Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 213: The power behind the scenes finally revealed

Suddenly, crystal clear raindrops fell from the sky out of thin air. The raindrops drenched from Di Ping's head, and every raindrop from his head seemed to seep into his body.

From the head to the chest to the lower abdomen and then to the limbs, and finally from the soles of the feet, it seems to wash his identity. Every drop of crystal washes his body, and he feels his body seems to be a little transparent and a little lighter.

Di Ping was enjoying the moisture of the crystal raindrops, and his whole body was warm, like an unborn baby wandering in his mother's body, warm and comfortable.

If anyone in the room at this time will find that his breathing is getting lighter and lighter, his face is even more warm and innocent like a baby smile, and his body seems to be surrounded by a faint luminous light, flashing. , It’s not easy to see it without paying attention in the dark night.

I don't know how long it took, Di Ping woke up in this feeling, he really wanted to stay in the middle of this feeling.

Suddenly, Di Ping didn't know where there was a suction, and he was suddenly sucked away from the white light. He only felt that his eyes were dark, and he quickly opened his eyes. Only then did he realize that he was still sitting on the bed with five hearts facing the sky. Sitting in a cross position.

He knew that there was a cultivation experience in the Yuqing Zhen tactics, and one of them said that the time of cultivation should not be too long. Once the body can't bear it, it will automatically leave the cultivation state. Thinking about it, just time has reached it and he has been forcibly driven away.

Di Ping looked at the time and suddenly felt a little weird.

He remembered that it was only six o'clock when he was practicing, and it was eight o'clock now, three hours later, and he felt that it was only a few minutes, and he had never expected it to be so fast.

As the myth says, cultivation has no years.

Di Ping put down his emotions, jumped out of the bed, stretched his waist, only feeling refreshed, his mind is very clear, and many things that he forgot before flashed in his mind again.

"Does one night practice have such an effect?"

Di Ping was a little surprised. He just practiced overnight. He felt that his mind had become a lot brighter. He had a feeling that if he were to go to school now, his grades would be very good.

Because he had just wanted to learn, the knowledge he had learned before quickly appeared in his mind. The memory of the corner of the Pacific that he didn't know he had forgotten had come out again, and he remembered it clearly.

No wonder that in the exercise system, he saw Yuqing Zhenjue, which was marked as a super-grade exercise method beyond the SS level. It said that after practicing with nine levels, he could cross the void and travel the starry sky with spiritual thoughts.

It's just that he only has the first three levels, and the back technique is too expensive, he doesn't even dare to think about it.

Pressing his mood, he came to the window and saw that it was already bright outside, and the rain stopped miraculously after a few days.

The sun rose again, and the sunlight shot into the room through the window. The room was extremely bright, and many people in the community were walking, and dozens of people were busy in the manor field.

At this time, Di Ping saw hundreds of people gathered on the castle square. He didn't know what they were talking about, but all the management staff of the castle were there, and they were saying something.

Although Di Ping stood on the tower, he could see clearly, but he couldn't hear what these people were saying, but he felt that things were not easy, so he turned and opened the door to go downstairs.

"the host!"

As soon as Di Ping opened the door, he saw Patton standing at the door saluting himself.

"What happened under Button?"

Di Ping immediately asked when he saw Button guarding here.

"Master, there is a crowd below to make trouble!"

Patton replied respectfully.

"Make trouble? What's the trouble?"

Di Ping was a little confused for a while. So many people gathered in the early morning to make trouble. Did you have nothing to do if you were full?

"The master thing is like this..."

Button then told Di Ping what happened!

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