"So, what kind of item should I make..."

A golden-haired man with heterochromatic eyes could be seen sitting on a couch, contemplating seriously for hours about something.

"Yes, that should be the one!"


One month later

*Si Yu's POV*

"Agh, my head aching badly!"

It seems like I'm still hungover after getting drunk last night, I and my big brother Si Long were celebrating the completion of The Wishful Eight Treasure Soft Armor. We have been working on it for more than five years, even though we just assisting master we still have a hand in it!

Even now I can't stop grinning remembering our achievement, surely it will be a pioneer product that can help non-spirit master and spirit master alike to defend against a spirit master with higher prowess, and that's just the first step! After this, we planned to make something similar but the offensive type instead of the defensive one.

With this, the blacksmith association will thrive and prosper like never before!

"Senior Si! Senior Si! It's bad!"

A series of hurried knocking could be heard from the front door of Si Yu's Building...


Who's so rude early in the morning? darn it, my head still dizzy...

"Ah Piao? what's wrong?"

It's just this little man, he's responsible for selling the association product in the city auction hall. Maybe it's just a minor problem

"Senior Si, in the city auction hall's newest pamphlet there's an item, a defensive item that has been proven to be able to resist the full brunt attack from a spirit emperor! Moreover, it's an armor type just like ours and it didn't hinder the wearer's movement at all!"

Wha- What?!!!

"Impossible! you must be heard it wrong, maybe... maybe it just an attack from spirit elder or spirit ancestor!"

"No, I've not heard it wrong. See it for yourself senior Si." I quickly snatched a pamphlet from Ah Piao's hand. When I saw the product summary, my teeth feel an ache.

No, it can't be! why it has to be now?! We just complete The Wishful Eight Treasure Soft Armor, it still needs to be tested. Even though it said to be able to defend from a spirit king's attack, that's still just the theory! And now a proved defensive item that can take a spirit emperor's attack suddenly appear out of nowhere!

I hope it's just a baseless claim, it has to be! I-I have to make sure of it!

"When will the auction be held?" I just can grit my teeth to speed up our Wishful Eight Treasure Soft Armor's durability test if the auction held a month from now on.

"It's today"


You have to be kidding me, please tell me it's just a prank or something. I promise I won't be mad if you said that...

"Y- You're kidding right?"


FFvvvcccck Yoouuuuuu!!!

"Ah Piao, you tell my brother, Si Long, and the Association Master. I will make my way to auction hall to confirm it."

"Yes, Senior Si!"


In the middle of Gengxin city, a big building decorated with many elegant carving on its wall could with a huge sign hanging above its gate, "GENGXIN CITY AUCTION HALL". Inside, many crowds sitting and intently watching many items auctioned. Sometimes few people bid an item, while at other instances they madly do biddings and make an item's price rose sky-high.

"The next item is the final item, our auction hall feels honored to be trusted by the esteemed craftsman to auctioning this wonderful item."

A gentle voice of the auctioneer reverberated inside the hall, the auctioneer for today event is a beautiful woman. She has shoulder-length beautiful black hair, her bang framing her enchanting face.

All of the people in the auction hall could see a very alluring and mouth-watering figure of her, her body was perfectly shaped with two bountiful mounds hanged on her chest. Coupled with her gentle upbringing and heart-warming smile, she radiating an even more beautiful and mature aura. She wears a white dress with a blue cloud pattern that made her even more irresistible.

"Without further ado, to satisfy our curiosity let us see the item with our own eyes."

With that, the black cloth that covered the item pulled by the auctioneer. A human-sized mannequin wearing a full body suit that mostly blue colored with red colored gloves, boots, mid-section, and mask. The suit was covered with a web pattern that covers the red portions of the suit, starting from the mask at the top to the boots at the bottom. The suit also has a black spider in the center of the chest and a larger red spider on the back, both of different designs. The mask has a clear lens with chrome covering that allows the wearer to see out, without letting others see in. The lens also protects wearer's eyes from dust particles and blinding-type light skill while the wearer is in action.

"Based on the esteemed craftsman's explanation the process itself was very intricate, this suit is made from a refined metal thread that weaved together with 10.000 years old tremor bull's skin on the outside and 6000 years old cloud sheep wool on the inside.

"It has been proved by our auction hall elder that this suit is capable to take a full power attack from a spirit saint. While it has an Impossible defense, it didn't hinder the wearer's movement at all plus it is very comfy to wear."

Hearing the auctioneer's explanation, many peoples become agape. Some of the audiences showing greed filled expression, some skeptical and some despair.

"How can we know that you're not lying?! even the current most sturdy man-made artifact owned by Starfall Royal family only able to defend from a spirit elder's attack"

One person from the upper seat region stood up and questioning loudly, a symbol of a hammer and an anvil embedded on his chest, showing that he's part of blacksmith association.

"I personally tried to attack it with my full powered attack, alas I was failed to even put a scratch on it. It should be enough proof, right? if not then you can ask the old man Ku here."

Another sound bellowed from the VIP region. From there, a valiant figure of a muscular man with thick eyebrows and a bald head could be seen. Many peoples instantly looking at the seated figures at the VIP area and get surprised.

"Greeting City Lord!"

If even the city lord can't even put a scratch on it, then how durable is this suit is? Who's the City Lord? He's a 72nd rank Spirit Saint! He's also a noble with the marquess rank, it is said that he was offered to become a governor after his retirement from the military but he's refused and choose to become a City Lord in his hometown instead.

And beside him is his lifelong rival, the current 4th elder of the Fire Mountain Clan, Ku Jianghai. [1]Fire Mountain clan is famous for its martial spirit amazing raw strength, their clan's spirit is mostly a war ax.The Fire Mountain Clan's position in the Starfall Empire is similar to one of the four lower clans of the Great Heaven Kingdom [2].

"Hmm, that suit is really something. If possible I want to take it to my clan..." The one called Old man Ku by the City Lord was looking at the suit without blinking.

"Hahaha, Keep dreaming old man! This suit will be mine to take!" the city lord snickered hearing Ku Jianghai's words.

"Hmph, this is an auction. Stop your blabbering and let the money talk!"

The two old men keep glaring at each other, unwilling to take a step back.

"Hmph, Dai Baole. Let's see how deep your pocket is! Start the auction already!"

The auctioneer didn't dare to retort and can only smile and announcing the auction to start.

"W-Well, let's start the 'Spider Suit' auction. The starting price is 50.000 gold coins with a minimum increase of 5.000 gold coins!"

[1] Ku that means 'Strong'

[2] Elephant armored Clan, Skywater Clan, Blazing Clan, Godwind Clan.

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