeat him then ask!'

Xiao Chen guessed that he must defeat this person in order for him to answer his question. Else, no matter he begs, if he becomes the loser then his opponent will not give a d*mn about him.

It makes sense since this is the Martial Tournament where the might is right!

That means the purpose of this battle is simple.

'This is a test for me. He wants to verify how strong I have become. I cannot give up. Tests are things that give you rewards if you pass and punishments if you fail.'

Xiao Chen clenched his twin blades tightly once more.

"Will you reveal your identity if I win?"

"You have no rights to ask for anything. You can only receive your answer if you defeat me. That alone will require you to show me you deserve it."

'Well, I guess that's how it has been this whole time. Might is right.'

Xiao Chen knows that this will not be an easy battle.

There are only two people in the arena. Which means he has nothing to use as stepping stones for his spirit skill, [Diamond Labyrinth]. He just needs to rely on his other spirit skills and swordsmanship to fight.

There is nothing else he can do. He can't make things appear out of thin air.

"Come on!"

The enemy started to dart toward me in response to his shout.

Xiao Chen couched his body. He was ready to move in any direction.


The opponent's longsword came toward him parallel to the ground.

Just the sound of it cutting through the air was enough to tell him how sharp it was. It was impossible to block it.

Xiao Chen first flung his body backward. He stretched his arm further to extend the range of his attack, but the distance he created was a bit wider. The longsword slashed the air as it almost touched his chest.


The longsword is strong but it is hard to change directions. After a wide attack, it leaves a big opening.

Xiao Chen dashed forward trying to dig into that opening as he started to swing his sword.


The opponent twisted his body to dodge. He also swung his longsword once more at the same time.

But Xiao Chen had already moved back. It was the hit and run strategy.

Although he failed at landing a critical hit and the damage wasn't big either, he still managed to hurt his opponent.

'There is a chance. As long as I am not greedy.' Xiao Chen squinted his eyes to observe his opponent more clearly.

'Alright! Let's be the hunting dog hunting a bear. Then I can win!'

He did not let his opponent get close. He focused on staying outside the range of the longsword. Unless his opponent showed an opening, He did not approach him at all.

And then at the right moment, Xiao Chen snuck in and swung his sword before retreating again.

It was a boring repetitive battle and was not flashy at all. But this was Xiao Chen's strategy to win.

'He's fast, if I activated my spirit then my body will be enlarged and my movements will be slowed. By then, I will be like a fish on a cutting block.'

The situation was moving the way he wanted it to go. After using this hit and run strategy for over 10 minutes, Xiao Chen managed to cause quite a bit of injury on his opponent. On the other hand, his body was still clean from any injury.

Anybody watching would be saying that time was on Xiao Chen's side.

His opponent knew that as well. He seemed to be getting more anxious as the injuries on his body continued to grow. He started to use more drastic attacks.


His opponent quickly approached Xiao Chen while swinging his longsword as if to say he would make the distance needed to strike.

'Even with a lot of injuries, a tiger is still a tiger. If I get caught even once, the situation will change completely.'

Xiao Chen did not meet his opponent head-on. He moved back as much as he moved forward.

But suddenly, his opponent attempted a pretty careless attack. He stabbed the longsword toward Xiao Chen with full force as if he was throwing his body at him.

If that lands, that one hit would be strong, but if he misses, it would be hard to defend.

'It can be the once in a lifetime chance for me.' Xiao Chen's eyes lited up.


Xiao Chen pushed his feet off the ground and moved his body to the side. The longsword that pierced forward like a spear ended up stabbing the spot he was standing in before.

At the same time, the opponent's side became perfectly visible to him. Completely defenseless.

Xiao Chen twisted his body like he was dodging the longsword and struck his twin swords toward the opponent's side.

'This time I will land a critical hit and retreat. Then the scales of battle will lean in my favor.'


"Spirit Skill - [Moon Devil Blademail]"

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