This is the third time I have come to the Kingdom of Carlitz since I was reincarnated.

The people of King's Landing do not seem to know that Iris has been displaced, and if there is no confusion at all, people who are still drinking alcohol on the dishes of Ars Ditland's activity will see.

The city is vibrant enough to make you wonder how much fake Ars defeated it, but you haven't received any information that the Volmus kingdom was destroyed by the Hulkeater (Hell Artio).

"I didn't think I'd come back again."

"It's true that I'm a jerk too. I thought I'd never see Ars again."

Fiel murmured with tears as Eines stroked Fitnell's head and looked at the royal palace as it looked away.

Fierr had just left, but I don't know the details of when Eines left, but if Ars came back and left soon, it would be the first time in 17 years in the world.

For Aines, who was in the spiritual world, it is unclear whether the time is the same as human beings.

"Wallace, it's nice to be in King's Landing, but you're not going in the front, are you?

"I think we should go the other way through a hidden escape corridor known only to the royal family. You wouldn't expect anyone to attack you on the contrary. I don't know how convenient it would be to have Eines."

"I just have a bad feeling about this."

Eines pulled her cheeks and hid in Fiel's robe.

"Hidden passages, where do you dive into the basement?"

"Speaking of underground, it's underwater, technically."


Take Fiel, who looks like he doesn't understand well, and aim to get out of King's Landing.

It is a district lined with mills and mills along the river, and is rarely accessible due to the strict management of the merchant guild that owns them.

"I'd stand out if I were here," Fiel whispered to the man on guard.

"It won't be a problem if it stands out. It takes time to call the guards, and above all, they won't even call the Guild-owned mill."

With that said, I'm heading for one of the water wheel huts.

"Hey hey! You just said yourself, you're not going to report me unless you do something! What do you think you're doing trying to get into that arrow?"

Eines desperately pulled her hand to the door handle and Fiel stared at me worriedly.

I wonder if they think I've touched you...

"Look closely, the men on guard will not be responding."

"If that's what they say. But why?

"If you look closely at this hut, you'll see the answer for yourself."

Fiel's ears twitched in comparison to the hut around him, indicating a perceived reaction.

"There's no sound from the mill. Besides, the water wheel in the back is not moving."

"This isn't an alliance mill. It's supposed to be the property of the country, but it's a fake water wheel hut."

No matter how many years have passed, it would be helpful if you stayed here.

If there was no place left, there would have been no choice but to get out of there and breathe relief.

"Hmm, that's right. But there's no one who would normally be interested in something like this."

Eines stares at the security guard who doesn't care about us.

"Well, I guess you're making your own assumptions because you and I are going in together."

"Two men and two women? What's that?"

Fiel noticed next to Ainez, who was covering her neck, and her face turned red and she leaned down.

When I entered, it was dark during the day, and the mill that did not move was left covered in dust.

Next to that, a cloth was placed on the straw that I did not know who had laid it, and something like a simple bed was made, and I was told how it was used from day to day.

"Ah, ahhhh! That's what it is!

Aines began to float fluffily on the simple bed as soon as he reached a point.

"There's also a problem with people not coming at all, so I told them to use it freely."

I didn't really want to use it this way, but the reality in front of me revealed it.

"So, what brings you here?" Ainez turned to face full of frustration.

I don't think I'm going to go to battle for my life or death now. I feel that my mouth is unexpectedly relaxed by Ainez's unusual attitude.

"Fieldhu! Walrus is so fucked, he's finally fucked!

"What I need is this well."


Towards Ainez, who showed his stupid face, he pointed to an old well that no one would have used.

A wooden lid is attached, it has no waist height, and without a lid it is extremely dangerous.

"This well is connected to the well in the Royal Palace. Of course, the corridor is filled with water."

"I wonder how far it is to the royal palace. Normal magician magic won't hold my breath."

"When the magic was Arus, I could not use it unless I could always convert magic into magic. It's called a flaw escape."

"... that's why you're using your balls."

When I smiled back, Einus looked down at the well as she thought.

"Yes, I'll lead you. If you go while converting this distance, you won't be able to move with your spikes when you face Arus."

Without such inefficient magic conversion, my health would be too good for twelve minutes, but I almost ran, but thanks for the favor.

"Well, let's sweeten up Eines' words here. It would be helpful if you could retreat the water in the aisle."

"I can't help it, I'll help you. But only once, okay? While saying so, Aines breathed roughly and suddenly showed her motivation.

"When you arrive at the royal palace, Eines will escort Fiel, and Fiel will protect himself."


"That's what I'm going to do without being told. There's only one thing you need to do, so just stay focused."


Eines looks me in the eye and dives into the well with peace of mind.

But I never saw Fiel's face.

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