The five-masted sailing ship floating on the ice sea is about 100 meters long and completely black. Even the worn sails on the mast are all black. The surface of the five huge sails is painted with a pattern of red paint, which looks a bit like It is a magic symbol, and it also looks like an abstract animal pattern, but because the sail is too worn out, it is impossible to see the whole picture, but I can feel a strong breath of blood rushing towards my face;

The five-masted sailboat floated quietly on the ice sea like this, and there was silence on board, with no operator in sight, just like a wrecked ship without crew;

What is that, ghost ship? Hong Feng asked in a low voice;

Xu Feng shook his head. The strange appearance of this ship is not as simple as it looks. It seems that there is no one on board, but Xu Feng can feel that there is a strong and surging force inside the ship, moving towards all directions like waves. diffusion;

Slightly closing his eyes, Xu Feng actually felt a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood appearing in front of him, and countless armored skeletons swarmed in the sea of ​​blood;

Seeing the sailboat approaching the Ice Sea Camp unhurriedly, Xu Feng's heart sank;

Notify me, evacuate this place immediately, that ship looks a little weird. Xu Feng said in a low voice;

Evacuate? Hong Feng was a little surprised. Now the entire Ice Sea camp can be said to have gathered more than 90% of the strong people in the world. Can a sailing ship threaten their existence?

However, Hong Feng still attached great importance to Xu Feng's words, so he went down immediately and arranged for the evacuation;


At this moment, a huge silver ice fish broke out of the ice and danced around the strange black five-masted sailboat. The appearance of the ice fish king made the sailboat, which was full of deathly flavor, seem to have become strange. a little angry;

Ice Soul Fish King! The onlookers shouted one after another, some bold ones even rushed directly towards the black sailboat;

Xu Feng found that when someone rushed towards the sailboat, the speed of the sailboat seemed to increase a bit, and the ice layer was constantly breaking, squeezing towards the ice sea camp;

I'm afraid it's too late to retreat, get ready to fight. Xu Feng sighed, and his keen fighting instinct told him that the opponent was not kind;

clap clap clap clap ~

Breaking through the icy sea of ​​ice, a group of palm-sized silverfish jumped out of the water one after another, flew towards the sailboat more than ten meters high, landed on the deck, and kept beating;

Ice soul fish, all ice soul fish! Someone exclaimed;

School of ice fish, there are indeed schools of ice fish here, damn it, why have we searched here for so many days, but still haven't seen any fish, when this strange sailboat appeared, these ice fish seemed to be stupid , and jump onto the sailboat by yourself?

Could it be that this is a fishing boat that specializes in hunting ice fish?

Come on, rush to that boat, there are so many ice apparition fish, we will get rich this time, haha!


After the initial surprise, everyone shouted and rushed towards the black five-masted sailing ship, especially the blood bears and the members of the Dark Council, almost the whole nest was dispatched;

Idiots, can't you see that the sailboat is weird, are you rushing to die? Give me all back! Standing on an ice rock, the Dark Werewolf roared loudly, waving his thick arms, and ordered the Dark Council The people withdrew, but only a few people obeyed his order, and the others all pretended not to hear, rushing towards the black sailboat;

Carter, don't waste your energy. Santerine's old face showed a sneering smile: The Dark Council has never been a nanny-like guild. Everyone is only responsible for their own actions. If they are going to die, let them Let them go, you can't stop them from throwing themselves into the arms of death, haha!

Santrine, do you still have the strength to fight again? Carter asked with white gas from his mouth and nose;

Carter also felt that a big battle was coming, and only Santerine could help him now, but seeing Santerine's appearance at this time, Carter was also uncertain;

It's a big loss. Santlin took a peek at Xu Feng in the distance, and she was still a little frightened. She knew that Xu Feng's powerful figure might have been imprinted in her heart, becoming something like a demon.

But as long as there is enough blood, I can recover immediately. Santerin whispered;

Then what are you waiting for, those idiots died in vain, why don't you donate their blood, and make a small contribution to the upcoming battle! The dark werewolf Carter's scarlet eyes flashed with a bloodthirsty look;

A strange smile appeared on the corner of Santerine's mouth: You are right, Carter.

As soon as the words fell, Santerine turned into a wisp of reddish mist, and swept towards the people who were rushing towards the dark sailboat;

It was like a gust of reddish wind passing by the running and shouting people. The running person suddenly felt his body getting lighter and lighter. When he realized something was wrong, he suddenly realized that he The energy and blood all over his body had dried up, and he turned into a skinny zombie-like existence;

How could this be... Countless withered people fell one by one on the way to charge, and before they died, they couldn't think of who they were attacked by;

However, just as Santerin plundered dozens of people's blood, an angry roar suddenly came from inside the black five-masted sailing ship;

Who dares to snatch the blood of the great Spear of Frozen Hell, Captain Dougsola!

The roar was deep and majestic, spreading to the ears of everyone in the Ice Sea camp. Santerine, who had recovered to her girlish appearance, suddenly felt a piercing cold gaze locked on her body;

This gaze, as if a natural enemy was staring at the prey, made Santlin's heart tremble, and with a whoosh, it turned into a bloody arrow and rushed towards the ice sea camp;

Help me, Carter! Santerine exclaimed;


A huge, rusty anchor, dragging a black iron chain, whizzed and flew towards Santerine's direction, and directly hit the bloody sharp arrow fiercely;


There was a scream, and the bloody long arrow more than one meter long was smashed into pieces, turning into a puddle of foul blood with a stench, and splashed on an ice mound;

At this time, dense figures appeared on the deck of the pitch-black five-masted sailboat. These sailors in shabby linen clothes, skinny zombies, frantically grabbed the ice souls on the deck as soon as they appeared. The fish, stuffed into his mouth, while eating the ice apparatus, while squatting halfway, raised his head and let out bursts of crazy roars;


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