Doomsday Sword Immortal Online Game

Chapter 1047 Cherry Blossom Love

The Cherry Blossom Country has already been destroyed. When the tide of alien beasts broke out, all creatures in the entire Cherry Blossom Country were wiped out. They even used the Cherry Blossom Country as a base to spread towards Korea and China.

If it hadn't been for Xu Feng's decisive decision to go to the Cherry Blossom Country to destroy the mother emperor of the alien beast, according to the progress of the previous life, the Han Dynasty would have been destroyed by now, and Huaxia was also suffering from the harassment of the alien beast.

But now all of these are gone, and the entire Cherry Blossom Country now only has the city-level camp of Six Pillars City, and the rest of the place is a wilderness.

In fact, there are still many alien beasts in Sakura Country. Without the queen mother, these alien beasts have transformed into monsters that are no different from other monsters. They no longer only need the queen mother to breed, but their number is much higher than that of the other monsters. Much less than before.

After the tide of alien beasts ended, the surviving citizens of the entire Cherry Blossom Kingdom began to slowly move towards the Six Pillar City, and they had already regarded the Six Pillar City as their last refuge.

Therefore, there are many people from the Cherry Blossom Kingdom living in the Six Pillars City. The Six Pillars City is constantly expanding and there is a shortage of manpower. After Zheng Yi became the lord of the city, he also began to recruit people from the Cherry Blossom Kingdom to help him build the city. Therefore, his subordinates have many people from the Cherry Blossom Kingdom. people.

My lord, this is Thirteen Lang, my personal bodyguard! Zheng Yi quickly explained when he heard Xu Feng's question.

What he is practicing is the art of hidden killing. Xu Feng asked softly.

After the Alien Beast destroyed the Sakura Country in the previous life, many people from the Sakura Country went to live in China one after another, and even established a killer organization called Sakura. The killers in this organization were all practicing hidden killing techniques. When the kung fu is cultivated to a high level, the breath in the body is like that of ordinary people. Once it explodes, it can exert double power. There is even a killer weapon similar to berserk. Once released, it can even kill the enemy by leaps and bounds. But then he will die soon.

This attack method is called the Love of Cherry Blossoms by the people of the Cherry Blossom Country. Every time they violently kill an enemy, it is when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. Xu Feng has also fought against such enemies before, and understands the horror of this kind of killer.

Hearing the art of hidden killing from Xu Feng's mouth, Thirteen Lang's expression changed, and a look of fear flashed in his eyes, and he asked, How did you know about the art of hidden killing?

Seeing the bewildered look on Zheng Yi's face, Xu Feng sighed in his heart. Zheng Yi is really not expected to be a city lord. It is certain that although the Six Pillars City is now owned by Zheng Yi in name, in fact, I am afraid it has been taken by this name. The killer organization for Sakura was evacuated.

How many petals are you in the cherry blossom organization? Xu Feng asked suddenly.

In the cherry blossom organization, the ranks are distinguished by petals, from one petal to nine petals, the higher the number, the higher the status in the cherry blossom organization. Xu Feng looked at the cuffs of Shisanrou Dog, and saw cherry blossoms embroidered with golden silk thread on his cuffs. Regardless of the complete cherry blossoms, Xu Feng stared at his cuffs, looking at the inconspicuous position, embroidered with seven cherry blossom petals.

Seeing Xu Feng looking at the cuffs of his sleeves, Shisanrou the dog shuddered and quickly covered the cuffs.

Seven-petal cherry blossom, it seems that you have a high status in the cherry blossom organization. Xu Feng chuckled and said, Are you the one who plans to replace Zheng Yi in the future?

Replace, what replace? Zheng Yi showed a confused look on his face, as if he couldn't understand what Xu Feng was saying, but Shisan Lang, the dog, showed a terrified look on his face.

With a sharp flick of his body, a dagger emitting dark golden light appeared in his palm and rushed towards Xu Feng.


With a crisp sound, the dagger seemed to have encountered some obstacle a foot away from Xu Feng, and the dog Thirteen Lang was directly bounced back.

Li Min, remember, the Six Pillars City may have become the headquarters of the Sakura Organization. After you accept it, you must thoroughly investigate and uproot this organization. This organization will continue to survive! Xu Feng ordered indifferently.

Yes, Lord City Master! Li Min stood behind Xu Feng and replied respectfully.

Six Pillars City belongs to our Cherry Blossom Country! The six people behind Zheng Yi stood up at the same time, with black flames burning all over their bodies.

Jianyan? Xu Feng narrowed his eyes, and after feeling it carefully, he shook his head and said, No, it's the power of Qi and blood. This is your trump card, Sakura Love.

Xu Feng recalled that in his previous life, he was once defeated by this skill called Sakura Love, and now he looks back at his original self, how weak and pitiful he was.

Shisanrou the Inu slowly backed away, and stood among the six people. Black flames were burning on the surfaces of the seven people's bodies, which looked similar to the star-level Jieyan, but in fact they were not the same thing at all. .

However, after the release of the black flames, the strength of these seven people has greatly increased, and they have barely broken through the nine-star peak and reached the level of a planetary star.

I came here with Zheng Yijun today to kill you, for the restoration of the Sakura Kingdom, you can die! the puppy Thirteen Lang shouted.

The seven of them rushed towards Xu Feng at the same time, their speed was extremely fast, but in Xu Feng's eyes, they were as slow as snails.

Slowly summoning the flying sword, Xu Feng thought for a while, then took the flying sword back, raised two fingers of his right hand, and gently swiped towards the seven people.

All of a sudden, a silver sword light appeared, and in an instant, Xu Feng drew hundreds of sword lights. In the eyes of Shisan Lang, the dog only felt a piece of silver light shining, but he couldn't see a huge sword net composed of sword lights.


The bodies of the seven people were cut into pieces, and the whole city lord's mansion was filled with a strong smell of blood. Zheng Yi knelt on the ground with a frightened expression on his face. None of them responded.

At this moment, he understood a little bit what Xu Feng said just now. After thinking about it for a while, Zheng Yi suddenly showed a look of embarrassment and anger. A look of relief.

How many people from the Cherry Blossom Country are in the Six Pillars City now, and how many people from the Cherry Blossom Country are among the city officials? Xu Feng asked softly, not paying any attention to the smell of blood in the city lord's mansion.

Zheng Yi's body was already covered with blood, but he remained motionless, knelt down and said, The current population of Liuzhu City is more than 60%, and they are all from the country of Cherry Blossom. More than three floors.

Okay, now you step down as the city lord and hand it over to Li Min. Xu Feng shook his head, not wanting to say anything more.

Although he was a bit reluctant, Zheng Yi had no choice but to hand over the lord of the Six Pillars City to Li Min.

Take the city guards and clean the Six Pillar City well. Let them know that the Cherry Blossom Kingdom has been destroyed. The Six Pillar City is Huaxi's Six Pillar City and my Xu Feng's Six Pillar City! Xu Feng said. Commanded in a cold voice, the words revealed a strong killing intent and bloody taste.


Thank you Lord Lucifer for the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friends~

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