After the mountain pass event, we're continuing our journey to the Yule city while bringing the old village head and the little girl from before which she told us that her name is Tan Xiao. [1]

In Yule city we first went to explore the market area, except for uncle Yi who went to the Yule city's governor to 'taking care' of some matter. We spent times there until dark and the moon shine over us, we decided to have our dinner at one of the most famous restaurant in Yule City that sell many kind of foods, ranged from the cheap tofu to the most expensive seafood.

"Big Brother Mubai, Thank you for helping us to realize the village head's dream." the girl Tan Xiao bowing her head slightly and showing her most brightest smile yet until now.

"Thank you young lord, not only for helping our village by opened a path across the mountain range. But you also taking us to the city I hope I have something to repay your kindness, but as you know I'm dirt poor and this old body of mine is not as strong as it used to be."

The old village head Jie said with a sigh of regret, lamenting his own predicament unable to repay his benefactor. I've tried to assure him many times that it was okay and there's no need for him to repay anything but to no avail.

"Its okay, you two also indirectly helping me to understand the importance of determination and resolve. If you really want to repay me, just ensure that no one from your village went through the same thing as your late wife."

I present them with my smile, they really are a warm people, aren't they?

"But big brother mubai, how can you be so strong? are you a spirit master?"

hearing her Innocent question, I chuckled and pet her head. she just squirming and looked happy when I pet her.

"Yup, you're right. more accurately I'm currently a rank 36th spirit elder, that's whopping two stages above spirit master." I said with a smug face and my head was risen facing the ceiling, It is clearly written 'praise me' all over me. I looked at their reaction and I see that the village head's eyes opened so wide that I fear that his eyeballs would popped out.

I mean I know that I'm awesome, but there's no need for the exaggerated response, right?

"Young... Young lord, I know that you're strong. But, you said that was the might of a rank 36th spirit elder? are all spirit elder were that strong?" The village head surprised and stammered responding to my answer "I mean, I also know some spirit elder but their might aren't even close to you."

"Let's just say I'm an unique existence, alright?" I just laugh it off hearing his response

"Excuse me, here's your order for the main course. Three Sambal Stingray with rices and three warm lemon tea, please enjoy~"

grilled stingray or skate fish with spicy chili sambal barbeque sauce over banana leaf [2]. They look delicious, let's dig in already!

The three of us proceed to eat our food before it turned cold. Fuaah, this is delicious! There is no love sincerer than the love of food! You don't understand it, you feel it!

"Slower you two, the food ain't gone anywhere." When I looked at them and they chewing food like there's no tomorrow, I cannot help but tease them.

"Said the one who clean his plate first" Tan Xiao curling his eyes to me and pouting slightly.

The village head Jie just chuckling happily looking at our bantering, that he do while keep chewing his food. Not long after that, the waitress come again with three cakes for our dessert. We happily received that mouth watering cakes, and the girl Tan Xiao cannot help directly eat the cake without finishing her food first.

And after the first bite...

"DELICIOUS!" Her eyes sparkling as if filled with stars, she cannot help but cupping her hand on her cheek and licking her own lips to fully taste the cake sweetness

"I... I FEEL YOUNGER!" old man Jie have his face wet with his own tears, he flexed his arm muscles like a professional bodybuilder

while me? a dark shadow looming over me, I called the waitress and tell her my wish.

"I want to meet the one who made this cake, now!"

the waitress got flustered hearing my request, but before she reject me, I show her my silver ID plate. She become pale, then immediately escort me to the back kitchen.

"She is the one who have the responsible to make the cake."

The waitress pointing at a 17 years old woman with braided platinum blonde hair wearing an apron. [3] Immediately I approach her and give her a piece of paper written the place address where i'll spent the night in this City.

"Tonight after your work is done, go there. Alone."

That woman surprised with my sudden appearance, and get angry hearing my 'request'.

"Excuse me, but I'm not a woman you can ask around as you wish!"

Showing her my silver ID plate, I give her a sharp stare and turn around then said

"I'm not asking you, I'm Ordering you!"


