Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 208: The shopping system is really convenient

"What is the third floor of Doro?"

After looking at it for a while, Di Ping knew that the second floor was all selling materials. After looking at it for a long time, I didn't find anything to look at. He didn't have what he needed urgently, so he had to ask Duolo what was on the third floor.

"Master, please here, you will know when you go up and see!"

Doro did not immediately explain to Di Ping but reached out and asked Di Ping to go up to the third floor. Di Ping had to walk towards the third floor.

The third floor is smaller than the second floor. The hall is only 100 square meters, only five screens, and there is only one staff member. Di Ping walked over.

"Master, 1578 welcomes you!"

The robot doll is still the same as the previous doll, smiling and saluting to Di.

Di Ping smiled and nodded to the robot puppets in response. He always felt that these puppets were real people, and he really couldn't distinguish them from humans, so he still treated them as real people and gave them the respect they deserve.

"Master, come and take a look!"

Doro had already walked to the counter and pointed to the screen for Dipin to look over.

Di Ping heard the words and walked over. He was immediately overjoyed. It turns out that the things displayed on this screen are really similar to the things in the game. What do you say is displayed inside? That is what Di Ping wants most, and what he needs most at the moment, that is weapons and equipment.

There are many types of screens, including weapons, armors, accessories, exercises, martial arts, and medicines. This makes Di Ping's eyes bright, and immediately under Doro's guidance, he controls the displayed items on a console on the cabinet.

He first clicked on the exercises interface, and sure enough, hundreds of exercises were displayed on the interface. Di Ping checked them one by one, including the mage of the mage, the practice exercises of the warrior, and Di Ping drooled all kinds of things. It was just that when he swept the price below, he suddenly poured cold water on his head.

He saw a variety of exercises, the names are even more weird, and the prices are high and low, and some of the high prices are scary. This is not what he can buy now. After seeing a copy of the exercise, there is a 9 in front of it. After zero, his eyes almost protruded. It was too expensive, and it cost 900 million. He felt dizzy even when he looked at it?

Enduring reluctance, he had to close the exercises interface, click on the skill page, and understand at a glance, it turned out that all the martial arts secrets sold in it were all martial arts secrets, and the three skills he learned were all in it. The skill classification was very detailed. , All professions are displayed separately, and there are some general skills, Di Ping's mouth watered.

He carefully checked the purchase price, and then he took a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it is not too expensive. The three skills he learned can only be regarded as basic skills, only one hundred crystal coins, and one of them is C-level. The second-tier warrior group attack skill "Flame Splitting" is divided into three levels. The first level can split a knife energy, the second level can split two, and the third level can split three. It is powerful and inexpensive. As long as 800 crystal coins, this makes Di Ping very excited, 800 crystal coins are not many, which he can still get.

There are many fighter skills, but only the basic skills Di Ping can buy, and Di Ping learns that there are three who don’t think they need to buy them. They can learn advanced skills after the second level. He doesn’t have many coins in his pocket. He was reluctant to use it indiscriminately, and he saw the basic skills, and there was not much that attracted him, so he turned off the skills and checked the pill.

"Awakening potion?"

As soon as he opened the interface, Di Ping saw the name of a potion at a glance, and suddenly screamed.

He hurriedly clicked on the awakening potion to check, it was really used for supernatural awakening, ordinary people can use it, but the awakening rate is only a poor 50%, the more potential, the easier it is to awaken, and some people who are not talented are harder to awaken. .

Di Ping looked at the price, and his heart was cold again. A bottle of potion actually cost 1,000 crystal coins, and this is only the elementary awakening potion, as well as the intermediate and advanced ones. The success rates of these awakening potions are different, with only 50% for beginners and intermediate ones. It can reach 70%, and advanced can reach more than 95%, but the price is directly 50,000 crystal coins, Di Ping looked dizzy, let alone ordinary people.

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