Dorei Tensei – Sono Dorei Saikyou no Moto Ouji ni Tsuki –

Chapter 134 Slavery, Resurrection of the Dead Magic, and Point 1

It would have been nothing if only the first severe pain had been overcome.

In the spreading white world, blinking light sparkles for an instant, inadvertently closing your eyelids.

I can't hear anything.

I don't even know where this is.

But when he lifted his eyelids, he was there.


In a world where nothing but white lasts forever, there is only one way to preserve the shape that is likely to disappear.

The mental body, not the physical body, can be understood by looking at one's own body.

It's dangerous enough to disappear like smoke, even though a part of your body is temporarily damaged just by moving it.

Still, the overhead Celestia responded to my voice and stopped moving.

"Come back! Now you can bring me back to life with my magic."

However, the looking Celestia's eyes have no color.

The person seems unconscious, just staring at me, fluffy and drifting through the universe, gradually leaving me.

There must be a decisive difference between me, who came here magically, and Celestia, who is here to die.

Over and over, over and over again, I keep calling out Celestia's name.

It doesn't matter if the pain burns in my throat with a loud voice.

Celestia stared at my stretched fingertips and reached out to herself as if she had finally understood our intentions.

----The moment the fingertips touched each other and held hands, Celestia's whole body was overflowing with emotions.

"Walrus... I still want to live, I can't die here."

"It's okay. Calm down. I will bring you back to life."

Holds Celestia in tears at the corner of her eyes.

In places like this, you can't feel the dignity and style of the usual princess.

A sixteen-year-old, age-appropriate girl.

Such a Celestia's gaze is on my lower body.

So they finally realized what it was like to be me in this space.

My lower body had already become thin chained, intertwined several times without knowing where it was extending or how to return it.

Even if I can restore this body, I don't even know if I can bring it back from there by this resurrection magic.

Even with that in mind, time is just passing by.

Even with Celestia in my arms, my body gradually breaks down into chains.


When I thought I'd rest, I heard voices from nowhere.

A powerful voice that seems gentle and intense, scolding and encouraging.

With that voice. A feeling like magic is poured into your body.

"Hold on! I will send you my magic, please don't stop the magic!

"Fiel, can you hear me!?"

"It will succeed! Don't give up!

You won't answer my question.

Apparently he can't hear us.

In view of Fiel's words and the current situation, it seems that my body is chained, which has something to do with the fact that the body is about to become magically depleted.

I don't have consciousness there. I don't think I can perform magic transformation.

Celestia, stay with me.

Celestia, who pressed her face against my chest, nodded silently.

I don't feel the smell, body temperature or anything like that directly because of the mental body.

Still, I can feel it from my trembling shoulders and rough breathing.

The moment you recognise it again, your heart, which was pulsating so much as it was about to burst, startled to regain calm.

"--- Is that where Fiel's voice comes from?"

Once calm is restored, Fiel's voice will be heard very strongly.

I instantly understood the distance, the direction, and the approximate time to reach there.

Believe that voice and just go straight down.

◆ ◇ ◆

"Mr. Walls, wake up quickly! As it is, both of you...."

Fiel's voice, which was about to cry, stuck to her ear.

It seems that she has managed to come back, but she still feels dull and can't tell the harm her soul was away from, she can't move as if she was thinking about her body, and where Fiel is.

I try the magic circle, but it doesn't work as well as usual.

Apparently, the soul has not settled in the body yet, and the situation is worse.

If Ars finds out that my consciousness is back, I don't know what to do.

In a different sense, a sense of crisis is being recruited.

"How unusual. Not only do you fail magic, but you can't control your magic that much."

"... I won't fail. Surely... Celestia will come back to life."

"That's impossible. For once a soul that leaves the flesh loses its attachment to the flesh. There's no point in doing anything to a soul that's finished living."

Shortly afterwards, Fiel's trembling voice sounded.

I can recognize that it is a distance where emotions are more clearly conveyed than before.

I'm sure he's confronting Arus with his angry expression.

"I can't help it anymore," he said coldly, feeling Ars approaching. "Fiel, I'll give you a choice. I'll kill you, or I'll stab myself with that waist."

"... I don't choose either. I will fight you to protect Mr. Walls."

"... you can call me that name... I guess I wasn't even Ars Ditland anymore."

The magic of Lyrium swells up as Arus releases his killer air.

Except for the two of us, there's no sign of the Alchemy Doll virus.

Fiel and Eines won't win, and it's only a matter of time before they get killed.

I feel like my body boils with anger because of my impudence.

----Crawling on the ground at a time like this, I can't do anything. What am I here for?

If Fiel were left to die, what was the vow he made then?

Leaving it to anger and putting all the force into your fingertips, it's slight, but your fingertips move.

At that moment, it came first.

"Kahah... hahahah..."

Celestia breathed back and she heard her breathing resume roughly.

The magic isn't stable, but I can still feel it recovering little by little.

"--- What do you mean... why is Celestia breathing..."

Ars' upsetting voice echoes.

"This can't be happening... this guy made it... impossible... this can't be happening!

"Mr. Ilus...."

"You're... completely broken."

Unlike Fiel, who calls out his name as if he were murmuring, I feel that Eines' words contain a sense of compassion.

"annoying... annoying, annoying, annoying!!... all of them have disappeared... the resurrection magic of the dead has not been completed from the beginning. I will complete the resurrection magic in a more perfect way. Never created a Wallseye there! This is a failure. Come on, Lilium, kill them now!

Following orders, the magic of Lyrium is rising.

It soon became clear that I was trying to use that magic again.

------If we only have a little more time, we can move completely.

However, I could instantly understand that I couldn't make it in time from now on.

At the same time as his anger at himself who can't do anything, he resuscitated Lilium even though it was a pseudo work, and against Ars who was doing such a dirty job, there was an irreplaceable anger.

It must have been the same desire to start working on the resurrection magic of the dead to see what brought Lyrium back to life.

Lilium is by no means a person who does this.

Strong and noble, with a noble spirit, he was a role model for everyone.

How come it's just a killing doll?

"I wouldn't give up in a situation like this if it were Lilium. I'll definitely try to resist....."

At the same time as I shouted, the magic was released from the rhenium.

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