"You don't have to stare at me like that. I just want you, little teacher, to change your perception of me."

Ignoring the little teacher who was lying on the recliner on the other side and staring at him angrily, Tian Hao squeezed the juice calmly.

He is no longer the weakling he used to be and is qualified to talk to the little teacher on an equal footing.

"No matter how you change, you still have to call me teacher."

Angrily, she grabbed someone's squeezed juice and took a sip. Bibi Dong was so angry when she recalled her flustered and weak performance just now. She felt as if she was back to the time when she was threatened and bullied by traitors.

That feels so bad.

Tian Hao, who was robbed of juice, smiled and didn't care, and squeezed another glass.

In fact, he is a nostalgic person. For example, he always calls Ling Yuan aunt. When fighting, he will have a special feeling and make people's blood boil more easily.

Naturally, the title "Little Teacher" must be kept and can never be changed.

Someone in his field is so respectful to his teacher!

"Do you have any other ideas about the Kingdom of Hades?"

After taking another sip of juice, Bibi Dong asked about the serious matter.

Compared with the Kingdom of Angels, the development of the Kingdom of Rakshasa is too slow and needs to be accelerated, otherwise it will be unbalanced.

"Can you even see this?"

Tian Hao was surprised, has the little teacher become smarter?

"What's that look in your eyes?"

Bibi Dong couldn't help but glared angrily again, that traitor was so irritating.

“I have been studying the birth process of babies a long time ago and found that it is very simple to cultivate essence, energy and spirit, that is, body, soul and mental power, and even the three are interoperable.

But the soul is different. Although the essence, Qi and Shen are the basis for the soul's gestation, they are just a carrier.

It was not very clear before. It was not until I became a son of the plane that I discovered the mystery of soul gestation, which was similar to my initial guess.

The soul of a living being is indeed not conceived by the body, but by the world, and the cost of nurturing a soul is not low. The gestation of a single soul is nothing to the entire world, but the sum of countless souls is a very deadly thing. amount.

According to my idea, it is just like the blood circulation in the human body. It flows from the blood vessels on one side to all parts of the body, then from all parts of the body to the blood vessels on the other side, and finally flows back to the heart and is squeezed out by the heart to form a complete loop.

But unfortunately, the soul of a creature after death does not return to heaven and earth, but disappears inexplicably, as if being pulled away by some existence, and does not return to heaven and earth to form a cycle.

I guess those souls should have been dragged to the underworld in myths and legends. In short, it is a similar place. This is detrimental to the development of our plane.

Therefore, our plane has developed for who knows how many thousands of years, but it has almost always stayed at the same place, and even regressed a little.

This is not normal. The world can also be regarded as a living being, and it can naturally grow and expand.

Therefore, we need to trap this part of the souls that have been dragged away in our plane, and form a big cycle with the world's gestation of souls. We even create a mechanism that directly draws and washes the souls after death into blank souls. , put into the fetus of a new creature to breed consciousness and achieve a brand new individual.

This allows the plane to save this power and use it for its own growth and evolution.

I call this set of thoughts samsara, like a cycle that goes on and on.

The rebirth system we created before is actually an early experimental version of this idea. If this plan is to be completed, it will definitely receive a wave of approval and blessing from the will of the plane.

You already have a god position, and I’m curious whether there will be any changes if you add the power of plane will..."

Tian Hao expressed his previous thoughts on this aspect. When he was building the Kingdom of the Underworld, he referred to the underworld in the myths and legends of previous lives, but he had reservations about the concept of reincarnation.

The main reason is that Rakshasa God had just joined the team at that time, so he didn’t know enough about him yet, so he had to be careful.

Secondly, there was no basis for copycat reincarnation at that time, and then there was insufficient understanding of the mysteries of heaven and earth, especially the soul.

This time, his identity as the son of the plane allowed him to finally understand many problems and further improve the reincarnation plan to make it more suitable for the situation in this world.


Looking at the Death Scythe that suddenly shook and gestured on his forehead, Tian Hao saw a black line on his forehead.

Are you finished yet, mother-in-law?

"How on earth do you have such a big brain?"

After gesticulating for a long time, Bibi Dong had to regretfully insert the Death Scythe next to the traitor's head. She suppressed the urge to open the traitor and study it for countless times.

Although this traitor always contradicts himself by deceiving his master and destroying his ancestors, he has to admit that his brain is really useful. It is completely different from that of normal people. His brain holes are endless one after another.

"It's not very safe outside right now, so take it with you just in case."

Leaving behind a few words, Bibi Dong tore apart the space and left.

The Death Scythe is her exclusive weapon. It is a fellow cultivator with herself and bound to the divine throne. Now it has been refined by her to the level of a quasi-divine weapon. Although it is not as good as the Angel Holy Sword and the Rakshasa Demon Scythe as the main artifacts, it is even more powerful. He couldn't defeat the Poseidon Trident and Shura Divine Sword, which were super artifacts, but he would definitely have no problem fighting against Tang Chen's Shura Demon Sword that was condensed with Shura divine power.

As for the Shura Divine Sword in the traitor's first spirit, it was too sensitive and should not be exposed. It would be better to use his Death Scythe as a life-saving trump card.

Anyway, I won't need that thing if I stay in the Kingdom of Hades. The upgrade of that thing also depends on the improvement of the divine status, so it is useless to keep it around.

"It's been sacrificed to 10,000 catties."

Tian Hao couldn't help but frown as he picked up the Death Scythe and swung it with his body strength alone.

This Death Scythe weighs 10,000 kilograms, but it is an agility weapon. If you want to bring out its power, you have to swing it at a certain speed, which requires at least 100,000 kilograms of strength.

But after the last Soul Master Competition, the explosive power of his body was only 20,000 jins. After that, he completed the soul bone formation of flesh and blood cells, and continued to use the power of Qi and blood to increase his basic explosive power to 50,000 jins. level.

"When will I reach the level of Milkman?"

Leaning the Death Scythe on the ground, Tian Hao was filled with envy and depression.

Thinking about other time-travelers, they all have the adult Huangtian Emperor as their goal, but I have to shamefully chase after the infant Huangtian Emperor.

Everyone is called Hao, why is the gap so big?

Is he too good at it, or is Douluo's world too stretched?

"You kid can't do it. You had to go in just now and take down Xiao Dong'er in one fell swoop."

A broad palm patted his shoulder, and Golden Crocodile Douluo looked like he hated iron.

This kid stretched his crotch too much and didn't even take a step further at the most critical moment.

"It's not that I'm not good enough, it's that I'm not strong enough. If I really push the teacher's bottom line and push her into a panic, she'll really chop me up.

You can't eat stinky tofu in a hurry, you have to take your time. "

Spreading his hands helplessly, Tian Hao did not want to follow the original fate of his father-in-law.

And there is no point in using force. He prefers to see the strong and domineering side of the little teacher, especially in their first master-disciple duel.

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