Later that night, she come knocking to my room's door. Apparently she was pressured by her superior and her whole friends. Hearing her story I cannot help but snicker

"What a good friend you have"

She just biting her lips hearing my remark, her eyes glistening with tears. Unable to hold it out any longer she mustering her courage and saying her thought

"What do you need from me?"

"Become my personal pâtissière!" when she ask me, of course I answered it immediately

She become dumbfounded hearing my immediate answer, her dumbfounded expression is funny XD

"Excuse me?"

"You know, a pâtissière. Like a chef but more focused on bread, cake, and that kind"

"I know what a pâtissière is, but why? why me? why you have to ask me here and not in front of my colleague?"

Wow, I'm surprised with her barrage of questions. Well I know she's under pressure now, I'll just answer it slowly.

"Are you sure you want me to say your secret in front of your colleague?"

"What... What do you mean by secret?

Hearing her, I take out a book from my necklace with 'Book of secrets' written on its cover and open it. [4]

"Osya a.k.a Ao si Ya, when you was kid you're called Yaya by your parents. At your sixth birthday you awakened a twin spirit, the first one is your clan's trademark auxiliary spirit, 'food', In your case i think it is a cake. While the other one is the 'Jade Long-Bow'."

I paused my speech, and looking at her. Her complexion is getting darker by the second

"You have a full innate spirit power when you're awakened. Your clan was ambushed and slaughtered by the Elephant armored clan, lead by their patriarch and supported by the spirit hall by sending one of their titled douluo, the 'Fifteen ton' douluo."

When I said that last sentence, she looked at me with a shocked expression.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" she screamed at me on top of her lungs, its good that I put a silencing barrier...

"Chill woman, there's no need to scream. take a breath and say it nicely."

her face red, not from embarrassment, but from her sudden anger. Then I explain some of the things that I know, after that I let her process the Information. She clenched her fist and her figure down seated on the floor

"So, Yaya. Can I call you that? will you be my personal pâtissière?"

"What will I get from that fro becoming your pâtissière?" she looked at me deeply, clearly hoping something.

seeing her attitude like that, I cannot help grinning madly.

"What will you get? HAHAHAHA, woman. You name it, if you really loyal to me, if you really give your all to me then I, Dai Mubai, will not betray my word to grant you your wish."

"Name it, what do you want? power? revenge? authority?"

I looking at her mad gaze and emitting a slight pressure to challenge her resolve. Her figure looked miserable on the floor, but her gaze is unwavered and she keep looking at me with a clenched fist.


"What? I can't hear you woman!"


Her eyes red, mad light shine brightly on her eyes. her lips bleed because she bit it too hard.

"HAHAHA, Good! Now I bestow a chance to gain power, don't make regret this."

With that I channeled my one thought rule, and brand her with my insignia. I cleanse her meridian and spirit vein, and burn all the impurities away. I haven't bestowed immortal ranked technique to her because she haven't gone through 'soul cleansing' from 'Fear of a Lifetime' formation array.


"Now you're my pâtissière, show me your cake spirit and give me a cake too eat."

"As you wish, master."

She channeled her spirit power and placing her right middle index finger on the edge of her lips

"Mmmfaahhh~, Gimme please, Gimme your thick white stuff." the girls said while licking her lips seductively and a palm sized chiffon cake covered with white cream with strawberry on top appeared on her other hand. [5]

I see her with a deadpanned expression, if this is a comic then this surely counted as fan service, right? at least that what gaben will think.

"Umm, I have to chant to accelerate my spirit skill channeling." she said that with a different kind of red face from before. Then without caring about her antique anymore, I ate her chiffon cake gleefully.

"Wha... What kind of sorcery is this? Its feel so good!" my tongue are really went through many heavens today

[1] Tan mean talk, Xiao mean small


[3] kinda like this but her hair is shorter and the color is different.

[4] Inspired from Yoichi's book of threats

[5] this character inspired from EverGreenGaming comment from the previous chapte

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